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30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too

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If your favorite show as a child was The Berenstein Bears, I’m sorry to say that they never existed. Their last name was actually Berenstain. And if you recall the Monopoly Man having a monocle or the Fruit of the Loom logo containing a cornucopia, you’re sadly mistaken. These are all classic examples of the Mandela Effect.

And if you’re interested in even more inexplicable situations where many people swear they remember something differently than how it is today, you’ve come to the right place, pandas! Below, we’ve gathered some of the most perplexing examples of collective misremembering that have been shared in the Mandela Effect Glitch In The Matrix Facebook group. Enjoy reading through these stories, and be sure to upvote the ones you’re guilty of recalling inaccurately too!

I was damn near sure this is NOT where your kidneys are supposed to be… I thought much lower; that’s how I remember being taught anyway

Jason Whitaker , britannica Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too South America moving a significant amount east (on maps) is what started me on the ME. There were maps/globes in nearly every classroom growing up. I love geography and have looked at that continent hundreds of times. It absolutely was not that far East. No chance. This one get any body else?
Edit: I am not talking about updated maps/drift. The map you find everywhere now shows SA at least 1000 miles east of what I remember. The map showing SA almost directly under NA does not exist (and apparently *never* existed. That is what qualifies this as a Mandela Effect)
I remember picture A. Picture B is evidently where SA has always been located

Jason Ralston Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Okay, I really need to ask all of you this. Am I the only one who remembers Tutankhamun’s headdress only had a snake in front? Not a snake and a bird. I wrote a paper many, many years ago in school about him, and I KNOW it only had a snake back then. I’m so confused.

Victoria V. Christensen , Roland Unger Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Anyone remember this author’s name being ‘Steele?’ I distinctly remember an ‘e’ at the end.

Jessie Harris Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Hannibal Lecter said, “Hello Clarice”. Mandela effect says he only said, “Good morning”.
I remember impersonating that line, with Anthony Hopkin’s accent, saying, “Hello Clarice” with my friends all the time!

Robyn Salisbury , Orion Pictures Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too We’re all mad here.’ I’m watching Disney’s Alice in Wonderland on Disney+, and I’m shocked that the Cheshire Cat says, ‘Most everyone’s mad here’ NOT ‘We’re all mad here.’ I know people who have gotten tattoos that say, ‘We’re all mad here’ as they remember it, and now it’s gone!

Devon Kramer , Disney Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too This may be silly, but I swear the Pillsbury Doughboy always had a little blue scarf, but apparently, it’s just white. Maybe I’m thinking of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, haha

Emma Pelley , Doug Quick Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I’ve believed in Mandela effects for a while now, but I just found another one that again cemented it if I had any doubt. For context, since age might matter, I’m 34, but I owned all the Game Boy Pokémon as a child and teenager. In the game Pokémon, the rock-type character that looks like a snake made of large boulders was always called ‘Onyx.’ It was always Onyx like the color. I remember because of the text change with the letter ‘y.’ It goes below the lettering, and it was easy to remember. But now the name of the character is Onix. That was not the case in my childhood. I even used to draw the Pokémon and name them on paper

Francisco Casillas Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I recently told my my mom about the Mandela effect and shared a bunch of them for her to check out herself. The stepmother’s line which is now “Magic Mirror on the wall…” She remembered vividly being “Mirror, mirror on the wall…”. As a kid, she ran out of the theater when her parents took her to see the movie because she was so afraid of the evil stepmom. She had recurring nightmares afterwards even. She sent me this pic a few days later. It’s taken from The Family Treasury of Children’s Stories, Book One.

