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40 ChatGPT Use Cases in 2023

0 40

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly one of the most popular and advancing technologies of recent years. Generative AI models are facilitating numerous tasks, enabling efficiency and automation. Currently, ChatGPT is the prominent generative AI model storming the internet. According to Similar Web, it has reached 1 billion visits since its release in November 2022.1

ChatGPT has various applications useful to people, companies and various industries. In this article, we explain the top 40 ChatGPT use cases.

General ChatGPT Use Cases

1- Textual Applications

ChatGPT, as a language model, can be used for a wide range of text-based use cases. Some of the most common use cases of ChatGPT include:

1- Content creation

ChatGPT can be used to generate high-quality content for websites, blogs, or social media platforms in a few seconds. This includes creating content like: 

  • Product description
  • Blog post
  • Social media post
  • Draft for a business idea
  • Long form content like entire articles

It can also be used for creative writing applications, where it can help users generate unique ideas, brainstorm plots, and even write entire stories.

Figure 1. Example of a content creation using ChatGPT with the prompt “Once upon a time”

To learn more about generative AI in copywriting, check our article.

2- Translation

ChatGPT can be used for translation services, where it can automatically translate text from one language to another.

3- Conversational AI

ChatGPT can be used to create intelligent chatbots that can converse with users in natural language. These chatbots can be used for customer service, sales, or support to produce human like responses, as well as for personal virtual assistants.

2- Coding Applications

4- Writing code

ChatGPT can write code for simple or repetitive tasks, such as file I/O operations, data manipulation, and database queries. However, it’s important to note that its ability to write code is limited and the generated code may not always be the accurate, optimized or desired output.

Figure 2. ChatGPT writing code for a comment

P 1Hxun1L94PWx75NDF2ij3tFoRis0rC lGX2ZQx7dc22Wu3h E39seqn 7B7HLIBj54Gm mryHEIj1KuiEs

5- Debugging

ChatGPT’s bug fixing abilities can also be a valuable tool for programmers. It can assist in debugging code by proposing possible causes of errors and presenting solutions to resolve them.

Figure 3. ChatGPT helping with debugging code

5WCLpNJcr7jgJrpAuaEGh00FMqZM82SxlywbtZ6BWbqFlxR4w28qQoHgo1i9ZjKCfPZi nwoCn38dFBoFbLQoXU1 rPgTD2 Pv9njEXLWo4rb2Igax 5lGrTH2HJi

6- Code completion

ChatGPT can aid in code completion by anticipating the following lines or segments of code based on the context and current code. This can be particularly advantageous for programmers who may not recall all of the syntax and functions of the programming language they are using, saving time and effort.

7- Code refactoring

ChatGPT can recommend methods to enhance and refine the code structure, readability, and performance. Refactoring entails modifying existing code to improve its quality without altering its behavior. ChatGPT can offer suggestions for renaming variables, removing repetitive code, and other enhancements that can make the code more effective and more accessible for other programmers to understand.

Figure 4. ChatGPT refactoring a code it provides as an example

n4CcvRVhdSRH3Hf6iblHdVUvU3u FHI 76BbiQY5Pn94fJUZeIkgoIzTCSs3TontC3YWEU78hZbDAfpHyLqjLtVF12VCmZvJpt72GYHcO0ozFyCycFVS

8- Code documentation

When a programmer enters their code into ChatGPT, it can propose suitable documentation templates based on the programming language and the kind of code being documented. For instance, if the code is a function, ChatGPT can propose a function documentation template that includes parameters, return values, and a description of the function’s objective.

Figure 5. ChatGPT providing an example code documentation for a Python function that sorts a list of numbers in ascending order

ycCt8kIdssQDmGINL9E qWZxsGEeAB7f0GtYXiJRqQpT61n1tuO6KB6fGHV9E8L4YjTdH1dwOLGIQXY6nRVqXoNBe aa7cXXoebMsUhvUvevKz0GjTCQ pdSrbmoyKP2fBe68Bf1vPeQAtkHenWrdQM

9- Code snippets generation

ChatGPT has the potential to produce code snippets in multiple programming languages based on user input and requirements. A code snippet is a brief piece of code that exemplifies a particular feature, function, or technique in a programming language. Code snippets can be helpful in illustrating how to execute a specific task or resolve a problem in code and can serve as a foundation for more intricate programming projects.

Figure 6. ChatGPT provides an example code snippet

nZrbnt9DgyCeQvWa9MuA5aKfomsQxqzx7BLdTzqI4vSc hf6qwCV

10- Explaining coding techniques and concepts

ChatGPT can provide explanations and examples of programming concepts, a software product, syntax, and functions, which can be helpful for learning and understanding programming languages. This can be particularly useful for beginner programmers who may be unfamiliar with programming concepts or experienced programmers who are working with a new programming language.

