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solar storm 2023

Sun releases multiple CMEs; One to spark solar storm, trigger auroras on Nov 25, says NASA

Solar activity has witnessed a massive spike since last week. Space agencies and researchers have noted regular solar flare eruptions, an increase in the number of sunspots, and bombardment of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). While not all of this solar activity is Earth-directed, some of it has affected our planet as well. In the last 24 hours, there have been two incidents of short-wave radio blackouts sparked by M-class solar flare eruptions, and now, NASA has revealed that a CME is also headed for us. It can hit us on…

M-class solar flare erupts on the Sun, shows NASA; blackouts triggered on Earth, solar storm possible

Yesterday, a massive sunspot spanning 200,000 kilometers containing as many as 12 dark cores was reported on the Sun. As per information from the NASA Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO), there was a high chance that it could explode at any moment, and that is exactly what happened just an hour ago. An M-class solar flare was seen erupting on the sunspot, whose extreme ultraviolet radiation sparked a short-wave radio blackout on the Earth. While NASA has not been able to confirm the presence of any Earth-bound coronal mass…

From sparking powerful solar storms to causing forest fires, know the dangers of solar winds

Solar winds have been part of the reason behind the recent series of solar storms that have struck the Earth in the last couple of weeks. They either sparked solar storm incidents or amplified an active storm. But often, we tend to overlook its potential to cause damage when compared to solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CME). However, as per NASA officials and research papers, these stellar winds are capable of not only sparking solar storms but also triggering forest fires, and damaging spacecraft, potentially…

Earth to suffer direct CME hit, new NASA model reveals; To spark solar storm and auroras

Yesterday, the NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) detected a coronal mass ejection (CME) that appeared to be coming towards the Earth. The early assessment revealed that it could hit the Earth in the late hours of November 11, although it wasn't clear whether the strike would be a direct one or a glancing blow. Earlier today, NASA ran the data through its prediction model and we have a much clearer picture of what is to come. The CME is now expected to hit the Earth tomorrow, November 12. It is also expected…

Shocking! CME with SEVERE solar storm potential hits Solar Orbiter satellite at 1500 km per second

After the Earth was struck by two different coronal mass ejection (CME) clouds in successive days, many believed this was the end of the Sun's assault during the week at hand. But another event has shocked the astronomy community. On July 26, a farside flare eruption released an extremely powerful CME and it hit the European Space Agency (ESA) operated Solar Orbiter satellite. Luckily, the CME cloud delivered a glancing blow as it was moving in a different direction, but if it was Earth-directed it could have sparked a…

UNEXPECTED! Solar storm strikes Earth ahead of schedule; CME hit from blind spot

Yesterday, it was reported that a solar storm will strike the Earth tomorrow, on July 27, after a coronal mass ejection (CME) was seen moving towards Earth. However, the planet has been struck with a solar storm today itself, leading to many researchers being perplexed. Some believe that it is the same CME that somehow accelerated and struck ahead of time, while others believe there might have been another CME that was overlooked by the satellites and hit us from a blind spot. Either way, the solar storm today has…

Sun blasts CME towards the Earth, SCARY solar storm strike expected soon; Know the danger

Last week, the Earth suffered multiple hits by the Sun, including two separate solar storms and a couple of radio blackouts. This was one of the most active weeks for solar activity after April, and researchers believe that the Sun is picking up the intensity again, as we approach the autumnal equinox (historically, the highest solar activity period, along with the vernal equinox) in September. As a sign of that, another solar storm has been predicted to strike the Earth on July 27, two days from now, on the back of a…

Solar storm TERROR intensifies! Another CME headed for the Earth, double-whammy likely

The solar storm predictions for the week keep getting worse. After the arrival of a large and unstable sunspot on Sunday, NASA satellites detected a long-duration solar flare eruption the very next day. On Tuesday, we got confirmation from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that a fast-moving coronal mass ejection (CME) released during the event will hit the Earth on either July 20 or 21. Now, today, NOAA has detected yet another CME cloud that is also headed for our planet and can impact the…

BEWARE! A deadly solar storm is coming towards Earth; NOAA confirms it will hit

Yesterday, it was reported that a long-duration solar flare eruption in the unstable sunspot region of AR3363 released a fast-moving coronal mass ejection (CME), that was found to be very intense. However, it was hard to determine whether it will hit the Earth or not. Today, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) prediction models have confirmed that the CME will deliver a glancing blow to the Earth tomorrow, July 19. However, it cannot be stated just how devastating the resultant solar storm could…

BEWARE! Solar storm to strike Earth today, NOAA warns

A solar storm is coming for the Earth today, July 14. The forecasters of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have given a warning that a G1-class geomagnetic storm will hit our planet sometime later in the day. The solar storm event has been triggered by a coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud that was released from the Sun during a solar flare eruption on July 11. Researchers are constantly observing the development of the situation as it is feared that solar winds can also amplify the conditions and…