Anonymous participant Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Ok here’s one that has always bothered me. I remember Thanksgiving being the third Thursday of November, not the fourth. It was that way until my early teens. Then it switched. But you look it up, it’s supposedly always been the fourth Thursday. I was born in 1964 to give you a perspective on time frame. I remember because we always got out for the whole weekend and the dates were always like 19th, 20th, or 21st through whatever

Sandra K. Murphy , 戴 宇扬/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I grew up reading my grandfather’s encyclopedia and other old books. I distinctly remember learning about the pyramids in Antarctica. Please tell me I’m not the only one

Anonymous participant Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I was showing my son some videos of the Mandela effect & the Christmas song, I’ll be home for Christmas came up as one. I’ve always heard, I’ll be home for Christmas, you can Count on me. I was baffled when I heard it doesn’t say Count, it says, You can Plan on me. Fast forward to this morning & my daughter was playing a game on her pad & that song was part of the game. For the 1st time I heard, You can Plan on me. My question is…if I had not watched the video on the Mandela effect about a week ago, would I still have heard Count? Like the Laurel & Yanni thing? Do you guys remember that? Some people would hear Laurel, while others heard Yanni. I think it was Yanni, it could hv been something similar ijust can’t recall it tho. What do you all think? Im curious about this. Clear as day the song said Plan. 🤯 I even asked my 6 year old & she said, mom, I thought the song said you can count on me. So baffled

Allison Luckow , cottonbro studio/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Who remembers Michael Jackson’s song ‘Smooth Criminal’ going, ‘You’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by, a smooth criminal?’ ‘Cause apparently those aren’t the lyrics. Now, it’s ‘You’ve been hit by, you’ve been hit by, a smooth criminal

Kat Stark , Michael Jackson Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I was researching the back story behind ‘Count Dracula’, maybe 25 years ago or so. I just casually mentioned it to my Mum when she asked me who ‘Vlad the Impaler’ was. I was shocked, because everyone I knew (including my Mum) knew that Dracula was based on Vlad the 3rd Tepes ‘Dracula’ of Romania. But when I tried to look up Vlad the Impaler – I couldn’t find any reference to him in any of our books! So – frustrated and confused – I left it at that. It gets weirder – the next day I looked him up I found loads of references and history about him and how he was the inspiration for count Dracula etc – and when I showed my Mum, she was like “Yeah, so what?” And I was like – “But yesterday you said you had never heard of him!”

Sara Basten , universalstudios Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Who remembers the kids show Lamb Chops play along? It was in the 90s (I think)
At the end of the show there is a song called
“The song that NEVER ends”
It’s one of those daft songs that gets stuck in some part of your brain that pops out from time to time 🤣
I was singing it last week as my daughter and I were talking about kids shows from when I was younger. She wanted to see it, so I went to YouTube and typed “the song that never ends”
As expected it shows up, only now the lyrics are
“this is the song that DOESN’T end”!!!! It doesn’t even sound right!!

Simon Guy Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I’m planning my kids birthday party and a friend told me joking to not to go wild and put ipads in the party favors… we laughed because I knew he was referring to an episode from Big little lies that we have watched a few years ago. I re watched the whole 2 seasons again and now I didn’t see that scene at all! I remember it was on S2 in Amabella’s birthday party since Renata was trying to not to look poor after their bankrupcy…… I totally remember that Bonnie looks at the party bag and tells her husband.. oh wow there is an ipad in there. Do any of you remember that scene? It may have been cut or something but why that specific scene? I have googled it and look for it in youtube but nothing! Like it never happened!

Anonymous participant , Ren Beth Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Please tell me I’m not the only one who remembers this as the “hungry hungry” caterpillar?

Jessica Perricone Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Back in 1998 I was in eight grade. I remember walking into the library and all the teachers were crying bc a space shuttle that had just launched from cape canevral exploded killing all astronauts on board. Crazy part is there is nothing in Google or anywhere. I remember this happening clear as day

Donald Goldstein , Pixabay/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I’m in my 40’s, when I was a little girl I remember seeing a coca cola commercial with the jingle, “where ever there’s a present, there’s always a bow, where ever there’s Santa, there’s always ho ho ho, where ever there’s a choir there’s always a song, when ever the holidays come along, there’s always coca cola, fa la la la la always coca cola” it has Santa drinking a coke out of a glass bottle. When I ask anyone if they remember this commercial and jingle they look at me crazy and say no. Please tell me that someone, anyone else remembers this. I can not find it online any where

