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Surprising Bacterial Nanowire Discovery May Lead to Living and Self-Repairing Electrical Circuits

Bacteria producing nanowires made up of cytochrome OmcS. Credit: Ella Maru StudioCooling Speeds Up Electrons in Bacterial NanowiresThe ground beneath our feet and under the ocean floor is an electrically-charged grid created by bacteria “exhaling” excess electrons through tiny nanowires in an oxygen-depleted environment. By identifying the mechanism of electron flow, <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>Yale…

Amazon’s surprising new delivery partners: Rural small businesses

Since at least last summer, Amazon has quietly been recruiting mom-and-pop shops in rural America to join an experimental delivery program. The company is paying participating small businesses a per-package fee to deliver Amazon orders within a 10-mile radius to their neighbors’ homes in states like Nebraska, Mississippi, and Alabama. The local businesses Amazon is recruiting range from florists to restaurants to IT shops, and none of them are required to have prior delivery experience — just a commitment to deliver…

A Surprising Number of Genetic Mutations Occur Thanks to a Quirk of Quantum Physics

Mistakes happen. Especially when it comes to the replication of vast sequences of DNA inside our cells. It's a good thing too. If not for the errors in our genes we refer to as mutations, natural selection would be a no-go, and life would be dead in the water.  As crucial as mutations are to everything from disease to biodiversity, we know shockingly little about the physics of the process.Findings from the University of Surrey in the UK have revived speculations that a primary trigger behind the chemical sleight-of-hand…

New Research Reveals the Surprising Effects of Extended Space Flight on Astronauts’ Brains

Research relies on methodology developed by Oregon Health & Science University scientists.Long-duration space flight alters fluid-filled spaces along veins and arteries in the brain, according to new research from Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) and scientists across the country.The study will be published today (May 5, 2022) in the journal Scientific Reports.“These findings have important implications as we continue space exploration,” said senior author Juan Piantino, M.D., assistant professor of…

How Often Should You Feed Your Dog? Giant Study Reveals a Surprising Answer

Every dog is different, and depending on things like their breed, size, age, and health, their particular dietary requirements may also be different, including what you should feed them, and how much.  But what about how often? A new study that assessed over 10,000 dogs offers some startling insights into the apparent links between feeding frequency and canine health – and the key takeaway is definitely food for thought.According to the research, adult dogs that are fed only once per day tend to score significantly…

W Boson Particles Weigh More Than Normal, Study Finds, Surprising Scientists

A recent experiment showed that a fundamental particle - W boson - weighed more than expected. The mass difference is an important facet for scientists to explain how the universe and its different forces work. The experiment was conducted at the US government's Fermi National Accelerator Lab (or Fermilab). During the experiment, scientists crashed the particles together in order to calculate the mass of W boson particles. "The W boson is a messenger particle of the weak nuclear force. It is responsible for the nuclear…