Figure 7. ChatGPT provides an explanation for the question “What is object-oriented programming and how does it work?”

cU3gFfEXYyfEaKE3MkVbt5 jtwDzvjJVHrxS3NRYGn2CFfZRoSxoguAeeNHVaMPKaMzw9C9OqzIfjHzSfFn1R1SnnL6l2307NhJ9q7om8LXRO9uje wlBA0iJGgxmocdl4xhjsl1wJVF77cPMg3Wc 0

3- Educational Applications

For teachers:

11- Course content creation

ChatGPT can assist teachers in developing innovative ideas for lesson plans, activities, and projects that are in line with defined educational goals and curriculum guidelines. Teachers can employ ChatGPT to produce and organize instructional content, including but not limited to:

  • Presentations
  • Worksheets
  • Quizzes (Figure 8)
  • Other educational materials customized to meet their students’ individualized requirements

Figure 8. ChatGPT creates a quiz for a class

msM56l9Fc2sM1g52aqy0Ok rS3kZclVkRIT4AYIatoYO9qWopmIr1HNUrEo81UgMBczubv6Ds1rwuAFr5GKJPwWJa2ylkbGWFMYUG B1eVNa8BTu

12- Grammar and writing check

Another application of ChatGPT for educators involves utilizing its natural language understanding capabilities to aid in the assessment and enhancement of written work. This can be implemented in various ways:

  • Proofreading and editing
  • Providing feedback to students
  • Teaching writing skills

13- Grading

ChatGPT can help teachers with the grading of student essays by evaluating the content, structure, and coherence of the written work. The AI can offer feedback on grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax while also assessing the quality of the argument or analysis presented. Nonetheless, it is vital to avoid solely relying on ChatGPT for grading purposes. Instead, teachers should have a critical process and employ ChatGPT to create the rubric used for grading.

14- Designing syllabus outline

Incorporating ChatGPT in their teaching approach, educators can harness the AI’s potential to aid in the creation, organization, and structuring of course content in a coherent and efficient way (Figure 9). Some ways in which ChatGPT can help include:

  • Developing course objectives and goals
  • Generating topics for the course
  • Planning lessons
  • Identifying and assembling relevant resources and materials for the course

Figure 9. ChatGPT creates a course design on cellular biology

jns7l9DmqpfH9RsclBIUfTOZVNcJMXhDIn2AVZjV uyUL6BU6gV JE88tWL9LNPAldsEeSh4ZPHt etVzHNMwW3gDOHE HGHcSpCpw123PSNRHtnPrlrFjHakpuV50Gul9cIbMcBAugVGWN9ea6pkw

For students:

15- Help with homework

ChatGPT can be useful for students in many aspects of their homework, such as:

Figure 10. ChatGPT explains some key concepts for a high school student


16- Research assistance

ChatGPT can be an asset in supporting and streamlining the research process for academic projects, assignments, or personal interests (Figure 11). It can assist in many steps involved in the research process, such as:

  • Topic selection
  • Background information about the topic
  • Identifying relevant resources
  • Organizing research
  • Citation assistance

Figure 11. ChatGPT provides creative ideas for a term project

D hqdujRTvT I QVtb

17- Language learning

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for language learning, offering translations, grammar explanations, vocabulary practice, and conversation simulations to help students practice and improve their language skills. Also, it can help students to schedule a program for improving their language skills (Figure 12).

Figure 12. ChatGPT creates a weekly schedule for language learning practices

u0s3VCLLocq4EnhP7pm6oMrl51PKV1l6KGVo8zUoqcPlAIAcyF p8KJWDR16DaIjXRdJXonH9b8pzRZDmSQkSM58yi0Mj1YAWQj8RZdB7NDGT4soJVXolrz6vYK4fS5y3hTB4DXGn7Q3OAuFcQ 0VnY

Business-function-specific ChatGPT Use Cases

1- Marketing & SEO Applications

18- Content creation for content marketing campaigns

AI-generated texts has numerous applications in marketing beyond the generation of business ideas, including:

  • Content creation such as emails, social media posts, blog articles etc. for content marketing
  • Scriptwriting and storytelling for advertising goods and services, creating compelling stories and persuasive messages (see Figure 13 for an example)

Figure 13. An example for an AI generated content for advertising a new electric car model by using ChatGPT

R4n5WRscK6DsGEcNilQV2dLRXzRLeAoPi4N1dZIwChVwMfRKrKWxP9WuOVk04htAAd1Y7l lqyTKQTeNP1w8AQKSdFjL1XWS46gJdMhN6ZVmyNdUp9Bp1cgI5IqMKT5A28bbd 9mPiSPoY4zJjy alo

19- Personalization of customer experience

By leveraging its natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, ChatGPT can generate personalized content for customers that takes into account their preferences, past behavior, and demographics. This enables businesses to create targeted content that connects with their audience on a more personalized level, resulting in higher levels of engagement and conversion rates.

