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140-metre Christmas asteroid rushing towards Earth; Dangerous rock to come fearfully close

A massive 140-meter asteroid is heading towards Earth at a massive speed of 21276 kmph. It will come close just ahead of Christmas. A massive 140- metre asteroid is set to come frighteningly close to Earth just ahead of Christmas. However, it may end up being a treat for stargazers as the European Space Agency (ESA) said that you can actually catch a glimpse of the humongous asteroid, which is travelling towards Earth at a fiery speed of 21276 km per hour. It is known as asteroid 2015 RN35 and was first discovered on

Asteroid approaching today! Terrifying 220-foot space rock rushing towards Earth

There is a big cause to worry as an enormous 220-foot wide asteroid is rushing towards Earth today, December 9. Know its speed, distance and trajectory, according to NASA. Asteroids are ancient rubble left over from the early formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago, according to NASA. They can generally be spotted within the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Interaction with a planet's gravitational field, especially as large as Jupiter, can knock the asteroid off-its orbit and send it

209-foot asteroid 2022 WO5 rushing towards Earth today; will come too close for comfort

An enormous 209-foot asteroid named 2022 WO5 is zooming towards planet Earth today. NASA has revealed its speed, distance, and more. Our planet Earth is surrounded by a huge number of threats and one of them that we face is posed by asteroids. There are several of these near-Earth objects (NEO) in space that pose a threat to the entire planet. The impact an asteroid can have mainly depends on its size and its speed, which give it a tremendous destructive power. As per the latest details provided by NASA's Jet

1049-foot asteroid 2017 QL33 rushing towards Earth; NASA clocks speed at a fiery 24853kmph

A horrendously large 1049-foot asteroid named 2017 QL33 is approaching Earth today at a fiery 24853 kmph. Here is all that NASA informs about asteroid 2017 QL33. There are several near-Earth objects (NEO) ranging from humongous to small circulating in space. One of these that can prove to be dangerous for planet Earth are asteroids. Though not all the asteroids pose a threat to the planet, it is important for us to track them in order to find the ones that may be on a collision course with Earth- as happened with a

1300-foot asteroid rushing towards Earth today; Space rock is a horror in size and speed

A giant 1300-foot-sized asteroid is hurtling towards Earth at a terrifying speed of 103833 km per hour. Here’s what NASA experts say about this monster rock. There are a lot of asteroids that NASA scientists track on a daily basis. Even the current known asteroid count is 1113527. But do asteroids hit the Earth? Sadly, the answer is yes! Just a couple of weeks ago, NASA spotted an asteroid just three hours before it actually hit Earth. Thankfully, it didn't harm anyone, but NASA scientists informed that it "streaked

1300-foot GARGANTUAN asteroid rushing towards Earth at a ferocious 103824 kmph, says NASA

A gargantuan 1300-foot asteroid named 2009 HV58 is rushing towards Earth on Friday, at a ferocious speed. Know what NASA informs about this giant asteroid. Every day, NASA releases a list of asteroids that are nearing Earth, their size, speed and their chances of posing a threat to humanity. These asteroids are sometimes very small while sometimes so large that they can wipe out a quarter of the world. According to the latest details, a massive 1300-foot asteroid that is the size of a stadium will be reaching very

Solar winds rushing towards Earth! Geomagnetic storm risk in the coming days

Gusty solar winds have been observed blowing towards the Earth. Could the planet be at risk of a geomagnetic storm? Earth has been in the firing line of solar storms and more recently as the Sun is nearing the middle of its 11-year solar cycle. This has resulted in increased solar activity. Earth has faced numerous solar flares these past few months and more are expected as the Sun moves ahead in its cycle. NOAA forecasters have revealed that Earth is at risk of a geomagnetic storm soon.According to,

140-foot asteroid rushing towards close approach to Earth at blazing speed of 51875 kmph

NASA confirmed that a 140-foot asteroid is on its way to Earth at a massive speed of 51875 kmph. Earth may face a bit of danger from this upcoming asteroid hurtling towards Earth at terrifying speed! A huge "potentially hazardous" asteroid zoomed by yesterday after it made its closest approach towards Earth. This was a 62-foot-sized Asteroid 2022 UD71. But the fear of these horrific space rocks is not over! The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has issued a warning that another massive airplane-sized

Asteroid danger! Huge space rock rushing towards Earth, NASA reveals

Could this asteroid pose any risk to the Earth? Here’s what NASA says about this dangerous space rock. NASA says that nearly 100 tons of dust-sized space particles bombard Earth every day. A vehicle-sized asteroid hits Earth's atmosphere once every year, creating a giant fireball although it burns up before reaching the planet's surface. According to NASA, every 2000 years, an asteroid the size of a football field hits Earth and causes significant damage to the area. NASA studies these space rocks with the help of its

New Bull Market Imminent And Already Rushing Ahead Of Calvaria And Optimism

Uniglo is a new protocol that will launch soon. However, the buzz surrounding this new platform can be heard in many crypto communities, and investors expect this word-of-mouth impact to amplify in the coming months. Burn Event A considerable burn event is planned in the coming days for GLO tokens, drastically reducing supply right out of the gates. This will trigger interest in the token immediately, as tokenomics contain an inbuilt burn designed to reduce supply continuously. This ever-decreasing…