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In Search for the Origins of Antibiotic Resistance – Scientists Discover 18 Never-Before-Seen Species of Gut Microbes

Researchers have made progress against citrus greening disease by developing hybrid citrus trees that produce desirable orange-like fruit and resist the disease. Through genetic analysis, they’ve created tools for early flavor profile screening, marking a significant step in ensuring future hybrids combine disease tolerance with the essential sweet orange flavor.Antibiotic-resistant infection is projected to catch up to cancer as the leading cause of death by 2050, making understanding and limiting the spread of…

Researchers Discover New Native Species of Mouse in Australia

Two new species of the delicate mouse have been discovered in Australia, thanks to genetic research by ANU and CSIRO, underscoring the need for specific conservation efforts and highlighting the species’ unique ecological role. Above is a picture of Pseudomys pilbarensis. Credit: Ian BoolAustralia can lay claim to two new species of native rodent thanks to a study from The Australian National University (ANU).The aptly named delicate mouse was previously thought to be a single species spanning a massive stretch of the…

More than 100 possible new marine species discovered in a single deepsea expedition

As It Happens6:13More than 100 possible new marine species discovered in a single deepsea expeditionDuring a research expedition off the coast of Chile, Erin Easton says her colleagues were constantly showing her some amazing new sea creature they'd just discovered."It would just be, like, 'Erin, Erin, Erin, look!'" Easton, a marine scientist at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, told As It Happens host Nil Köksal."It is beyond my wildest dreams of what we could have expected. It felt like every time we went…

Just Look at All These Insane New Species Discovered in Underwater Mountains : ScienceAlert

On slopes of underwater mountains startlingly pink, grumpy-faced fish walk on fin-hands, and fiery red squid flee with alarms of ink clouds over sponge gardens and forests of deep-sea corals.These incredible ecosystems, found off the coast of South America, include more than 100 species previously unknown to science. Each of the seamounts explored by the Schmidt Ocean Institute is home to distinct combinations of species."In these mountains we have found habitats that we did not even expect," says Catholic University of…

Five Dazzling New Species of Eyelash Vipers Discovered in South America

Brown morph of Shah’s Eyelash-Pitviper (Bothriechis rasikusumorum). This species is named after the Shah family. It is endemic to Huila department in southeastern Colombia, where it inhabits montane cloud forests and coffee plantations. Credit: Jose VieiraScientists have identified five new eyelash viper species in Colombia and Ecuador with unique appearances.A group of scientists led by researchers of Khamai Foundation discovered five dazzling new species of eyelash vipers in the jungles and cloud forests of Colombia and…

This Tiny Ant Species Is Disrupting the Lives of African Lions

A study in East Africa has found that invasive ants are altering ecosystems by reducing tree cover, affecting lions’ ability to hunt zebras. This change forces lions to adapt by targeting more formidable prey like buffaloes. The research emphasizes the unexpected impact of small species on large ecosystems and highlights ongoing efforts to find solutions to preserve the landscape.What makes the little old ant think he can disrupt the life of an African lion? Researchers say it’s more than just high hopes.In a study…

Scientists Discover Mysterious New Species of Medusa in a Remote Location in Japan

The scientists named the jellyfish Santjordia pagesi because of its bright red stomach that resembles the Cross of St George. Credit: Dhugal John Lindsay/JAMSTECThe creature has been observed just twice within the depths of the Sumisu Caldera, a volcanic formation in the Ogasawara Islands. The scientist was part of the group that documented a scarce medusa species discovered at a depth of 812 meters.A gelatinous animal with a diameter of about 10 cm and a red stomach resembling the Cross of St George when seen from above.…

Scientists May Have Cracked the “Aging Process” in Species

A study from the University of Kansas proposes that the neutral theory of biodiversity, which suggests species extinction is largely random, provides a more accurate explanation than the traditional Red Queen theory. This insight has profound implications for biodiversity conservation, highlighting the unpredictability of species extinction and the potential for understanding community-level patterns. Credit: SciTechDaily.comA new study led by the University of Kansas might resolve a mystery in the “aging process” in…

Paprika the red panda meets her mate at the Greater Vancouver Zoo

A red panda named Paprika was introduced to her potential mate at the Greater Vancouver Zoo recently, as part of a conservation program for the endangered species. After being in quarantine since she arrived from the Toronto Zoo in December, the six-year-old red panda finally met her match, Arun, on Saturday. "I won't say that they are in love, but they are definitely enjoying being together," said Menita Prasad, director of animal care at the zoo. The hope is that the two will produce cubs as part of a species survival…

At least 200,000 species sing in ways that are silent to humans. Listen to one of them now

Some creatures are so quiet, they appear to make no sound at all.When a male treehopper calls out for a mate, he shakes his abdomen 100 times a second to produce a low sound that vibrates through the stem of the plant he is standing on. While that sound is audible to other treehoppers — particularly the female treehoppers he's trying to attract — it's outside the frequency that humans can hear.In Love and Rivals, the second episode of Secret World of Sound, we listen in on dime-sized treehoppers in conversation. But how…