20- Audience research

Audience research involves collecting information and insights about the target audience to gain a better understanding of their interests, preferences, behaviors, and requirements. This helps companies with more effective marketing.

ChatGPT can be used to analyze customer data such as: 

  • Search queries
  • Social media interactions
  • Past purchases to identify patterns and trends in customer behavior

21- Writing product descriptions

Product descriptions are a fundamental aspect of marketing that furnish potential customers with information about a product’s features, benefits, and value. ChatGPT can assist in crafting engaging and informative product descriptions that align with the interests and preferences of the target audience.

22- Chatbot for customer support

Indeed, ChatGPT can be incorporated into a chatbot to deliver prompt and personalized customer support. Chatbots in marketing can address customer inquiries, offer technical support, and troubleshoot issues, among other things for marketing purposes.

23- Creating customer surveys

ChatGPT can help with creating customer surveys:

  • Question generation
  • Organizing survey structure
  • Making surveys multilingual with its translation ability
  • Survey analysis

To learn more about ChatGPT in marketing, check our article.


24- Generate topic ideas for content writing

ChatGPT can be used for generating topic ideas for SEO content writing (see Figure 1) by utilizing its language processing capabilities to:

  • Produce relevant keywords and phrases
  • Analyze competitors’ content to identify gaps in coverage
  • Suggest topics based on current trends and user search queries

25- Conduct keyword research

Integrating relevant keywords into content is a vital component of a successful SEO strategy as it assists in identifying the words and phrases that potential customers utilize when searching for products or services associated with the website’s offerings.

ChatGPT can perform functions in keyword search optimization such as:

  • Generating keywords (Figure 14)
  • Identifying keyword trends

Figure 14. Keyword ideas for B2B marketing content

l2oXiNWxkYQU3JpbFKZN8tlePhsZgAu52fUXhNHGyT3kwa5qrLsNykmkF4ca89zDeLshyo2Nt6ZUhcFx751jEmffAPe5 IjkbZTqFZp4GX3TjvTjHt Th65O3vyC7F26R e6tH7 ljRrZsNMmkWZsCI

26- Find the right titles

ChatGPT can aid in crafting captivating and SEO-friendly titles by blending its language generation abilities with its knowledge of SEO best practices (Figure 15). It can produce SEO-friendly titles by guaranteeing that the titles are:

  • Descriptive and clearly convey the topic of the content
  • Capable of incorporating relevant keywords that are related to the topic
  • Concise and to the point, typically falling within the 60-70 character limit for optimal display in search engine results pages.
  • Eye-catching and likely to attract clicks, which can help improve click-through rate (CTR) and ultimately, SEO

Figure 15. ChatGPT SEO-friendly title suggestions for content in B2B marketing

skI5y4wqS7amA8FrDF BfGe6tLJe TJInWuXS7of7Ce8Nm1qSYS3 E1Wbfb1VlXSFrgejsmVLd0RqG8wD1gkyBi gaWbXxWrvBmvGBcuVOGo RVKDf2iS42Q 2BgMDS bXj6hWl58BOa6Jru PtfW8I

27- Group search intent

ChatGPT can assist in search intent grouping by analyzing search queries and categorizing them based on the user’s intended goal or purpose, thanks to Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods. This can help businesses and marketers understand the intent behind specific search terms and optimize their content and strategies to better meet the needs and expectations of their target audience.

For more on how to use search function of ChatGPT effectively, check our article.

28- Create content structure

ChatGPT can aid in designing content structure by producing outlines and suggesting organization methods for a given topic. This can be advantageous for SEO optimization since a well-structured and organized content not only offers a superior user experience but also enables search engines to comprehend the context and significance of the content.

Figure 16. ChatGPT creating the structure of a content

4mvG5o4gfwybK3qVDfogEwi1up1V8R N1VBmeeXkUk2wz7tj fZ5qIEGCW77tWQcn65Dn95wGSd6zNhpla05pJColdQaBEueQtedJtp1RD2 EFDa76 L3iMhraM 4aqCEREkBod0Fb0pYXeM4qpGFA

29- Generate meta descriptions

Meta descriptions function as a form of advertisement for a page, enticing users to click on the link and visit the page. Hence, meta descriptions are a significant factor in SEO. ChatGPT can assist in creating effective meta descriptions by generating content summaries that precisely and concisely depict the primary topic of a page.

