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40 People Who’ve Interacted With Very Rich People Reveal The Weirdest Things They’ve Seen

Well, this may not be a "rich thing", I don't know, maybe an unexpected rich thing, but it was memorable. One year about 15 years ago, I was taking some vacation days right before Christmas. I took my AR-15 down to the Scottsdale Gun Club shooting range, which is a pretty public range that also rents guns. So I'm in my lane with my AR and a few handguns, shooting away. Next lane to me I notice two elderly guys, one in a suit, one dressed more casually. They're shooting a pistol, like a .38 or 9mm. I can't help…

Scientists Say They’ve Found The Best Place to Spot a UFO in The US : ScienceAlert

If you want to see unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in the skies across the US, head west.Researchers from the University of Utah wanted to look into how local environmental factors affect sightings of these UFOs. Now officially described as unidentified anomalous phenomena or UAPs, the term refers to anything seen in the sky which can't readily be attributed to natural phenomena or openly described technology. The analysis of reports recorded in the past couple of decades and measures of features such as sky cover and…

70 People Who Interacted With Very Rich People Reveal The Weirdest Things They’ve Seen

I went to a birthday party in 3rd grade. Every girl in the 3rd grade was invited. So 80 girls were picked up in limos, taken to build a bear where we could choose any bear, then we all got manicures and pedicures, we went to Red Robin for dinner, and limoed back to her mansion for a sleepover. I will never attend a party that fancy ever again. completehogwash , Erik Mclean/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report I work for a wealthy man and he once had me fly on a private jet to the

GTA 5 Now Lets Players Do Something They’ve Almost Never Been Able To Before

The newest update for Grand Theft Auto V's multiplayer mode introduced the Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid, and it allows players to drive the train for the just the second time since the game launched in 2013.As reported by Kotaku, the train can only be driven during a specific mission tied to the raid, but it's a notable event all the same. Previously, the only time players could drive the train was in the "Derailed" mission from GTA V's story mode, and it was similarly brief. This appears to be the first…

Baldur’s Gate 3 update – Larian gives fans the news they’ve been waiting for | Gaming | Entertainment

Baldur's Gate 3 fans are counting down to the release of a big new update. According to developer Larian, the next major update will lay the foundations for official mod support in Baldur's Gate 3. Better yet, modding will be supported across all platforms, letting users modify things like classes, UI, customisation, spells, assets and game mechanics. Fans should see the initial stages of official mod support with the release of Patch 7, which will launch in the next few months.Larian head of publishing Michael Douse…

Part Two’ gives fans what they’ve been waiting for

With “Dune: Part Two,” visionary filmmaker Denis Villeneuve resolves the biggest complaint about his visually sumptuous but incomplete 2021 adaptation of the classic sci-fi epic. feature — mostly. This time, he proffers an honest-to-goodness ending, even if it, too, teases even more chicanery and planetary conflict ahead. (Villeneuve has said he envisions this “Dune” series as a big-screen trilogy.) But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, and focus on “Dune: Part Two,” which opens March 1 and has already been screened for…

After prison, perpetrators of genocide say they’ve changed

A Rwandan genocide memorial. Credit: Pierre-Yves Beaudouin / Wikimedia Commons After serving decades in prison, Rwandans convicted of crimes of genocide returned to their communities, articulating a "narrative of redemption," saying they were good people, despite their past crimes. And they were hopeful about their prospects for reintegrating into

Plane Passenger Doesn’t Want Another Guy To Occupy The Seat They’ve Paid To Keep Empty, Drama Ensues

I wonder why all sorts of drama involving various entitled people often unfolds on transport, and specifically on airplanes? Perhaps being in a confined space with many other people somehow affects a person’s subconscious, revealing their darkest edges; who knows? But the fact is that plane drama is a pretty common thing.For example, here’s a story from the user u/Dramatic_Safe_4257 in the AITAH Reddit community, who specifically bought the third seat in the row they were sitting in with their friend – and still…

Scientists Say They’ve Found The Trigger For Ancient Maya’s Collapse, And It Reads Like a Warning : ScienceAlert

Researchers peering back through 800 years of history have concluded that Mayapan – the capital of culture and politics for the Maya people of the Yucatán Peninsula in the 13th and 14th century CE – may well have been undone by drought.That drought would have led to civil conflict, which would, in turn, have brought about political collapse, according to the researchers.People would then have retreated to smaller and safer settlements.As well as giving us a useful insight into the history of this ancient people, the 2022…

Scientists Think They’ve Figured Out How Cannabis Triggers The Munchies : ScienceAlert

Neuroscientists at Washington State University think they have figured out why cannabis is so notorious for causing the 'munchies' among users.Their research on mice is the first to investigate how cannabis impacts the real-time activity of brain regions that control appetite.The findings support an abundance of anecdotes and rigorous studies on humans, which all strongly suggest smoking, vaping, or eating cannabis can trigger acute cravings and have you headed for the pantry or fridge in no time.Still, while…