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Poll: California could be Trump’s ace in nomination fight; he’s way ahead

No matter the results of the Iowa caucus on Monday night, new polling suggests that Republicans vying for the presidential nomination face the equivalent of a brick wall on Super Tuesday, in the form of former President Trump.In California, one of 15 states holding Republican primaries on March 5, two-thirds of voters considered likely to take part in the Republican primary said they would cast their ballot for Trump, according to the latest UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll, co-sponsored by the Los…

Joseph Tacopina Withdraws From Trump’s Defense Team

Joseph Tacopina alienated his fellow Trump lawyers, who called him a "dumb" "loudmouth." Now, he will no longer represent Trump in the ex-president's cases High profile — and deeply polarizing — attorney Joseph Tacopina is no longer representing Donald Trump in the ex-president’s cases in New York City. Tacopina had previously represented Trump in a criminal hush money case as well as in E. Jean Carroll‘s sexual abuse and defamation civil suit last year. Reps for Tacopina didn’t immediately

How Elon Musk Is Fully Embracing Donald Trump’s Billionaire Populism

It is hard not to see echoes of Donald Trump in Elon Musk these days.Both are world-famous entrepreneurs who have faced operatic dramas. Both are provocative on social issues, can be politically incorrect and, at times, even crude. And both excel at the art of the sell—themselves and their companies—and the ability to spin the world around their vision of it. Copyright ©2024Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8 It is hard not to see echoes of Donald Trump in Elon Musk

Opinion: Trump’s ‘lost cause,’ a kind of gangster cult, won’t go away

On Jan. 6, 2021, former President Trump, the loser of the 2020 election, famously addressed a gathering of followers who then joined the mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol. While rambling and incoherent, Trump’s speech nonetheless made a few things clear: Leftists had conspired to steal the election by fraud, and the mobs summoned to Washington on his behalf would need to “stand strong.” The implication was that violence might be necessary, because “you’ll never take back our country with weakness.”Trump then made…

Jared Moskowitz Calls Out Trump’s Connection to Jeffrey Epstein

Rep. Jared Moskowitz has been taking Republicans to task all day over their obsession with Hunter Biden House Republicans held a hearing on Wednesday as part of their push to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena to testify behind closed doors. The president’s son has said he will testify publicly about his business dealings overseas, and even showed up to the hearing on Wednesday, but Republicans haven’t been interested in transparency, insisting on questioning him

Trump’s self-defeating attempt to intimidate a federal court

During arguments Tuesday, a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit expressed appropriate skepticism about Donald Trump’s claim of immunity from charges that he attempted to overturn the 2020 election. But what happened afterward may have been even worse for Trump than the hearing itself: The former president refused to rule out violence if the appeals court’s decision goes against him, as he appears to think it will.“It’ll be bedlam in the country,” Trump told reporters. “It’s the opening of a Pandora’s…

Donald Trump’s Plan to Use an Archaic Law for Mass Deportations

As he campaigns on a pledge to lead an unprecedented crackdown on legal and illegal immigration, former President Donald Trump has vowed to invoke an 18th century wartime law to help fuel his massive deportation operations. According to three people familiar with the policy deliberations, Trump, his advisers, and allies have been developing legally dubious justifications and theories to give Trump what he would ostensibly need to wield the archaic law as a weapon against the undocumented if he’s elected president…

Trump’s bid to delay the Jan. 6 trial could be derailed

As all eyes watched every word filed by Donald Trump and federal prosecutors ahead of next week’s crucial arguments on immunity, a third party slipped in the side door with a brief that may dramatically foil the former president’s efforts to leverage the issue for maximum delay.The watchdog organization American Oversight, which is not a party to the case, successfully petitioned the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to accept its friend-of-the-court brief on the ground that it provides a “unique…

Donald Trump’s Plot to Turn His Jan. 6 Trial Into a ‘MAGA Freak Show’

Attempts to drag Nancy Pelosi into court to berate her on the stand and, hopefully, on live TV. Claims that the Jan. 6 Capitol attack was an FBI frame job, with an assist from Antifa. Conspiracy theories that the 2020 election was indeed “stolen,” supposedly backed up by still-classified documents. Unhinged assertions that President Joe Biden is now secretly, personally orchestrating an unprecedented act of political persecution. Calls to publicly unmask the federal officials and lawyers investigating the former (and…

Jack Smith Rejects Trump’s Immunity Claim in New Filing

Jack Smith and his team filed a new brief on Saturday with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, which rejected Donald Trump’s claims that he’s immune from prosecution over his attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election on the basis he was president at the time and that he was acquitted by the Senate following being impeached over his actions. “Rather than vindicating our constitutional framework, the defendant’s sweeping immunity claim threatens to license Presidents to commit crimes to remain in office,”…