30- Create sitemap codes

ChatGPT can be used in generating sitemap codes producing an XML file that lists all the pages and content on a website. 

Figure 17. Example of a simple sitemap code

g iMiPVORFSJTlosjudy5ZTAVp9xmPY6i yYV43T801WF9cjNbsbQlL6tbM8LKxbEecublHVc l4mOwDIdIdKG bzcmhBhvYKZiNsxgufdaE0wrvYubdSeFVRS3RZZmUcAUVsf2 uBVYXsDeBlWw0eA

To learn more about ChatGPT in SEO maximization, check our article.

2- Customer Service Applications

31- Multilingual customer support

The multilingual support provided by ChatGPT for customer service involves leveraging the large language model’s capabilities to offer assistance to customers who speak different languages. ChatGPT can be trained on a range of languages, and it has the potential to translate messages from one language to another, enabling effective communication between customers and businesses in different languages.

Figure 18. An exemplary multilingual customer response generated by ChatGPT

u0nvPJniXC2MDAQfofk LZJklbVr8VJDdHNZudGy8cZHc JkBF2D4c cj ePgE nkL rlssA9QdNxucciL m9eDOB6aOL

32- Personalized responses to customer queries

ChatGPT can be trained on customer data, such as:

to create a personalized profile for each customer. When a customer sends a message, ChatGPT can use this profile to provide relevant responses tailored to the customer’s specific needs and preferences.

33- Quick responses to customer inquiries & complaints

ChatGPT can be trained to detect and reply to typical customer complaints, such as problems with product quality, shipping delays, or billing errors. When a customer submits a complaint, ChatGPT can evaluate the message and offer a response that acknowledges the customer’s concerns and presents possible solutions to address the issue.

34- Creating emails for customers

ChatGPT can design custom email templates for specific customers using provided customer data. When a company needs to send an email to a customer, ChatGPT can utilize a template to create an email that is personalized to the customer’s specific interests and requirements.

Figure 19. ChatGPT providing an email template for a certain customer problem

U r0yKM2fmvbqdV

35- Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis is used to identify customers who are unhappy or dissatisfied with a product or service, and to take steps to address their concerns before they escalate.

ChatGPT can be trained to recognize a wide range of emotions, including happiness, sadness, anger, and frustration. When a customer sends a message, ChatGPT can analyze the message to determine its sentiment and provide a response that is tailored to the customer’s emotional state.

36- Replying to customer reviews

When a customer leaves a review or comment on online review platforms or your website, ChatGPT can be used to generate a response that addresses the customer’s concerns and offers potential solutions or assistance.

37- Answering FAQs

ChatGPT can be trained on a company’s FAQ page or knowledge base to identify and respond to frequent customer inquiries. When a customer submits a question, ChatGPT can examine the message and offer a response that addresses the customer’s inquiry or guide them to additional resources that may be useful.

To learn more about ChatGPT in customer service, check our article.

3- HR Applications

38- Creating job interview questions

HR departments frequently require a series of questions to ask job candidates during the interview process, which can be a time-consuming task. AI can be utilized to produce interview questions that pertain to the job position and evaluate the candidate’s qualifications, abilities, and experience.

Figure 20. ChatGPT creates a set of interview questions for a job position

HylVeMzWxNo0 yZfiDVqR8eTXSUGDKRkznDiJ1KScLUPTyxQfDR UYpdpKEGv9jtl3TozGPfuP48Kez8J2q iapJBL6EVRl4ywMb

39- Generating onboarding materials

ChatGPT can be used to generate onboarding materials for new employees, such as training videos, handbooks, and other documentation.

40- Job description generation

ChatGPT can be used for creating job descriptions that accurately reflect the required skills and qualifications for a particular position.

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  1. “ Traffic Analytics & Market Share | Similarweb.” SimilarWeb, Accessed 27 March 2023.

Cem has been the principal analyst at AIMultiple since 2017. AIMultiple informs hundreds of thousands of businesses (as per similarWeb) including 55% of Fortune 500 every month.

Cem’s work has been cited by leading global publications including Business Insider, Forbes, Washington Post, global firms like Deloitte, HPE and NGOs like World Economic Forum and supranational organizations like European Commission. You can see more reputable companies and resources that referenced AIMultiple.

Throughout his career, Cem served as a tech consultant, tech buyer and tech entrepreneur. He advised enterprises on their technology decisions at McKinsey & Company and Altman Solon for more than a decade. He also published a McKinsey report on digitalization.

