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Popular Artificial Sweetener Appears to Make Blood ‘Stickier’, Linked to Stroke Risk : ScienceAlert

The suspected health harms of artificial sweeteners are piling up – and now a new study has linked one kind of sugar substitute to higher risks of heart health problems.Physician-scientist Stanley Hazen and colleagues at the Cleveland Clinic's Lerner Research Institute wanted to see if they could find any signs that could warn people they were at greater risk of heart attack and stroke.They found it in blood levels of organic compounds used as sweeteners, specifically erythritol; a sweetener commonly used in low sugar,…

Popular Sugar-Free Sweetener Linked to Higher Rates of Heart Attack and Stroke

A recent study conducted by Cleveland Clinic found that erythritol, a commonly used artificial sweetener, is linked to higher risks of heart attack and stroke. The study’s results were published in the journal Nature Medicine.Cleveland Clinic research showcases the need for further safety studies.New Cleveland Clinic research showed that erythritol, a popular artificial sweetener, is associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Findings were published yesterday (February 27, 2023) in the journal Nature…

Two Stroke Survivors Move Their Hands Again After Experimental Therapy : ScienceAlert

Two stroke patients have been able to move their hands again after an experimental procedure that feels 'like a tickle' temporarily restored weakened connections between their upper limbs, brain, and spinal cord.Heather Rendulic is one of those two women. For one month, as part of a pioneering study led by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, she was able to maneuver her disabled arm more easily when electrical pulses were zapping at her upper spinal cord.Rendulic had a stroke in her early 20s that paralyzed the…

Why this stroke survivor biked 4,500 miles across the US

As a result, Meyerson realized she wouldn’t be able to resume her former role in the classroom, where she had focused on gender and diversity. That disappointment led her to write a book—Identity Theft: Rediscovering Ourselves After Stroke, released in 2019. “The emotional journey is so important, and there’s not enough emphasis placed on that,” says Meyerson, who earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in management at MIT before completing her PhD at Stanford. “Recovery is more than rehabilitation.” Working on her…

Spinal cord stimulation restores limb mobility in stroke survivors

A promising trial of spinal electrical stimulation that instantly boosts movement and dexterity in the arms and hands of stroke survivors has the potential to greatly improve quality of life for those with chronic motor function loss.Research indicates that up three quarters of people who suffer a stroke continue to have hand and arm motor function impairments, including hemiparesis, the weakening or partial paralysis of the limb, that makes day-to-day tasks difficult.Now, scientists from the University of Pittsburgh and…

Instant Improvement in Arm Mobility Following Stroke With Spinal Cord Stimulation

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University report in the journal Nature Medicine that a neurotechnology capable of stimulating the spinal cord can lead to an instant improvement in arm and hand mobility. This breakthrough could greatly benefit individuals who have experienced moderate to severe stroke by making their daily activities easier to conduct.A neurotechnology that stimulates the spinal cord instantly improves arm and hand mobility, enabling people affected by moderate to severe…

A Stroke Paralyzed Her Arm. This Implant Let Her Use It Again

“This is very exciting,” says Jason Carmel, a motor system neuroscientist at Columbia University who wasn’t involved in the study. “It opens up a potential treatment avenue that we’ve never had before for people with chronic stroke.” Stroke is the most common cause of disability in adults. Worldwide, one in four people over the age of 25 will suffer one in their lifetime, and three-quarters of them will have lasting motor deficits in their arm and hand. A stroke happens when blood supply in the brain is blocked or when a…

Research: Brain health can decline due to poor oral health

The meeting, which will be held in person and electronically in Dallas from February 8 to 10, 2023, is the world's leading forum for stroke and brain health researchers and physicians. Studies have shown that gum disease, missing teeth and other signs of poor oral health, as well as poor brushing habits and lack of plaque removal, increase stroke risk. According to the American Stroke Association, stroke is the number 5 cause of death and a leading cause of disability in the…

Smartphone app may help spot stroke symptoms as they occur : The Tribune India

IANS New York, February 3 A new smartphone application may help people who are having a stroke or their family and caregivers recognise common stroke symptoms in real time, prompting them to quickly call healthcare providers. Called FAST.AI, the app might be as accurate at diagnosing stroke as a neurologist, which may minimise the long-term effects of a stroke and improve chances for a full recovery, preliminary research suggests. FAST.AI is a fully automated smartphone application for detection of severe stroke using…