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The Forgiven review – brooding tale of crime and punishment starring Fiennes and Chastain | Drama films

Beneath the garishly brittle portrait of ghastly westerners lording it up in Morocco, there’s a low-key, brooding quality to this accomplished if somewhat inert screen adaptation of Lawrence Osborne’s 2012 bestseller. Written and directed by John Michael McDonagh, whose screen CV includes The Guard (2011), Calvary (2014) and War on Everyone (2016), it’s an anxiously moralist tale of crime and punishment, revenge and resolution, played out against a broad-strokes, culture-clash backdrop that brings a tang of spiteful…

R. Kelly Attorney Claims Singer Is Now on Suicide Watch: ‘It’s Punishment’

Convicted sexual predator R. Kelly has reportedly been placed on suicide watch.The singer’s lawyer made the claim Friday, just days after he was sentenced to 30 years in prison on federal racketeering and sex trafficking charges. Attorney Jennifer Bonjean told CNN that her client had no intentions to harm himself, and placing him under suicide watch was a violation of his constitutional rights against cruel and unusual punishment.“The irony of putting someone on suicide watch when they’re not suicidal is it actually…

Babies Are a Lot More Judgmental of Moral Transgression Than We Realized

Have you ever caught a baby's eyes and suddenly felt judged? New research suggests that feeling may not be entirely imaginary.If you've done something a baby disapproves of, they might be using their gaze to single you out.  A series of experiments, conducted among 8-month-old infants, has now found evidence that preverbal children are moral third-party observers.When witnessing an act of aggression – played out by simple animations on a computer screen – infants in the study focused their attention more on the aggressor…