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A Fantasy Slasher Hated by Its Own Director Rolls the Dice on Streaming

In an entirely predictable turn of events, Joe Lynch’s Knights of Badassdom has spent the last decade cultivating a reputation as an unsung cult classic, which was always going to happen given the sum of its parts. We’re talking about a horror comedy with fantasy and supernatural elements that finds a bumbling band of LARPers accidentally summon a real-live succubus into their midst after reading an incantation from a “prop” book that turned out to be all too real, plunging them into a genuine battle for survival that…

A Curious Freddy Krueger Recasting Suggestion Splits Slasher Stans Down the Middle

Robert Englund is probably pacing the floor after learning what a fan has suggested as his replacement for Freddy Krueger. The first thing is that Englund isn’t even dead yet, but Matthew Lillard‘s name was thrown out there, and the discussion is heating up. Lillard is mainly known for comedies and has played the likable character for the most part, even when he cheated on Beth in Good Girls and plotted against her. However, Shaggy, a Scooby-Doo reference, isn’t all about the comedy. He has also been in horror movies…

A Seemingly Unnecessary Christmas Horror Slasher That Was Trashed by Critics Sparks a Surge of Holiday Cheer

With sleeper hits like Black Christmas (1974) and Krampus (2015) being considered underrated genre treasures, there’s simply no denying that the Christmas slasher sub-genre is easily an overlooked horror concept that deserves to be celebrated just as often as Santa Claus. However, it’s safe to state that no other project can compare to the allure of Jack Frost (1997) — a gorefest holiday slasher that truthfully looks like a film straight out of the bargain bin at Walmart. And yet, despite the general disappointment…

Blumhouse Shows Interest in Rebooting a Legendary Slasher Franchise As Shudder Faces an Ironically Scary Situation

Happy Friday, spooky mavens! It’s been a long, exciting week of pulse-pounding news thus far, and we expect more newsworthy bulletins in the upcoming months as 2022 winds down and 2023 rears its tempting head. Even over the last 24 hours, there’s been some breakthrough updates in the spooky genre that deserve to be showcased, which is exactly what will happen in today’s daily horror roundup here at We Got This Covered. Amongst the outpouring of recent news, the boss of Blumhouse has hinted at the revival of a classic…

Slasher Stans Celebrate the Worthy Sequel to an All-Time Horror Classic

There’s no disputing that filmmaker Wes Craven rivals novelist Stephen King for the ‘King of Horror’ title. Although he sadly passed away in August 2015, Craven worked on numerous horror projects over the years, including The Hills Have Eyes (1977), The People Under the Stairs (1991), and The Last House on the Left (1972), but among his most famous works are the A Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream franchises. Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street came 12 years before Scream, but that doesn’t mean that both slashers didn’t…

‘Scream 6’ Star Tantalizingly Teases up to 100 Times More Gore in the Slasher Sequel

Fans of the Scream franchise are well aware of the blood bath that has taken place across its films but apparently, the sixth film is all set to make a new record when it comes to hitting the gore meter. Scream 6 star Melissa Barrera, who plays Sam Carpenter, the daughter of Scream‘s iconic villain Billy Loomis, shared details about what fans could expect in the film’s next installment during a recent interview with Collider. On Dec.7, Barrera told the publication that Scream 6’s directors Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and…

Christmas Bloody Christmas review – Robo-Claus rampage in seasonal slasher | Film

’Tis the season for genre film-makers and distributors to cash in with horror-themed Christmas movies. So if current hit Violent Night sounds a little too classy and mainstream, then here is this shoddily made but tinsel-bright gift for you, the cinematic equivalent of a cheap soap and body lotion set bought at the last minute. It’s serviceable, but not a lot of thought went into it.Adding to the corpus of films about Santas who are not just bad but positively evil (see also Krampus, Rare Exports et al), Christmas Bloody…

Nutcracker Massacre review – a slow slay ride to nowhere in yuletide slasher flick | Film

This yuletide slasher movie is about as enjoyable as being force-fed a Christmas tree and having it violently pipeclean your insides. It joins Black Christmas, Bad Santa and this year’s Violent Night in the anti-Christmas oeuvre – but its placeholder characters, this’ll-do dialogue and mechanical gallery of kills show that seasonal subversion alone won’t cut it.Novelist Clara (Beatrice Fletcher) is reeling from her boyfriend Paul (Andy Dixon) cheating on her and decides to bunker down at the country manor of Auntie Marie…

Another Beloved Childhood Character Could Receive a Blood-Soaked Slasher As ‘The Mean One’ Trailer Shocks the Genre

With Thanksgiving over and out of the way, the entire world is gearing up for one of the most magical times of the year — and no, we’re not talking about the festivities of next year’s Halloween. Instead, we’re speaking about the Christmas season, which has somehow found an intriguing way to collide with the colossal spooky genre. And in today’s daily horror roundup here at We Got This Covered, there’s plenty of newsworthy topics to cover. Amongst the latest updates, genre fanatics are convinced that an iconic childhood…

‘Disney Character Turned Slasher Villain’ Horror Film Fatigue Is Already Setting In

We’ve had movies, animated films, and cinema more broadly in our lives for roughly a century now.  Now that copyright is expiring on the earliest works across these mediums and they become a part of Creative Commons, we’re slowly and surely seeing more and more once-upon-a-time innocent children’s stories getting adapted into tried and true nightmare fuel. Winnie the Pooh, Peter Pan, and Bambi have all fallen victim to it so far. Even though none of these gory retellings have hit our screens yet, the internet at large is…