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How Jason Palmer Beat Joe Biden in American Samoa

The Democrat who delivered President Joe Biden his first defeat of the 2024 primary cycle wasn’t millionaire Congressman Dean Phillips or new age gadfly Marianne Williamson. It was a previously obscure Baltimore businessman with a name out of an Aaron Sorkin script: Jason Palmer. Palmer shocked the incumbent, and denied the president a clean sweep on Super Tuesday, by winning the caucus in American Samoa. In so doing, his shoestring campaign — which he likens to a “lean startup” — matched the 2020 Democratic…

Too Much Taika Waititi in This Soccer Comedy

31-0 — that was the final score of the World Cup qualifying match in 2001 that made the American Samoa soccer team legends in the world of international soccer. Not legends in a good way, mind you; they were the ones on the receiving end of that epic lambasting. Think about how crushing that must have felt, to see your hopes of glory on the pitch and your sense of national pride transformed into public humiliation. There’s a happy ending to this story, however: The official Federation of the tiny nation hired a former…