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TypeScript Turns 10! Can it Outperform Python from Here?

TypeScript Turns 10 and today TypeScript is a thriving language used by millions of developers It’s been 10 years since Microsoft unveiled TypeScript, a programming language that would develop alongside JavaScript but offer new ways for developers to manage large and chaotic applications. Today TypeScript is a thriving language that’s used by millions of developers around the world. In surveys and language rankings like StackOverflow’s Annual Survey, GitHub’s Octoverse Report, and Redmonk’s Language Rankings,…

Programming languages: Microsoft’s TypeScript shows vision can beat skepticism

Image: Deagreez/ GETTYIt's been 10 years since Microsoft unveiled TypeScript, a programming language that would develop alongside JavaScript but offer new ways for developers to manage large and chaotic applications.The TypeScript team and Microsoft technical fellow and father of C# Anders Hejlsberg unwrapped the first preview of TypeScript in October 2012, describing it as a superset of JavaScript that brought static typing to the dynamically typed language. The goal was to catch errors faster and extend JavaScript

GitHub Copilot That Helps You Code Better With Suggestions for Whole Lines or Entire Functions Launched

GitHub Copilot has been introduced to make coding on the platform easier. It is an “AI pair programmer” that suggests whole lines of code or entire functions based on how you code and what you are working on. GitHub Copilot is in a limited technical preview as of now, so the slots to enrol are limited. The preview works well with Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, and Go, but the final version will work with a broader set of frameworks and languages.Chief Executive Officer of GitHub, Nat Friedman, shared through a…

Learning TypeScript will Put You in High Demand and Pay in 2022

With the latest developments TypeScript has become one of the most used programming languages! TypeScript is a programming language first developed by Microsoft in 2012. Its main ambition is to improve the productivity of developing complex applications. It is an open-source language developed as a superset of JavaScript. What this means in simple terms is that any code valid in JavaScript is also valuable for TypeScript. However, the language introduces optional features like typing or object-oriented…