He led technology strategy and procurement of a telco while reporting to the CEO. He has also led commercial growth of deep tech company Hypatos that reached a 7 digit annual recurring revenue and a 9 digit valuation from 0 within 2 years. Cem’s work in Hypatos was covered by leading technology publications like TechCrunch like Business Insider.

Cem regularly speaks at international technology conferences. He graduated from Bogazici University as a computer engineer and holds an MBA from Columbia Business School.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly one of the most popular and advancing technologies of recent years. Generative AI models are facilitating numerous tasks, enabling efficiency and automation. Currently, ChatGPT is the prominent generative AI model storming the internet. According to Similar Web, it has reached 1 billion visits since its release in November 2022.1

ChatGPT has various applications useful to people, companies and various industries. In this article, we explain the top 40 ChatGPT use cases.

General ChatGPT Use Cases

1- Textual Applications

ChatGPT, as a language model, can be used for a wide range of text-based use cases. Some of the most common use cases of ChatGPT include:

1- Content creation

ChatGPT can be used to generate high-quality content for websites, blogs, or social media platforms in a few seconds. This includes creating content like: 

  • Product description
  • Blog post
  • Social media post
  • Draft for a business idea
  • Long form content like entire articles

It can also be used for creative writing applications, where it can help users generate unique ideas, brainstorm plots, and even write entire stories.

Figure 1. Example of a content creation using ChatGPT with the prompt “Once upon a time”

Example of content written by generative AI in copywriting

To learn more about generative AI in copywriting, check our article.

2- Translation

ChatGPT can be used for translation services, where it can automatically translate text from one language to another.

3- Conversational AI

ChatGPT can be used to create intelligent chatbots that can converse with users in natural language. These chatbots can be used for customer service, sales, or support to produce human like responses, as well as for personal virtual assistants.

2- Coding Applications

4- Writing code

ChatGPT can write code for simple or repetitive tasks, such as file I/O operations, data manipulation, and database queries. However, it’s important to note that its ability to write code is limited and the generated code may not always be the accurate, optimized or desired output.

Figure 2. ChatGPT writing code for a comment

P 1Hxun1L94PWx75NDF2ij3tFoRis0rC lGX2ZQx7dc22Wu3h E39seqn 7B7HLIBj54Gm mryHEIj1KuiEs

5- Debugging

ChatGPT’s bug fixing abilities can also be a valuable tool for programmers. It can assist in debugging code by proposing possible causes of errors and presenting solutions to resolve them.

Figure 3. ChatGPT helping with debugging code

5WCLpNJcr7jgJrpAuaEGh00FMqZM82SxlywbtZ6BWbqFlxR4w28qQoHgo1i9ZjKCfPZi nwoCn38dFBoFbLQoXU1 rPgTD2 Pv9njEXLWo4rb2Igax 5lGrTH2HJi

6- Code completion

ChatGPT can aid in code completion by anticipating the following lines or segments of code based on the context and current code. This can be particularly advantageous for programmers who may not recall all of the syntax and functions of the programming language they are using, saving time and effort.

7- Code refactoring

ChatGPT can recommend methods to enhance and refine the code structure, readability, and performance. Refactoring entails modifying existing code to improve its quality without altering its behavior. ChatGPT can offer suggestions for renaming variables, removing repetitive code, and other enhancements that can make the code more effective and more accessible for other programmers to understand.

Figure 4. ChatGPT refactoring a code it provides as an example

n4CcvRVhdSRH3Hf6iblHdVUvU3u FHI 76BbiQY5Pn94fJUZeIkgoIzTCSs3TontC3YWEU78hZbDAfpHyLqjLtVF12VCmZvJpt72GYHcO0ozFyCycFVS

8- Code documentation

When a programmer enters their code into ChatGPT, it can propose suitable documentation templates based on the programming language and the kind of code being documented. For instance, if the code is a function, ChatGPT can propose a function documentation template that includes parameters, return values, and a description of the function’s objective.

Figure 5. ChatGPT providing an example code documentation for a Python function that sorts a list of numbers in ascending order

ycCt8kIdssQDmGINL9E qWZxsGEeAB7f0GtYXiJRqQpT61n1tuO6KB6fGHV9E8L4YjTdH1dwOLGIQXY6nRVqXoNBe aa7cXXoebMsUhvUvevKz0GjTCQ pdSrbmoyKP2fBe68Bf1vPeQAtkHenWrdQM

9- Code snippets generation

ChatGPT has the potential to produce code snippets in multiple programming languages based on user input and requirements. A code snippet is a brief piece of code that exemplifies a particular feature, function, or technique in a programming language. Code snippets can be helpful in illustrating how to execute a specific task or resolve a problem in code and can serve as a foundation for more intricate programming projects.