Julie Kretten , VideoVarietychannel Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I first became aware of and interested in the Mandela effect due to the Berenstein Bears. I read the books to my sons when they were young and I remember thinking when I read the name are these bears like Jewish bears hence the last name ending in “stein”, or was it like stein in Frankenstein? Some years ago I stumbled onto this whole Mandeal effect thing. So for me it was always the Berenstein Bears, Fruit of the Loom did have a cornucopia, and Mandela did not die in prison.
But one thing that happened for me is something that no one else might not have experienced, or at least I haven’t read an account about what I’m going to share. Now some of you older people might remember the early disco song “Rock Your Baby” which was by George Maccrae in 1974. It was a huge hit at the time. Now here is were it gets interesting to me. In 1986 I was at my mothers house eating lunch and I was reading the newspaper. There was an article about the death of George Maccrae and that he had died of cancer. I was very saddened upon reading this. His song Rock Your Baby was a song that I really loved and anytime I ever heard it it just made me feel good. So the years following I was always saddened to know that George was no long with us. Now before I go any further you need to know that I know quite a bit about music and 1970s music is my specialty. So I have always been the guy that when it comes to 1970s music that when there is a trivia contest etc I win. It was a few years back that all of a sudden I became aware that George Maccrae isn’t dead. He didn’t die ans he’s alive and well and he was still singing. I was really shocked because I know damned well I had read his obituary article in the newspaper in 1986. I went years just knowing he was no longer alive and now all of a sudden he is alive. Well I’m glad he still is but I cannot explain this. If I had been in a triva contest about music I would have said he died in 1986 of cancer.

David Morris , bookshop Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Many remember the line from Scary Movie as ‘I see white people,’ playing off the iconic line from The Sixth Sense, ‘I see dead people.’ Well, it no longer exists; now the Scary Movie scene says ‘I see dead people.’ The Mandela effect strikes again!

Devon Kramer , Dropthebeatonit Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Houdini’s death- Google (and a good few people I’ve asked) say his cause of death was from a ruptured appendix but I’m sure it was during a trick where he could get out of the water filled box, Im sure I remember learning about it in school

Kiki Maria , RR Auction Report


If your favorite show as a child was The Berenstein Bears, I’m sorry to say that they never existed. Their last name was actually Berenstain. And if you recall the Monopoly Man having a monocle or the Fruit of the Loom logo containing a cornucopia, you’re sadly mistaken. These are all classic examples of the Mandela Effect.

And if you’re interested in even more inexplicable situations where many people swear they remember something differently than how it is today, you’ve come to the right place, pandas! Below, we’ve gathered some of the most perplexing examples of collective misremembering that have been shared in the Mandela Effect Glitch In The Matrix Facebook group. Enjoy reading through these stories, and be sure to upvote the ones you’re guilty of recalling inaccurately too!

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I was damn near sure this is NOT where your kidneys are supposed to be... I thought much lower; that's how I remember being taught anyway

Jason Whitaker , britannica Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too South America moving a significant amount east (on maps) is what started me on the ME. There were maps/globes in nearly every classroom growing up. I love geography and have looked at that continent hundreds of times. It absolutely was not that far East. No chance. This one get any body else?
Edit: I am not talking about updated maps/drift. The map you find everywhere now shows SA at least 1000 miles east of what I remember. The map showing SA almost directly under NA does not exist (and apparently *never* existed. That is what qualifies this as a Mandela Effect)
I remember picture A. Picture B is evidently where SA has always been located

Jason Ralston Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Okay, I really need to ask all of you this. Am I the only one who remembers Tutankhamun's headdress only had a snake in front? Not a snake and a bird. I wrote a paper many, many years ago in school about him, and I KNOW it only had a snake back then. I’m so confused.

Victoria V. Christensen , Roland Unger Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Anyone remember this author's name being 'Steele?' I distinctly remember an 'e' at the end.

Jessie Harris Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Hannibal Lecter said, "Hello Clarice". Mandela effect says he only said, "Good morning".
I remember impersonating that line, with Anthony Hopkin's accent, saying, "Hello Clarice" with my friends all the time!

