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Asteroid Bennu samples collected by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx have building blocks of life, reveals study

NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission has delivered an extraordinary revelation with its sample collection from asteroid Bennu, unveiling a treasure trove of clues about the origins of life. Initial studies of the 4.5-billion-year-old sample have uncovered the presence of carbon and water, suggesting that the fundamental components for life on Earth may also exist within this extraterrestrial rock.Ingredients of life discovered in asteroid Bennu samplesThe OSIRIS-REx mission surpassed expectations by not only meeting but exceeding…

Dark Matter Debunked in Revolutionary Cosmic Study

A groundbreaking study by the University of Ottawa, led by physicist Rajendra Gupta, proposes a new cosmological model, the CCC+TL model, which argues that dark matter is not necessary to explain the universe’s behavior. Credit: SciTechDaily.comThe current theoretical model for the composition of the universe is that it’s made of ‘normal matter,’ ‘dark energy’ and ‘dark matter.’ A new study challenges this.A University of Ottawa study published in The Astrophysical Journal challenges the current model of the universe by…

Study highlights achievements of the scientific drilling of Songliao Basin

The International Continental Scientific Drilling Project of the Songliao Basin has revealed crucial information for understanding past and future climate trends and for sustainable exploration of oil and gas. Credit: Wang Chengshan from China University of Geosciences Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, the increase in carbon dioxide emissions has consistently warmed the Earth's climate. At the current warming rate,…

Universities at a crossroads with AI, says study

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Universities should be having an active conversation with their students and staff about how to capitalize on the benefits and minimize the drawbacks of using AI tools, such as ChatGPT, according to a paper from the University of Surrey. The paper, "Is there a glitch in the matrix? Artificial intelligence and management education," has been published in Management Learning.…