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solar flare earth

Dangerous M-class Solar Flare set to hit Earth today, NOAA satellite data shows

In recent months, there has been a notable increase in solar activity as the Sun approaches the peak of its solar cycle. Referred to as Solar Cycle 25, the Solar Maximum is expected to occur around the middle of 2024. That's why every month has witnessed a higher count of sunspots and a greater occurrence of geomagnetic storms and solar flare eruptions. One geomagnetic storm hit Earth yesterday and lit up both ends of our planet -- north and south. Co-rotating Interaction Regions (CIR) occur when swift solar winds…

Six SCARY sunspots glaring at the Earth today; NOAA gives solar storm warning

The Earth got lucky once again as it narrowly missed the incoming coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud and escaped what could have been a terrifying solar storm event. This is the third time in two months that the Earth has barely escaped being sideswiped by a CME wave. But how long can this luck actually last? That is what astronomers are wondering as six giant sunspots are facing the Earth. With such a high number of active regions on the Sun, it seems inevitable that one of them will blast a CME that can cause a solar…

Sunspot could hurl out X-class solar flares! Geomagnetic storm on the cards

Just 5 months into 2023, we have already witnessed damaging solar activity bombard the Earth. Just last month, a menacing cloud of coronal mass ejection, erupting from a sunspot that was 20 times wider than Earth, struck the planet and unleashed a horrifying solar storm. This was later declared the most devastating solar storm in 6 years. It was quite surprising and unexpected. Solar activity has been on the rise for the past few months, and it is expected to increase further until solar maximum, the period of greatest…

Dangerous sunspot boosts solar flare risk to new high today! Blackouts expected

A dangerous sunspot has emerged on the Sun and it may have a significant effect on Earth! Just a few days ago, there was no sign of sunspot AR3315. However, according to, it has now become the largest and most dangerous sunspot on the visible part of the Sun- the side facing the Earth at the moment. This sunspot, designated as AR3315, possesses a magnetic field classified as 'beta-gamma-delta,' which contains a considerable amount of energy capable of triggering powerful eruptions. For those who may not…

Strong Geomagnetic storm set to hit Earth on May 23; NOAA alert says

Just a few days back, a geomagnetic storm hit the Earth! A crack had opened in Earth's magnetic field on May 19th and sparked a G2-class geomagnetic storm. Resultantly, many northern-tier US states witnessed something remarkable - naked-eye auroras. This was probably a result caused by a near-miss CME that left the sun last week. And now, the fear is rising over a new solar flare! The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has alerted about the threat of a strong approaching solar flare. NOAA is using the…

Sunspot explosion blasts out M-class solar flares! Causes radio blackout in USA

The possibility of the Sun causing catastrophic damage on Earth might seem something out of a science-fiction film, but this threat is very true. One of the best examples of Solar activity harming Earth was provided by the Roland Emmerich film 2012. It depicted the apocalypse prophesied by the Mayans many centuries ago. The storyline of the movie revolved around the Sun emitting unstable neutrinos because of anomalous energy processes, which were causing the Earth's core to heat up and eventually lead to its destruction.…

Solar flares fury! STRONG Geomagnetic Storm may hit Earth today

The recent surge in solar activity has caught many astronomers off guard. There has been a significant increase in the number of solar flares erupting on the Sun, resulting in abnormally fast solar winds. In turn, this has sparked strong geomagnetic storms on Earth. This is due to the Sun being at its most volatile as it approaches its solar cycle peak. The star entered its 25th solar cycle in 2019, with the peak expected to occur in 2025. However, some studies suggest that it could arrive earlier, given the sudden surge…

Sunspot could unleash terrifying X-class solar flares! Solar storm on the cards too?

Solar activity has been on the rise for the past few months, and it is expected to increase further until solar maximum, the period of greatest solar activity during the Sun's 11-year cycle. Just last month, a menacing cloud of coronal mass ejection, erupting from a sunspot that was 20 times wider than Earth, struck the planet and unleashed a horrifying solar storm that caught everyone off guard. This was later declared the most devastating solar storm in 6 years.Now, forecasters have discovered a sunspot on the solar…

WORST solar storm of 2023 just struck Earth; THIS happened next

Just when we thought that the solar disturbance on the Sun might be slowing down due to the lack of any Earth-directed activity in over a week, our planet witnessed the most terrifying solar storm strike of the year 2023. The severe solar storm was caused by a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit that arrived earlier than expected and sparked a G4-class geomagnetic storm on Earth. It should be noted that this is only the second time in two years that a solar storm of this category has been seen. The storm engulfed a massive…

Terrifying CME blasts can bring INTENSE solar storm to Earth today; blackouts expected

The coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud which was predicted to hit the Earth yesterday never arrived on time. Instead, a new forecast has revealed that it is likely to strike our planet today, April 21. But this delayed movement of the cloud has now created a complication for us. As per the UK Met Office forecasters, there is a second slow-moving but wide CME cloud which is just behind the first one. And now, both of them can strike the Earth together and create a more powerful solar storm. Further, it also remains to be…