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solar flare eruption

Particle accelerator reveals these special solar flares sparked life on Earth

Earth is being continuously bombarded by solar storms, solar flares, and other solar phenomena since its very birth billions of years ago. The trend continues as we have seen multiple X-class solar flare eruptions, G3-class solar storms, super-charged CME clouds, and solar winds wreak havoc on our planet. Although this solar activity is dangerous and can cause significant damage to power grids, communication networks, and satellites, it might have also been the one thing that gave the gift of life to Earth. Yes, solar…

Silence before the solar storm? Unstable sunspot yet to explode; Can still blast X-class solar flares

As we enter day three of the unstable giant sunspot AR3311 being in full view of the Earth, scientists are concerned. The sunspot was expected to explode already, erupting solar flares. But as time keeps passing, the fear of an X-class solar flare strengthens. This is because despite appearing relatively stable, it is filled with the highly unstable beta-gamma-delta magnetic field. Many believe that the last 48 hours have been the calm before the storm and day three is when something may finally give and spark a…

Solar storm threat for Earth continues amid NOAA satellites detecting sunspot decay

Yesterday, it was reported that a highly unstable sunspot, AR3311, which was responsible for an X-class solar flare eruption last week, has now entered the full view of Earth. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite data showed a high chance of more flares erupting, with a possibility of another X-class flare explosion. However, today's data shows that the sunspot's magnetic field might be decaying and it lowers the risk of an intense flare eruption. But how does that affect the fears of…

Sunspot explosion blasts out M-class solar flares! Causes radio blackout in USA

The possibility of the Sun causing catastrophic damage on Earth might seem something out of a science-fiction film, but this threat is very true. One of the best examples of Solar activity harming Earth was provided by the Roland Emmerich film 2012. It depicted the apocalypse prophesied by the Mayans many centuries ago. The storyline of the movie revolved around the Sun emitting unstable neutrinos because of anomalous energy processes, which were causing the Earth's core to heat up and eventually lead to its destruction.…

Solar storm today! Shocking CME catches NOAA by surprise; Know the DANGER to Earth

The explosions on the Sun are not showing any signs of slowing down as we enter the third day of solar flare eruptions. Yesterday, multiple coronal mass ejection (CME) clouds were detected by NASA which were moving in different directions, although none were reported to be coming towards the Earth. But that did not last long. A few hours earlier today, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) detected a large CME cloud sweeping past its DSCOVR satellite. This CME was not detected earlier and comes as a…

Earth to suffer DANGEROUS solar storm onslaught as Sun spits out solar flares

Yesterday, it was reported that a particularly notorious sunspot complex turned unstable and was frequently exploding, resulting in solar flare eruptions. The effect caused a rolling series of radio blackouts on Earth, which was particularly felt over the African continent. We are on day 2, and the explosions do not appear to be slowing down. In fact, one particular solar flare eruption has produced a large amount of coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud, which might hit the Earth. Astronomers have not been able to figure…

Solar storm fury! Multiple solar flare explosions cause nonstop BLACKOUTS on Earth

The minor geomagnetic storm, which was supposed to be sparked by multiple coronal mass ejections (CMEs), has passed us by without causing much concern. However, a new development on the Sun has begun troubling the Earth. A sunspot complex including AR3293, AR3294, AR3295, and AR3296 has turned unstable and is crackling with solar flares. These flares have been erupting incessantly and as a result of the intense ultraviolet (UV) radiation, a rolling series of radio blackouts have been caused on Earth. Find out if another…

Solar storm DANGER! Intense solar flare explosion sparks blackouts on Earth, NASA says

On April 30, the forecasters from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) warned about a sunspot, named AR3288, which was growing at an exponential rate and contained unstable delta-class magnetic fields. Just a day after the warning, the sunspot exploded, blasting a powerful solar flare in the direction of the Earth. As per NASA, it was an M7-class flare eruption and it sparked a radio blackout over the Atlantic Ocean region. The bigger question now is whether a solar storm is coming for the Earth.A…

Sunspot could unleash terrifying X-class solar flares! Solar storm on the cards too?

Solar activity has been on the rise for the past few months, and it is expected to increase further until solar maximum, the period of greatest solar activity during the Sun's 11-year cycle. Just last month, a menacing cloud of coronal mass ejection, erupting from a sunspot that was 20 times wider than Earth, struck the planet and unleashed a horrifying solar storm that caught everyone off guard. This was later declared the most devastating solar storm in 6 years.Now, forecasters have discovered a sunspot on the solar…

Dangerous sunspots could hurl out terrifying M-class solar flares at Earth!

Remember the film 2012 which showed the end of the world, as predicted by the ancient Mayan civilisation thousands of years ago? The film's plot was based on the Sun releasing unstable neutrinos due to unusual energy processes in the Sun which were heating up Earth's core. Although this might seem like a terrifying scenario, the science behind the film was questionable. But the threat posed by the Sun is very true. Forecasters have recently discovered multiple sunspots on the solar surface which could hurl dangerous…