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Adam Scott’s ‘Madame Web’ Role Could Be A Huge Shocker for Fans

Photo by Amanda Edwards/Getty Images for The Women's March Los Angeles Sony’s Madame Web has done a great job so far of maintaining secrecy despite shooting on location, especially when Spider-Man: No Way Home, Venom: Let There Be Carnage, and even Morbius were beset by a barrage of leaks on what began to feel like a daily basis. We’re not even 100 percent sure which version of the title hero lead Dakota Johnson is playing, while all we’ve had to go on in regards to the rest of the supporting cast is…

Almost No One Plays The Netflix Games (Shocker…)

We all know that Netflix is going through a bit of a rough patch right now. It’s dropping subscribers like flies and it also needed to lay off several employees. The company has a line of original games based on its properties to help engage with its customers in another way. How’s that going? Well, almost no one plays the Netflix games, unfortunately.In case you don’t know, Netflix started releasing some original games to the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store last November. You would have access to these games…