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BMX/moto ebike hybrid powers through urban hops and shreds trails

We've seen a number of ebikes rolling with a moto-inspired vibe, and others bunny hopping BMX style. Texas-based startup Zooz has combined the two for what's described as the "epitome of thrills and versatility" – the Ultra Flex 1200.Zooz Bikes was founded in 2020 by "three industry nerds" who initially worked from an old garage in Chicago, and now operate out of Fort Worth, Texas. Following a bunch of sketches and prototypes, the newly formed company launched the Urban Ultralight, a BMX-style ebike with a long padded…

A Deranged Genre-Bending Sequel Tears the Streaming Top 10 to Shreds

via Next Entertainment World The world is swamped with disappointing sequels on a daily basis, and while it may come bearing a fairly convoluted title that has the potential to infuriate those with a penchant for maintaining grammatical etiquette at all times, those sins can be forgiven when The Witch: Part 2. The Other One is so undeniably awesome. Trying to describe writer and director Park Hoon-jung’s would-be franchise is pretty difficult considering it’s essentially a live-action anime heavily steeped in…

Nano-robotic scalpel swarm shreds brain cancer cells from the inside

When it comes to fighting the deadly brain cancer known as glioblastoma, options are very much limited. This led a Canadian research team to take a novel approach. They tricked cancer cells into taking up carbon nanotubes, and they then shredded those cells by spinning the tubes using magnetic force. The treatment in mice shrunk tumor size and extended the rodents' lives, a finding that has the researchers hopeful for a similar result in humans.Glioblastoma tumors grow quickly, invade local brain tissue, and develop…

The Worst Take On ‘Black Panther’ You’re Ever Likely to Hear Deservedly Gets Torn to Shreds

Image via Marvel Studios Black Panther was a massive hit for Marvel when it came out in 2018, making many rethink their stances on superhero movies due to its surprisingly strong themes and dissection of colonization, monarchism and revolution. But if you’re completely media illiterate, you may struggle to identify any of this. There’s always been a rich vein of hot takes surrounding Black Panther for whatever reason. Perhaps a bit of people wanting to be contrarian over a critically acclaimed film, and maybe a…

A Comic Book Crime Thriller Hated by Its Creator Rips Opinion to Shreds

via 20th Century Fox No matter how much you hate Hollywood’s adaptations of the Alan Moore back catalogue, you’ll never detest them anywhere near as much as the eccentric comic book genius does, with From Hell marking the first of several blockbusters based on his work that saw him sever ties with the industry for good. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, V for Vendetta, Zack Snyder’s Watchmen and its subsequent HBO series all have plenty of fans – and even won varying degrees of acclaim – but Moore…

One of the Year’s Most Divisive Horrors Is Back to Being Torn to Shreds

The list of horror movies to have split opinion is so long that it’s virtually endless, but few in recent memory have proven to be as oxymoronic on multiple levels as director Jessica M. Thompson’s The Invitation. It wasn’t a bomb, with the bloodsucking chamber piece recouping its $10 million budget three times over and then some at the box office, while it even topped the domestic charts in its opening weekend. However, that number one opening ranked as the worst for well over a year, and it came during an all-round…

Hubble Captures Shreds of Luridly Colored Supernova Remnant

By ESA/Hubble November 27, 2022Hubble Space Telescope image of supernova remnant DEM L 190. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, S. Kulkarni, Y. ChuIn this image from the <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>NASA</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>Established in 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an independent agency of the United States Federal Government that succeeded the National Advisory…

Scientists discovered a middle-weight black hole as it ripped a star to shreds

Astronomers discovered a middle-weight black hole as it ripped a star to shreds. The discovery was made using the Young Supernova Experiment (YSE), and scientists say it was only made possible thanks to the Tidal Disruption Event that followed the black hole engulfing its target star. Tidal Disruption Events, also known as TDEs, occur when a black hole engulfs a star, shredding its energy and matter so that it can digest it. These events are fairly common, as black holes shred their way through stars all…

Black Hole Lights Up Years After Ripping Star to Shreds – “We’ve Never Seen Anything Like This Before”

Artist’s illustration of tidal disruption event AT2019dsg where a supermassive black hole spaghettifies and gobbles down a star. Some of the material is not consumed by the black hole and is flung back out into space. Credit: DESY, Science Communication LabA small star was ripped to shreds in October 2018 when it wandered too close to a <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>black hole</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>A…

A Sci-Fi Horror Torn to Shreds by Viewers Terraforms the Streaming Charts

via Nashe Kino Movies that end up spending a suspiciously long amount of time on the shelf rarely turn out to be very good, and the latest in a long line of examples arrived earlier this year when sci-fi horror thriller Project Gemini finally scored a release. Principal photography on the effects-heavy Russian blockbuster first began all the way back in 2016, with an April 2019 theatrical bow initially planned. However, the high concept terraforming terror quickly vanished into the ether altogether, only to…