Figure 6. ChatGPT provides an example code snippet

nZrbnt9DgyCeQvWa9MuA5aKfomsQxqzx7BLdTzqI4vSc hf6qwCV

10- Explaining coding techniques and concepts

ChatGPT can provide explanations and examples of programming concepts, a software product, syntax, and functions, which can be helpful for learning and understanding programming languages. This can be particularly useful for beginner programmers who may be unfamiliar with programming concepts or experienced programmers who are working with a new programming language.

Figure 7. ChatGPT provides an explanation for the question “What is object-oriented programming and how does it work?”

cU3gFfEXYyfEaKE3MkVbt5 jtwDzvjJVHrxS3NRYGn2CFfZRoSxoguAeeNHVaMPKaMzw9C9OqzIfjHzSfFn1R1SnnL6l2307NhJ9q7om8LXRO9uje wlBA0iJGgxmocdl4xhjsl1wJVF77cPMg3Wc 0

3- Educational Applications

For teachers:

11- Course content creation

ChatGPT can assist teachers in developing innovative ideas for lesson plans, activities, and projects that are in line with defined educational goals and curriculum guidelines. Teachers can employ ChatGPT to produce and organize instructional content, including but not limited to:

  • Presentations
  • Worksheets
  • Quizzes (Figure 8)
  • Other educational materials customized to meet their students’ individualized requirements

Figure 8. ChatGPT creates a quiz for a class

msM56l9Fc2sM1g52aqy0Ok rS3kZclVkRIT4AYIatoYO9qWopmIr1HNUrEo81UgMBczubv6Ds1rwuAFr5GKJPwWJa2ylkbGWFMYUG B1eVNa8BTu

12- Grammar and writing check

Another application of ChatGPT for educators involves utilizing its natural language understanding capabilities to aid in the assessment and enhancement of written work. This can be implemented in various ways:

  • Proofreading and editing
  • Providing feedback to students
  • Teaching writing skills

13- Grading

ChatGPT can help teachers with the grading of student essays by evaluating the content, structure, and coherence of the written work. The AI can offer feedback on grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax while also assessing the quality of the argument or analysis presented. Nonetheless, it is vital to avoid solely relying on ChatGPT for grading purposes. Instead, teachers should have a critical process and employ ChatGPT to create the rubric used for grading.

14- Designing syllabus outline

Incorporating ChatGPT in their teaching approach, educators can harness the AI’s potential to aid in the creation, organization, and structuring of course content in a coherent and efficient way (Figure 9). Some ways in which ChatGPT can help include:

  • Developing course objectives and goals
  • Generating topics for the course
  • Planning lessons
  • Identifying and assembling relevant resources and materials for the course

Figure 9. ChatGPT creates a course design on cellular biology

jns7l9DmqpfH9RsclBIUfTOZVNcJMXhDIn2AVZjV uyUL6BU6gV JE88tWL9LNPAldsEeSh4ZPHt etVzHNMwW3gDOHE HGHcSpCpw123PSNRHtnPrlrFjHakpuV50Gul9cIbMcBAugVGWN9ea6pkw

For students:

15- Help with homework

ChatGPT can be useful for students in many aspects of their homework, such as:

Figure 10. ChatGPT explains some key concepts for a high school student


16- Research assistance

ChatGPT can be an asset in supporting and streamlining the research process for academic projects, assignments, or personal interests (Figure 11). It can assist in many steps involved in the research process, such as:

  • Topic selection
  • Background information about the topic
  • Identifying relevant resources
  • Organizing research
  • Citation assistance

Figure 11. ChatGPT provides creative ideas for a term project

D hqdujRTvT I QVtb

17- Language learning

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for language learning, offering translations, grammar explanations, vocabulary practice, and conversation simulations to help students practice and improve their language skills. Also, it can help students to schedule a program for improving their language skills (Figure 12).

Figure 12. ChatGPT creates a weekly schedule for language learning practices

u0s3VCLLocq4EnhP7pm6oMrl51PKV1l6KGVo8zUoqcPlAIAcyF p8KJWDR16DaIjXRdJXonH9b8pzRZDmSQkSM58yi0Mj1YAWQj8RZdB7NDGT4soJVXolrz6vYK4fS5y3hTB4DXGn7Q3OAuFcQ 0VnY

Business-function-specific ChatGPT Use Cases

1- Marketing & SEO Applications

18- Content creation for content marketing campaigns

AI-generated texts has numerous applications in marketing beyond the generation of business ideas, including:

