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Calls to remove Trump’s Walk of Fame star stump City Council

Hollywood Hills resident Andrew Rudick is on a mission.Over the last three years, he’s submitted public records requests, retrieved case documents from the Los Angeles County Superior Court, spoken at City Council meetings and corresponded with government officials.He’s determined to get Donald Trump’s star removed from the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It’s not an easy task.“The reasonably conveyed message to the millions who have walked past that plaque since 2021 is the city’s endorsement of a man who attempted a coup…

U.S. Supreme Court declines fast ruling on Trump’s immunity claim

WASHINGTON —  In a setback for special counsel Jack Smith, the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday turned down his request for a fast-track ruling on whether former President Trump may be prosecuted for having allegedly conspired to block then-President-elect Biden from being certified as the winner of the 2020 election.Without comment or dissent, the justices denied Smith’s request.The D.C. Circuit Court has said it will consider the issue in early January, but the high court’s action is likely to delay a final resolution of…

How the Colorado Supreme Court just upended Trump’s candidacy

Donald Trump has taken the country into unexplored legal territory often, but rarely so far as in Tuesday’s ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court. The decision leaves the fate of his presidential candidacy hinging on a constitutional amendment adopted in the aftermath of the Civil War.In a stunning but not totally unanticipated 4-3 ruling, Colorado’s highest court ordered its top elections official to remove Trump from the state’s ballots on the ground that he is disqualified from the presidency by Section 3 of the 14th…

Tommy Tuberville ‘Mad’ Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Isn’t Harsher

Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville expressed his disappointment on Tuesday that Donald Trump’s comments accusing migrants of “poisoning the blood of our country” weren’t even more xenophobic.  During a rally in New Hampshire on Saturday, Trump told a crowd of supporters that migrants are “poisoning the blood of our country … That’s what they’ve done. They’ve poisoned mental institutions and prisons all over the world — not just in South America, not just the three or four countries that we think about, but all over…

Republicans Excuse Trump’s ‘Poison the Blood’ Hitler Rhetoric

Republicans are excusing Donald Trump after the former president channeled Hitler and accused immigrants of “poisoning the blood of our country.” On Saturday, Trump addressed a crowd of supporters in Durham, New Hampshire. During one of his rants on immigration, Trump declared that migrants are “poisoning the blood of our country … That’s what they’ve done. They’ve poisoned mental institutions and prisons all over the world — not just in South America, not just the three or four countries that we think about, but…

Trump’s Dictator Comments Cheered by MAGA Extremists

Concerns that a second Donald Trump term could take an iron-fisted turn have been amplified by Trump himself. Instead of refuting reports that have warned of his authoritarian aspirations for a return to the White House, Trump has now declared twice that he’ll act as a “dictator” — clarifying he’d only need such powers on “Day One.” The former president’s dictator shtick has generated an enthusiastic response from his right-wing boosters — ranging from those who insist the president is just trolling the left, to…

Trump’s Push to Steal the 2024 Election: Five Key Takeaways

Donald Trump has spent the last three years alleging that the 2020 election was rigged against him. The former president and his allies have done everything in their power to prove Joe Biden’s win was fraudulent, to no avail, because it wasn’t. Team Trump has simultaneously been laying the groundwork to make sure the 2024 election goes their way and, if it doesn’t, that their effort to bend the results in their favor will be more successful next year than it was after Trump’s reelection effort went down in flames.…

Inside Trump’s Election Plans to Corrupt Voter Registration With EagleAI

O F ALL THE STRANGE, conspiratorial, and potentially dangerous theories Donald Trump and his allies came up with in the days after the 2020 election, this was the strangest, the most conspiratorial, the most potentially dangerous. Millions of electronic ballots for Trump had been “deleted,” and hundreds of thousands more had been “switched” to Joe Biden, Trump and his cronies in media, political, and legal circles insisted — thanks to software designed at the behest of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez to rig…

Hillary Clinton Blasts Trump’s Plan to Run as Abortion ‘Moderate’

Hillary Clinton blasted Donald Trump’s desire to run as a “moderate” on abortion in 2024 despite his instrumental role in securing the destruction of federal abortion rights in the United States.  Earlier this week, Rolling Stone spoke to sources close to the former president, who has been conveying to advisers that he believes he can win the general election by softening his stance on abortion — despite appointing three Supreme Court justices who helped overturn Roe v. Wade and earlier this year publicly bragging…

Experts React To Jill Biden And Melania Trump’s Dramatically Different White House Christmas Decor

In a true American tradition, the First Lady is assigned with the responsibility of decorating the White House for the Holidays.As such, it is Jill Biden, the wife of US President Joe Biden, who has been tasked with the special job for the second year in a row.As a result, the 72-year-old educator unveiled on Monday (November 26) how she had transformed the president’s official residence with 98 Christmas trees, 72 wreaths, and 2.8 miles of ribbon.According to CNN, letters to Santa Claus have been installed to appear as…