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Unlocking the Secrets of the Heart – Scientists Create a Miniature Heart in a Petri Dish

The Technical University of Munich has successfully developed a “mini-heart” organoid using stem cells, providing a model that could enhance our understanding of heart development and diseases. The innovative organoid, consisting of both heart muscle cells and outer heart layer cells, enables the replication of patient-specific heart conditions and may reduce reliance on animal testing in future drug development. (Artist’s concept.)Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have successfully induced stem…

“Nearly Identical to a Human’s” – Scientists Successfully Create Adrenal Gland in a Petri Dish

The structure and function of adrenal gland ‘organoids’ grown in a petri dish at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine closely replicated that of the human adrenal gland, according to a new study. Credit: Sasaki Laboratory/Penn VetA team at the University of Pennsylvania successfully induced stem cells to exhibit the properties and functions of a human adrenal gland, a development that may pave the way for new treatments for adrenal inadequacies.The adrenal gland, located above the kidneys, is vital…

Scientists taught brain cells in a petri dish how to play Pong

A group of scientists out of Melbourne, Australia have proven that brain cells in a dish can learn how to play Pong. The experiment is one of the first times that cells like this have shown the ability to perform goal-oriented tasks. The scientists call the system “DishBrain,” and it’s made up of 800,000 human and mouse neurons grown in culture together. They then mounted the neurons together on an array of microelectrodes so they could read all the activity happening within the brain cells in the dish as…