  • Content creation such as emails, social media posts, blog articles etc. for content marketing
  • Scriptwriting and storytelling for advertising goods and services, creating compelling stories and persuasive messages (see Figure 13 for an example)

Figure 13. An example for an AI generated content for advertising a new electric car model by using ChatGPT

R4n5WRscK6DsGEcNilQV2dLRXzRLeAoPi4N1dZIwChVwMfRKrKWxP9WuOVk04htAAd1Y7l lqyTKQTeNP1w8AQKSdFjL1XWS46gJdMhN6ZVmyNdUp9Bp1cgI5IqMKT5A28bbd 9mPiSPoY4zJjy alo

19- Personalization of customer experience

By leveraging its natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, ChatGPT can generate personalized content for customers that takes into account their preferences, past behavior, and demographics. This enables businesses to create targeted content that connects with their audience on a more personalized level, resulting in higher levels of engagement and conversion rates.

20- Audience research

Audience research involves collecting information and insights about the target audience to gain a better understanding of their interests, preferences, behaviors, and requirements. This helps companies with more effective marketing.

ChatGPT can be used to analyze customer data such as: 

  • Search queries
  • Social media interactions
  • Past purchases to identify patterns and trends in customer behavior

21- Writing product descriptions

Product descriptions are a fundamental aspect of marketing that furnish potential customers with information about a product’s features, benefits, and value. ChatGPT can assist in crafting engaging and informative product descriptions that align with the interests and preferences of the target audience.

22- Chatbot for customer support

Indeed, ChatGPT can be incorporated into a chatbot to deliver prompt and personalized customer support. Chatbots in marketing can address customer inquiries, offer technical support, and troubleshoot issues, among other things for marketing purposes.

23- Creating customer surveys

ChatGPT can help with creating customer surveys:

  • Question generation
  • Organizing survey structure
  • Making surveys multilingual with its translation ability
  • Survey analysis

To learn more about ChatGPT in marketing, check our article.


24- Generate topic ideas for content writing

ChatGPT can be used for generating topic ideas for SEO content writing (see Figure 1) by utilizing its language processing capabilities to:

  • Produce relevant keywords and phrases
  • Analyze competitors’ content to identify gaps in coverage
  • Suggest topics based on current trends and user search queries

25- Conduct keyword research

Integrating relevant keywords into content is a vital component of a successful SEO strategy as it assists in identifying the words and phrases that potential customers utilize when searching for products or services associated with the website’s offerings.

ChatGPT can perform functions in keyword search optimization such as:

  • Generating keywords (Figure 14)
  • Identifying keyword trends

Figure 14. Keyword ideas for B2B marketing content

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26- Find the right titles

ChatGPT can aid in crafting captivating and SEO-friendly titles by blending its language generation abilities with its knowledge of SEO best practices (Figure 15). It can produce SEO-friendly titles by guaranteeing that the titles are:

  • Descriptive and clearly convey the topic of the content
  • Capable of incorporating relevant keywords that are related to the topic
  • Concise and to the point, typically falling within the 60-70 character limit for optimal display in search engine results pages.
  • Eye-catching and likely to attract clicks, which can help improve click-through rate (CTR) and ultimately, SEO

Figure 15. ChatGPT SEO-friendly title suggestions for content in B2B marketing

skI5y4wqS7amA8FrDF BfGe6tLJe TJInWuXS7of7Ce8Nm1qSYS3 E1Wbfb1VlXSFrgejsmVLd0RqG8wD1gkyBi gaWbXxWrvBmvGBcuVOGo RVKDf2iS42Q 2BgMDS bXj6hWl58BOa6Jru PtfW8I

27- Group search intent

ChatGPT can assist in search intent grouping by analyzing search queries and categorizing them based on the user’s intended goal or purpose, thanks to Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods. This can help businesses and marketers understand the intent behind specific search terms and optimize their content and strategies to better meet the needs and expectations of their target audience.

For more on how to use search function of ChatGPT effectively, check our article.

28- Create content structure

ChatGPT can aid in designing content structure by producing outlines and suggesting organization methods for a given topic. This can be advantageous for SEO optimization since a well-structured and organized content not only offers a superior user experience but also enables search engines to comprehend the context and significance of the content.

Figure 16. ChatGPT creating the structure of a content

4mvG5o4gfwybK3qVDfogEwi1up1V8R N1VBmeeXkUk2wz7tj fZ5qIEGCW77tWQcn65Dn95wGSd6zNhpla05pJColdQaBEueQtedJtp1RD2 EFDa76 L3iMhraM 4aqCEREkBod0Fb0pYXeM4qpGFA

29- Generate meta descriptions

Meta descriptions function as a form of advertisement for a page, enticing users to click on the link and visit the page. Hence, meta descriptions are a significant factor in SEO. ChatGPT can assist in creating effective meta descriptions by generating content summaries that precisely and concisely depict the primary topic of a page.