Robyn Salisbury , Orion Pictures Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too We're all mad here.' I'm watching Disney's Alice in Wonderland on Disney+, and I'm shocked that the Cheshire Cat says, 'Most everyone's mad here' NOT 'We're all mad here.' I know people who have gotten tattoos that say, 'We're all mad here' as they remember it, and now it's gone!

Devon Kramer , Disney Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too This may be silly, but I swear the Pillsbury Doughboy always had a little blue scarf, but apparently, it’s just white. Maybe I'm thinking of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, haha

Emma Pelley , Doug Quick Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I've believed in Mandela effects for a while now, but I just found another one that again cemented it if I had any doubt. For context, since age might matter, I'm 34, but I owned all the Game Boy Pokémon as a child and teenager. In the game Pokémon, the rock-type character that looks like a snake made of large boulders was always called 'Onyx.' It was always Onyx like the color. I remember because of the text change with the letter 'y.' It goes below the lettering, and it was easy to remember. But now the name of the character is Onix. That was not the case in my childhood. I even used to draw the Pokémon and name them on paper

Francisco Casillas Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I recently told my my mom about the Mandela effect and shared a bunch of them for her to check out herself. The stepmother's line which is now "Magic Mirror on the wall..." She remembered vividly being "Mirror, mirror on the wall...". As a kid, she ran out of the theater when her parents took her to see the movie because she was so afraid of the evil stepmom. She had recurring nightmares afterwards even. She sent me this pic a few days later. It's taken from The Family Treasury of Children's Stories, Book One.

Anonymous participant Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Ok here's one that has always bothered me. I remember Thanksgiving being the third Thursday of November, not the fourth. It was that way until my early teens. Then it switched. But you look it up, it's supposedly always been the fourth Thursday. I was born in 1964 to give you a perspective on time frame. I remember because we always got out for the whole weekend and the dates were always like 19th, 20th, or 21st through whatever

Sandra K. Murphy , 戴 宇扬/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I grew up reading my grandfather's encyclopedia and other old books. I distinctly remember learning about the pyramids in Antarctica. Please tell me I'm not the only one

Anonymous participant Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I was showing my son some videos of the Mandela effect & the Christmas song, I’ll be home for Christmas came up as one. I’ve always heard, I’ll be home for Christmas, you can Count on me. I was baffled when I heard it doesn’t say Count, it says, You can Plan on me. Fast forward to this morning & my daughter was playing a game on her pad & that song was part of the game. For the 1st time I heard, You can Plan on me. My question is…if I had not watched the video on the Mandela effect about a week ago, would I still have heard Count? Like the Laurel & Yanni thing? Do you guys remember that? Some people would hear Laurel, while others heard Yanni. I think it was Yanni, it could hv been something similar ijust can’t recall it tho. What do you all think? Im curious about this. Clear as day the song said Plan. 🤯 I even asked my 6 year old & she said, mom, I thought the song said you can count on me. So baffled

Allison Luckow , cottonbro studio/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Who remembers Michael Jackson’s song 'Smooth Criminal' going, 'You’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by, a smooth criminal?' 'Cause apparently those aren’t the lyrics. Now, it’s 'You’ve been hit by, you’ve been hit by, a smooth criminal

Kat Stark , Michael Jackson Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I was researching the back story behind 'Count Dracula', maybe 25 years ago or so. I just casually mentioned it to my Mum when she asked me who 'Vlad the Impaler' was. I was shocked, because everyone I knew (including my Mum) knew that Dracula was based on Vlad the 3rd Tepes 'Dracula' of Romania. But when I tried to look up Vlad the Impaler - I couldn't find any reference to him in any of our books! So - frustrated and confused - I left it at that. It gets weirder - the next day I looked him up I found loads of references and history about him and how he was the inspiration for count Dracula etc - and when I showed my Mum, she was like "Yeah, so what?" And I was like - "But yesterday you said you had never heard of him!"

