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5 things about AI you may have missed today: Alibaba unveils AI tool EMO, Human ‘Stupidity’ in AI use feared, more

Alibaba unveils EMO AI tool that converts photos to lifelike talking, singing videos; Leonardo CEO highlights concerns over human 'Stupidity' in AI use; Kara Swisher unveils new book on AI generated scams amidst global concerns; Meta's resistance and the rising AI threat: Challenges to journalism in Australia- this and more in our daily roundup. Let us take a look.1. Alibaba unveils EMO: AI converts photos to lifelike talking, singing videosChina's Alibaba introduces "EMO," an AI tool from its Institute for Intelligent…

105 Pics Of People Taking Stupidity To New Heights At Their Job

Not every employee can be the sharpest tool in the toolbox. In fact, it seems that some of them probably shouldn't be in the toolbox at all... Below, you'll find some of our favorite posts from the Idiots at Work Instagram page, which features facepalm worthy moments from a wide variety of industries that might make you wonder how these employees haven’t been fired yet. So enjoy scrolling through this list of stupidity, and be sure to upvote the choices that made you lose a bit of faith in humanity!#1Image credits:…

‘The Beekeeper’ Takes an Inch-Perfect Swing At Elevated Stupidity, and That’s a Compliment

There’s a certain subgenre of action film — most notably popularized by the Fast & Furious franchise — that, if judged by the same metrics that one would hold most movies to, would fall flat on its face as a result of quite direly fumbling the most basic storytelling fundamentals and grasp of an emotional core. But if you evaluate these movies in the traditional sense, you risk missing out on observing an incredibly curious feat; how they blow right past the “stupid popcorn fodder” label, and land with both feet in a…

44 People Share The Most Severe Cases Of “Mass Stupidity” They’ve Ever Witnessed

Mob mentality — sometimes also called herd or hive mentality — is the inclination that humans have to be part of a large group, neglecting their individual feelings in the process, and adopting the behaviors and actions of the collective.Interested in how this concept manifests in everyday life, Reddit user AdmirableFlow made a post on the platform, asking everyone: "What's the most severe case of mass stupidity you've ever witnessed?"As of now, the question has received over 4.1K comments, so compiled those that stood…

One of the Dumbest Sci-Fi Epics Ever Made Marks 20 Years of Stupidity

via Paramount Hollywood blockbusters predicated on the end of the world aren’t required to make a lick of sense – as proven by NASA using Michael Bay’s Armageddon as a training tool based solely on its volume of inaccuracies – but it’s hard to think of many that have been outright dumber than 2003’s The Core. We should point out that this isn’t necessarily a bad thing; director Jon Amiel’s preposterous journey to the center of the earth has gained something of a reputation for being an unabashedly entertaining…

Extraordinary Shows Why We Need Stupidity In The Superhero Genre

When we think of the superhero genre, we associate it with epic, CGI-filled battles and an action-packed plot. However, what would happen if you really gave the everyday population powers?  This is answered in Extraordinary, a new comedy twist on the superhero genre that arrives on Disney+ today (you can sign up here). This is a world where every single person gains a new power at the age of 18. However, our protagonist Jen (played by breakout star Máiréad Tyers) bucks that trend – still being powerless at the age…

Streaming Viewers Peer in at a Thriller That Substituted Star Power for Stupidity

via Paramount If filmmaking was as easy as pointing a camera at a star-studded cast and then letting their undoubted talent do all the work, maybe co-writer and director Antti Jokinen’s The Resident wouldn’t have been so interminably uninteresting. After all, the psychological thriller was headlined by two-time Academy Award winner Hilary Swank, with the ever-reliable Jeffrey Dean Morgan sinking his teeth into an increasingly hammy turn as the erstwhile villain of the piece. On top of that, support came from…

Fans Bank On Sony’s Stupidity by Petitioning for A 3rd ‘Morbius’ Release

via Sony Just when you thought Morbin’ Time was over for good, which was a fair assumption after the Morbius re-release powered entirely by memes fell hilariously flat in spectacular style, a petition has reared its head to demand that Sony send Jared Leto’s debut as the Living Vampire back into theaters for a third time. Obviously, we should point out that the entire thing is highly tongue-in-cheek and positively dripping in sarcasm, but that hasn’t stopped almost 10,000 Morbheads from lending their backing to…