30- Create sitemap codes

ChatGPT can be used in generating sitemap codes producing an XML file that lists all the pages and content on a website. 

Figure 17. Example of a simple sitemap code

g iMiPVORFSJTlosjudy5ZTAVp9xmPY6i yYV43T801WF9cjNbsbQlL6tbM8LKxbEecublHVc l4mOwDIdIdKG bzcmhBhvYKZiNsxgufdaE0wrvYubdSeFVRS3RZZmUcAUVsf2 uBVYXsDeBlWw0eA

To learn more about ChatGPT in SEO maximization, check our article.

2- Customer Service Applications

31- Multilingual customer support

The multilingual support provided by ChatGPT for customer service involves leveraging the large language model’s capabilities to offer assistance to customers who speak different languages. ChatGPT can be trained on a range of languages, and it has the potential to translate messages from one language to another, enabling effective communication between customers and businesses in different languages.

Figure 18. An exemplary multilingual customer response generated by ChatGPT

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32- Personalized responses to customer queries

ChatGPT can be trained on customer data, such as:

to create a personalized profile for each customer. When a customer sends a message, ChatGPT can use this profile to provide relevant responses tailored to the customer’s specific needs and preferences.

33- Quick responses to customer inquiries & complaints

ChatGPT can be trained to detect and reply to typical customer complaints, such as problems with product quality, shipping delays, or billing errors. When a customer submits a complaint, ChatGPT can evaluate the message and offer a response that acknowledges the customer’s concerns and presents possible solutions to address the issue.

34- Creating emails for customers

ChatGPT can design custom email templates for specific customers using provided customer data. When a company needs to send an email to a customer, ChatGPT can utilize a template to create an email that is personalized to the customer’s specific interests and requirements.

Figure 19. ChatGPT providing an email template for a certain customer problem

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35- Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis is used to identify customers who are unhappy or dissatisfied with a product or service, and to take steps to address their concerns before they escalate.

ChatGPT can be trained to recognize a wide range of emotions, including happiness, sadness, anger, and frustration. When a customer sends a message, ChatGPT can analyze the message to determine its sentiment and provide a response that is tailored to the customer’s emotional state.

36- Replying to customer reviews

When a customer leaves a review or comment on online review platforms or your website, ChatGPT can be used to generate a response that addresses the customer’s concerns and offers potential solutions or assistance.

37- Answering FAQs

ChatGPT can be trained on a company’s FAQ page or knowledge base to identify and respond to frequent customer inquiries. When a customer submits a question, ChatGPT can examine the message and offer a response that addresses the customer’s inquiry or guide them to additional resources that may be useful.

To learn more about ChatGPT in customer service, check our article.

3- HR Applications

38- Creating job interview questions

HR departments frequently require a series of questions to ask job candidates during the interview process, which can be a time-consuming task. AI can be utilized to produce interview questions that pertain to the job position and evaluate the candidate’s qualifications, abilities, and experience.

Figure 20. ChatGPT creates a set of interview questions for a job position

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39- Generating onboarding materials

ChatGPT can be used to generate onboarding materials for new employees, such as training videos, handbooks, and other documentation.

40- Job description generation

ChatGPT can be used for creating job descriptions that accurately reflect the required skills and qualifications for a particular position.

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  1. “ Traffic Analytics & Market Share | Similarweb.” SimilarWeb, Accessed 27 March 2023.

Cem has been the principal analyst at AIMultiple since 2017. AIMultiple informs hundreds of thousands of businesses (as per similarWeb) including 55% of Fortune 500 every month.

Cem’s work has been cited by leading global publications including Business Insider, Forbes, Washington Post, global firms like Deloitte, HPE and NGOs like World Economic Forum and supranational organizations like European Commission. You can see more reputable companies and resources that referenced AIMultiple.

Throughout his career, Cem served as a tech consultant, tech buyer and tech entrepreneur. He advised enterprises on their technology decisions at McKinsey & Company and Altman Solon for more than a decade. He also published a McKinsey report on digitalization.

He led technology strategy and procurement of a telco while reporting to the CEO. He has also led commercial growth of deep tech company Hypatos that reached a 7 digit annual recurring revenue and a 9 digit valuation from 0 within 2 years. Cem’s work in Hypatos was covered by leading technology publications like TechCrunch like Business Insider.

Cem regularly speaks at international technology conferences. He graduated from Bogazici University as a computer engineer and holds an MBA from Columbia Business School.


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