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Science-backed reasons AI is better at predicting potential job succes

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are impacting every area of life, as well as every aspect of business, as I illustrate in my latest book. Among the most prominent and consequential examples is talent identification, with a growing number of organizations, and the majority of large employers, using some form of AI to improve their recruitment and personnel selection systems. But, how good are AI-based technologies at identifying job-related potential, especially compared to human intuition? There is research on…

Top 5 Science-Backed Benefits of Valerian Root

Valerian is a pink flowering bush with pale pink flowers and a floral scent that is even used in perfumes. The roots of this plant have been used as medicine since ancient Greece . Modern studies have been able to confirm that valerian root benefits people with anxiety, insomnia, <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>ADHD</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a…

9 Science-Backed Benefits Beyond Its Calming Effect

Chamomile tea is a popular herbal tea made from the dried flowers of the Chamomile plant. It is known for its calming and relaxing properties, making it a popular choice for helping with sleep and reducing anxiety. Chamomile tea has a light, slightly sweet and floral flavor and is often enjoyed before bedtime. It is also believed to have a number of health benefits, including aiding in digestion, reducing inflammation, and helping with skin conditions. Chamomile tea is generally considered safe and can be consumed by most…

Science-backed trick to get better sleep is said to work for nearly everyone

Getting enough sleep is a struggle for many, and even more of us struggle to get quality sleep despite sleeping long hours each night. If you’ve been having trouble sleeping well, then this science-backed sleep trick could help you say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to a more rested experience each and every day. I’ve reported on a couple of different sleep hacks here on BGR in the past. There’s the military sleep hack that made its way across TikTok earlier this year and even a way to train yourself…

5 Science-Backed Reasons Ultra-Processed Foods Are Damaging to Health

A bag of chips, packaged breakfast cereal, and chicken nuggets from a fast-food restaurant are all examples of ultra-processed foods, and they make up around 60% of the calories in the average adult’s diet.Why are they so popular? It’s the convenience factor: ultra-processed foods are ready to heat up and eat. With people having less time to prepare healthy meals at home, ultra-processed foods are a way to get a meal on the table quickly. But for health, they have downsides.Ultra-processed foods are anything but natural.…

10 ways this science-backed trick helps you learn faster and improves your memory

What if I told you that one of the simplest tricks to improve your memory is to test yourself? It might sound silly but testing yourself can be a great way to learn faster and retain more information. Additionally, science says that testing yourself can provide ten extra benefits, which you’ll want to take advantage of. A simple trick to improve your memory offers up to 10 science-back benefits Image source: nikkimeel/AdobeNormally, tests can cause a lot of stress. When you test yourself, you’re creating…

Reduce the Symptoms of Your Hangover With These 5 Science-Backed Foods

Some foods contain nutrients that may help ease your hangover symptoms.We’ve all been there! The throbbing headache, churning stomach, and dry mouth. Even if it seemed like a good idea last night, your body sure doesn’t thank you for it today! While it’s true that the only real way to avoid a hangover is not to drink alcohol, some foods can reduce the symptoms slightly and make the next day a little bit more tolerable.Coconut water helps you rehydrate, which is especially important after a night of drinking…

Give Your Coffee a Healthy Boost With These 5 Delicious Science-Backed Additions

Nothing beats the smell of coffee in the morning. The aroma of the beans and the instant caffeine hit is enough to get anyone out of bed. But coffee doesn’t just help you shake off the early morning sleepiness; it also has several health benefits.The good news doesn’t end there either! You can make your morning brew even more wholesome by adding a teaspoon of something extra. While you’ve probably never plumped for more than a dash of milk or a spoonful of sugar, plenty of alternatives will give you a health boost and…