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Study Shows How Ancestors Thrived Amid Climate Shifts

Artist illustration of hominins arriving in a multi-biome mosaic landscape. Such environments were greatly preferred by early humans, according to a new study published in the journal Science by a team of scientists from South Korea and Italy. Credit: Institute for Basic ScienceNew research conducted by an international team, published in the journal Science, reveals that early human <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div…

The trauma of Cary Grant: how he thrived after a terrible childhood – as told by his daughter | Cary Grant

During the casting process for Archie – a forthcoming series for ITVX – about the life of Cary Grant, the late actor’s daughter, Jennifer, had several, unbreakable criteria. The actor playing her dad needed to be suave, of course, per Cary’s public persona. He had to be cerebral – her dad was an avid self-improver. And he had to wow her in a way that reflected the intensity of her relationship with a man who, at the age of 62, gave up a huge career to devote himself exclusively to raising her. Even by the standards of…

A New York Town Once Thrived on Fossil Fuels. Now, Wind Energy Is Giving a Lift.

WELLSVILLE, N.Y.—This former oil town almost 300 miles from the coast is emerging as one of the early winners in the push to develop offshore wind in the Atlantic Ocean.The hulking steel components of wind turbines slated to rise out of the ocean east of Long Island are being welded at the Ljungström factory, which for 100 years has sold parts to coal-fired power plants. Plant managers here said their pivot to wind has meant hiring 150 more people and could reopen a facility that has been dormant for several years.…

David Crosby: a mercurial musical genius who thrived through the chaos | David Crosby

By all accounts, including his own, David Crosby could be a tricky and difficult character. His career was regularly punctuated by angry arguments, bitter fallings-out, sackings, general discord. Joni Mitchell once waspishly suggested he was “a human-hater”. His former bandmate Roger McGuinn described his behaviour while a member of the Byrds as that of a “little Hitler”. Perhaps the best way to describe him was mercurial. He could be utterly charming and mischievously funny – fans gave him the affectionate nickname the…

Where the Sikh American ‘Peach King’ thrived and seeded a legacy

Good morning, and welcome to the Essential California newsletter. It’s Friday, Sept. 23. I’m Jeong Park, a reporter covering Asian American communities for The Times, coming to you from Mid-City in Los Angeles. In a little over a month, the largest celebration for the Sikh American community will take place in Yuba City. It’s a town of 70,000 souls in Sutter County, about 40 miles north of Sacramento. But on the first weekend of every November, the population more than doubles as some 100,000 Sikh Americans from all over…

Three Cat-Sized Mammals That Thrived in the Post-Dinosaur World

Palaeontologists have found fossilised teeth and jaws of three hitherto unrecognised mammals -- Conacodon hettingeri, Miniconus jeanninae, Beornus honeyi — in the Great Divide Basin of Wyoming. The fossils suggest that these mammals were not bigger than a giant rodent or a small-sized cat and thrived during the early Puercan age, within almost 328,000 years after the dinosaurs disappeared. They belong to a group called condylarths. They were somewhere related to the ungulate family, which also includes the ancestors of…

Clay-Bearing Sediments on Mars Indicate Life May Have Thrived on the Red Planet Billion Years Ago

Astronomers and scientists have been striving to find signs of life on Mars through sophisticated missions and extensive research. Now, a latest study has indicated that a region on the Red Planet might have been “repeatedly habitable” until relatively late in Martian History. What caused scientists to conclude so is the discovery of clay-bearing sediments within the Margaritifer Terra region of Mars. The region has some of the most extensively preserved landforms that were created by running water on its surface.“The…

65,000 Years of Food Scraps Show How One Culture Thrived During Environmental Changes

For 65,000 years, Bininj – the local Kundjeihmi word for Aboriginal people – have returned to Madjedbebe rock shelter on Mirarr Country in the Kakadu region (in the Northern Territory).  Over this immense span of time, the environment around the rock shelter has changed dramatically.Our paper, published last week in Quaternary Science Reviews, uses ancient scraps of plant foods, once charred in the site's fireplaces, to explore how Aboriginal communities camping at the site responded to these changes.This cooking debris…