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radio blackout

Massive M5-class solar flare erupts on Sun; blackouts hit Earth, solar storm coming too, shows NASA

Yesterday, it was the turn of Mars, and today, December 9, the Earth is again the central focus of the unceasing solar activity on the Sun. Just four hours ago, a massive solar flare eruption took place on the Sunspot AR3511, according to data from NASA. The solar flare was measured to be M5.49, which is the highest-intensity flare we have seen in the last three months. The flare subsequently triggered a short-wave radio blackout on Earth. It is possible that the flare also released a coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud…

Multiple M-class solar flares erupt on the Sun triggering radio blackouts on Earth, reveals NOAA

Yesterday, December 5, a minor solar storm struck the Earth sparking auroras in the arctic circles. It was a minor affair, but the solar activities have been relentless with the Sun nearing the peak of its solar cycle. In the last 24 hours, three separate M-class solar flares have erupted on the Sun, releasing extreme ultraviolet radiation. The radiation has resulted in triggering short-wave radio blackouts on Earth, as per data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It is unclear at this point whether…

UNEXPECTED! Solar storm strikes Earth ahead of schedule; CME hit from blind spot

Yesterday, it was reported that a solar storm will strike the Earth tomorrow, on July 27, after a coronal mass ejection (CME) was seen moving towards Earth. However, the planet has been struck with a solar storm today itself, leading to many researchers being perplexed. Some believe that it is the same CME that somehow accelerated and struck ahead of time, while others believe there might have been another CME that was overlooked by the satellites and hit us from a blind spot. Either way, the solar storm today has…

Sun blasts CME towards the Earth, SCARY solar storm strike expected soon; Know the danger

Last week, the Earth suffered multiple hits by the Sun, including two separate solar storms and a couple of radio blackouts. This was one of the most active weeks for solar activity after April, and researchers believe that the Sun is picking up the intensity again, as we approach the autumnal equinox (historically, the highest solar activity period, along with the vernal equinox) in September. As a sign of that, another solar storm has been predicted to strike the Earth on July 27, two days from now, on the back of a…

BEWARE! Solar storm to strike Earth today, NOAA warns

A solar storm is coming for the Earth today, July 14. The forecasters of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have given a warning that a G1-class geomagnetic storm will hit our planet sometime later in the day. The solar storm event has been triggered by a coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud that was released from the Sun during a solar flare eruption on July 11. Researchers are constantly observing the development of the situation as it is feared that solar winds can also amplify the conditions and…

Solar storm looming over Earth as POWERFUL solar flares set to explode today, says NOAA

After an unremarkable weekend, solar activity is again picking up speed. Last week, we witnessed two separate radio blackout events triggered by an X-class solar flare and an M-class solar flare. While the CME escaped the Earth and no solar storms were to be seen, this week the fear is far greater. A sunspot in Earth's view named AR3340 has gone unstable and is now harboring a delta-class magnetic field, which is a big catalyst for solar flare eruptions. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has…

Sun BLASTS another solar flare at Earth; Know the geomagnetic storm warning

We are yet to receive an update on the incoming CME cloud that is supposed to deliver a glancing blow to the Earth today. But in the meantime, reports of another solar flare eruption have raised concerns among researchers. This particular solar flare was produced on sunspot AR3341 on June 23, the same region that was responsible for the X1-class flare that sparked a massive short-wave radio blackout on June 20. While yesterday's flare has not sparked a blackout, it now remains to be seen if this can cause a geomagnetic…

Solar storm ALERT! Dangerous CME cloud to strike the Earth today, confirms NOAA

Just yesterday, a NASA model revealed the massive coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud that was released from the blast site of the X1-class solar flare eruption that was going to hit both Mars and Venus. Now, a new model from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has revealed that the Earth will also get blasted by the cloud today, June 23. Shockingly, NASA had stated that the CME is so strong that a part of Venus' atmosphere might erode as a result of the impact. It cannot be assessed at the moment…

Dangerous sunspot boosts solar flare risk to new high today! Blackouts expected

A dangerous sunspot has emerged on the Sun and it may have a significant effect on Earth! Just a few days ago, there was no sign of sunspot AR3315. However, according to, it has now become the largest and most dangerous sunspot on the visible part of the Sun- the side facing the Earth at the moment. This sunspot, designated as AR3315, possesses a magnetic field classified as 'beta-gamma-delta,' which contains a considerable amount of energy capable of triggering powerful eruptions. For those who may not…

Solar storm ALERT! Sunspot about to explode, shows NOAA satellite; Can blast X-class solar flares

The weekend passed without any solar activity, but things are about to change. The highly unstable sunspot, AR3311, which was responsible for an X-class solar flare eruption last week that resulted in radio blackouts on Earth, can again explode to a terrifying effect. Unlike last time, right now the sunspot is in full Earth view and any eruptions will be geoeffective. This means a stronger ultraviolet radiation impact, which means a wider radio blackout, and a more powerful solar storm event. But just how devastating can…