Sara Basten , universalstudios Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Who remembers the kids show Lamb Chops play along? It was in the 90s (I think)
At the end of the show there is a song called
"The song that NEVER ends"
It's one of those daft songs that gets stuck in some part of your brain that pops out from time to time 🤣
I was singing it last week as my daughter and I were talking about kids shows from when I was younger. She wanted to see it, so I went to YouTube and typed "the song that never ends"
As expected it shows up, only now the lyrics are
"this is the song that DOESN'T end"!!!! It doesn't even sound right!!

Simon Guy Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I'm planning my kids birthday party and a friend told me joking to not to go wild and put ipads in the party favors... we laughed because I knew he was referring to an episode from Big little lies that we have watched a few years ago. I re watched the whole 2 seasons again and now I didn't see that scene at all! I remember it was on S2 in Amabella's birthday party since Renata was trying to not to look poor after their bankrupcy...... I totally remember that Bonnie looks at the party bag and tells her husband.. oh wow there is an ipad in there. Do any of you remember that scene? It may have been cut or something but why that specific scene? I have googled it and look for it in youtube but nothing! Like it never happened!

Anonymous participant , Ren Beth Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Please tell me I’m not the only one who remembers this as the “hungry hungry” caterpillar?

Jessica Perricone Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Back in 1998 I was in eight grade. I remember walking into the library and all the teachers were crying bc a space shuttle that had just launched from cape canevral exploded killing all astronauts on board. Crazy part is there is nothing in Google or anywhere. I remember this happening clear as day

Donald Goldstein , Pixabay/Pexels (not the actual photo) Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I'm in my 40's, when I was a little girl I remember seeing a coca cola commercial with the jingle, "where ever there's a present, there's always a bow, where ever there's Santa, there's always ho ho ho, where ever there's a choir there's always a song, when ever the holidays come along, there's always coca cola, fa la la la la always coca cola" it has Santa drinking a coke out of a glass bottle. When I ask anyone if they remember this commercial and jingle they look at me crazy and say no. Please tell me that someone, anyone else remembers this. I can not find it online any where

Julie Kretten , VideoVarietychannel Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too I first became aware of and interested in the Mandela effect due to the Berenstein Bears. I read the books to my sons when they were young and I remember thinking when I read the name are these bears like Jewish bears hence the last name ending in "stein", or was it like stein in Frankenstein? Some years ago I stumbled onto this whole Mandeal effect thing. So for me it was always the Berenstein Bears, Fruit of the Loom did have a cornucopia, and Mandela did not die in prison.
But one thing that happened for me is something that no one else might not have experienced, or at least I haven't read an account about what I'm going to share. Now some of you older people might remember the early disco song "Rock Your Baby" which was by George Maccrae in 1974. It was a huge hit at the time. Now here is were it gets interesting to me. In 1986 I was at my mothers house eating lunch and I was reading the newspaper. There was an article about the death of George Maccrae and that he had died of cancer. I was very saddened upon reading this. His song Rock Your Baby was a song that I really loved and anytime I ever heard it it just made me feel good. So the years following I was always saddened to know that George was no long with us. Now before I go any further you need to know that I know quite a bit about music and 1970s music is my specialty. So I have always been the guy that when it comes to 1970s music that when there is a trivia contest etc I win. It was a few years back that all of a sudden I became aware that George Maccrae isn't dead. He didn't die ans he's alive and well and he was still singing. I was really shocked because I know damned well I had read his obituary article in the newspaper in 1986. I went years just knowing he was no longer alive and now all of a sudden he is alive. Well I'm glad he still is but I cannot explain this. If I had been in a triva contest about music I would have said he died in 1986 of cancer.

David Morris , bookshop Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Many remember the line from Scary Movie as 'I see white people,' playing off the iconic line from The Sixth Sense, 'I see dead people.' Well, it no longer exists; now the Scary Movie scene says 'I see dead people.' The Mandela effect strikes again!

Devon Kramer , Dropthebeatonit Report

30 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That You Might Have Misremembered Too Houdini’s death- Google (and a good few people I’ve asked) say his cause of death was from a ruptured appendix but I’m sure it was during a trick where he could get out of the water filled box, Im sure I remember learning about it in school

Kiki Maria , RR Auction Report


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