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Scientists cover robotic finger with living skin made from human cells

We've been hearing a lot about synthetic skins designed for robotic hands, which would give the devices more human-like qualities. Well, scientists in Japan have gone a step further, by covering a robotic finger in a self-healing skin made from live human cells.Led by Prof. Shoji Takeuchi, a team at the University of Tokyo started by building an articulated motor-driven robotic finger, capable of bending and straightening like its human counterpart. That finger was then submerged in a cylinder filled with a solution made…

Women Often ‘Feel The Cold’ More Than Men. This Could Be Why

We all have different preferences for when it's the right time to bring out the winter blankets. And the thermostat's setting often forms the basis of office arguments between women and men regarding the "correct" temperature for it to be set.  Between the sexes, there are always more similarities than differences. But research does consistently show women prefer a higher indoor temperature to men.But is there any science backing up the widespread belief women "feel the cold" more than men?Biological differences between…

Fortnite Indiana Jones Skin – How To Unlock

In Fortnite Season 3, Indiana Jones is one of two major LucasFilm characters included in the Season 3 battle pass. While the other, Darth Vader, can be unlocked as early as today for those who play a lot or buy their way to level 100, Indiana Jones can't be unlocked quite yet no matter how much you spend or grind. Here's what you need to know about the new Fortnite Indiana Jones skin--and yes, it looks exactly like Harrison Ford.Fortnite Indiana Jones - How to unlockIndiana Jones is this season's bonus or…

WhatsApp Spotted Testing Option to Edit Messages; Adding Support for Skin Tones in Message Reactions

WhatsApp is found to be adding an option to edit messages after they are sent. It would let users rectify mistakes such as typing errors in their messages, without completely deleting them from the chat and writing a fresh text message. Separately, WhatsApp has started supporting different skin tones for message reactions. The new addition is currently a part of the latest WhatsApp for Android beta version and is available to some beta testers at this moment. It may reach the masses once the beta testing gets…

Fortnite: Every Icon Series skin so far

Unlocking and earning cosmetic skins in Fortnite is one of the game’s selling points, giving players countless ways to customize their characters. Fortnite is known for implementing skins based on licensed characters from pop culture, including films, TV shows, and comics, but the game has also featured outfits based on celebrities as well. These skins fall into the Icon Series, and feature the likenesses of musicians, streamers, and even athletes. But which skins make up the Icon Series and how do you acquire them?…

5 Vitamins to Add to Your Diet for Healthy, Glowing Skin

What you eat, and the vitamins and nutrients that your diet supplies, can have a dramatic impact on how your skin looks and feels.Beauty begins from within. Your diet makes a huge difference in the appearance of your skin, and adding particular vitamins to your diet can dramatically change how your skin looks and feels.Many vitamins can be applied topically to the skin with creams and serums — but taking vitamins orally, whether it’s through your diet or in the form of supplements, allows them to work their magic all over…

Games become real life in FICTIONAL SKIN

When you are invested in a comic or a game, the characters often take on a life of their own. In Fictional Skin, that seems to be the case for real.  Created by Kris Nguyen, the drama series centers on a pair of cousins whose summer has gotten a lot more interesting after the arrival of a new student. For Finn, he just wants to draw his comics and stay out of the heat. For Vivi, seeing a dead ringer of a video game character that she both loves and hates in her classroom is jarring to say the least. She’s fascinated by…

RMN review – sickness beneath the skin as racism breaks out in Romanian village | Cannes 2022

Cristian Mungiu has returned to the Cannes competition with this dour, gloomy psychodrama of central European xenophobia: a Romanian-Brexity hostility which has taken up residence in the brains of people in a multi-ethnic region of Transylvania. They are people who can’t decide which racial identity among their neighbours they dislike the most, or how much to dislike the EU from which so much financial help still comes, but whose richer countries are very racist indeed towards them. For all that it is a little contrived…

Realme beats Samsung to the market with skin temperature-reading watch

Last updated: May 20th, 2022 at 15:12 UTC+02:00 Several major smartwatch manufacturers, including Samsung and Apple, are developing a new skin temperature reading health feature for their wearables. And for a moment, it looked like Samsung could become the first OEM to offer a wrist wearable equipped with temperature-reading capabilities later this year. Unfortunately, that opportunity appears to have flown out the window. Realme has just unveiled a new smartwatch that looks a lot like an Apple Watch clone. It’s…

Hard ‘skin’ on the surface of soils helps keep dust storms at bay | Science

Two years ago, 24 million tons of dust lifted high above Africa to create a plume that swirled across the Atlantic Ocean and covered Puerto Rico in a pink patina. An unusually meandering jet stream helped launch the monster dust cloud. But this week, ecologists fingered another factor in such storms: the disappearance of biocrust, a microbial mat that coats dryland soil and helps keep dust in place. “It glues the sand together,” says Bettina Weber, an ecologist at the University…