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Amazingly Preserved Roman-Era Egg Is Still Full of Liquid 1,700 Years Later : ScienceAlert

An ancient egg laid by a bird roughly 1,700 years ago was discovered in England so well-preserved, its contents are still sloshing around inside of it.Archaeologists analyzing the Roman-era specimen say they were downright "blown away" by its contents.The incredible ovum may be the only discovery of its kind in the world. It's certainly the oldest whole egg ever found from Roman times.While older eggs with intact contents have been excavated in other parts of the world, including ones that were mummified in Egypt, those…

Placement of ancient hidden lamps, skulls in cave in Israel suggests Roman-era practice of necromancy

Finds from L. 3049: oil lamps found underneath the upper part of a human skull (frontal and parietal bones) (photo: B. Zissu under the Te'omim Cave Archaeological Project). Credit: Harvard Theological Review (2023). DOI: 10.1017/S0017816023000214 A pair of archaeologists, one with the Israel Antiquities Authority, the other from Bar-Ilan University, has found evidence of Roman-era necromancy practices in a cave in Israel. In…

Archaeologists Find Hidden Ruins of ‘Complete’ Roman-Era City in Egypt : ScienceAlert

​Egyptian archaeologists said Tuesday they had discovered an 1,800-year-old "complete residential city from the Roman-era" in the heart of the southern city of Luxor.​The city, dating to the second and third centuries, is the "oldest and most important city found on the eastern bank of Luxor," according to Mostafa Waziri, head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities.​Archaeologists discovered "a number of residential buildings" as well as "two pigeon towers" – a structure used to house pigeons or doves – and a "number…