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65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work

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“Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.” My therapist told me this and it has changed my life. In the beginning of a work session or project, I think through everything patiently, no rush. Start working, and before I know it I am in a groove and time flies by.

BreakfastSimulator , Annie Spratt Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work This isn’t something that can used in too many situations, but with a lot of people sharing their “act busy” story I thought maybe a few of you would appreciate this.

Back when I was in Basic Training for the Army, near the end of basic, our Drill Sergeants liked to give us an hour or two each day out in the yard and just told us to “be busy.” I think they enjoyed a break, but if anyone was caught not busy doing something, they would still get smoked.

Three of us decided to sit in a triangle formation, facing the inside and we each dug a hole in front of us but would put the dirt in the hole to the right of us. So we would dig, but someone else would fill up what we just dug. We did that for almost an entire hour. A drill sergeant walked by, looked at us, stared in disbelief, said “if this isn’t the most private thing I have ever seen any privates do…. fan f*****g tastik, carry on privates.”.

tj_burgess , Mufid Majnun Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Compound interest isn’t just something to do with money. It works with exercise too. Invest as little as 10 minutes a day getting your heart rate up or doing some weights is all you need to do. You don’t need to bust.your a*s off 5 hours a week.

PPLifter , Bruno Nascimento Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work I like the ‘2 minute’ rule. If it takes less than 2 minutes, just do it right now.

It greatly helps for people like myself prone to procrastinating. Whether it’s folding a few shirts, making a phone call, putting away groceries, putting something in the kitchen away, cleaning something, etc. You put off trivial small things and over time, they stack up and all become too overwhelming to do. If you follow the 2 minute rule you will find that you’re more organized and there are less annoyances that get in the way of the real things to do.

musecorn , Marius Mann Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work If you’re still in an office and are just walking around always carry a piece of paper and walk briskly. Look at it when a superior is approaching. They’ll assume you’re on your way to discuss something, the copier, etc.

I had a file folder that I wrote Penske on. None of my superiors understood the reference. A high risk, zero reward, inside joke that only I found funny.

CTnaturist , Sora Shimazaki Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Baking soda is a miracle cleaner and unpleasant odor remover.

You can clean ovens, clear up slightly clogged bathroom and kitchen drains, remove grease, remove stinks from furniture and clothing like shoes, and many more.

TheBassMeister , Kaboompics Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Yell at your vacuum cleaner to get your dogs to stop barking at it. Apparently it helps your dogs realize that you are dominant over the vacuum so they stop trying to protect you from it. Sounds like BS, but I literally did it once and it was never a problem again.

IAmNotScottBakula , Anete Lusina Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Many years ago, I had the fans go out on my Macbook which rendered it nearly unusable.

I was pretty strapped at the time and wasn’t looking forward to a pricey Apple store repair job, so I went to YouTube to see if there were any fixes.

Found a video where some guy said to just punch it a few times above the number key row where the fans were packed in beneath.

This felt like a complete troll but I figured that even if it does further damage, I’m going to have shell out for the repair anyway, so might as well give it shot.

Gave it a few love taps and sure enough the fans whirred back to life and I was back in business.

Apparently what happens is that over time you get dust and crumbs and other tiny pieces of debris into the gears of the fans and they stop spinning. Apparently bashing them a few times moved the shrapnel out of the way and allowed them to work again.

Never had another issue with it the entire rest of the time I owned that computer.

Plantayne , cottonbro studio Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work If you are one of the types that gets anxious about leaving iron on or similar stuff, do this. Remove the plug from the socket, point at it, and say out loud, “iron is off”.

You WILL remember that you did in fact turn it off.

Buroda , Kelly Sikkema Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Unfortunately getting vigorous, regular exercise really does help with depression. Doesn’t solve it, but actually does make a difference. I used to get so mad when therapists would suggest it lol.

Personal_Custard_95 , Victor Freitas Report

Don’t confuse mental fatigue with physical fatigue. After a long day at my brain-intensive job I think “I’m tired, I should lie down.” But really, I’ve been sitting on my butt for eight hours and what I need to recover is physical motion.

from_around_here Report

If a cop asks you nicely to come into your home or search your vehicle. ALWAYS say “No.”.

akennelley Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Eat supplementary fiber. It makes everything in your guts better. EVERYTHING.

Have chronic loose bowels/diarrhea? Fiber will calm that down. Have constipation or ‘tight’ bowels? Fiber will loosen that up. Have pretty normal/healthy poops? Fiber will make them all into quick, easy, no-strain movements that leave almost no residue behind for cleanup (I mean, obvs you still need to wipe/bidet…. but without geting too gross you’ll find that job a LOT easier). It also helps make you feel more full/satisfied after eating (so can help with weight management) and can help slow or spread out blood sugar spikes when eating high glycemic index foods, so can be helpful with diabetes management too. It’s like a wonder-d**g. And available everywhere, no prescription, for super cheap. And its super safe.

I used to always be confused with fiber ads. They’d always say it makes you “regular”. But I would get confused… WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?? Does that mean it stops you up? Or loosens you up? Turns out, BOTH somehow! It’s like the miracle wonder-d**g for anything gut related. Taking a portion of metamucil before every meal has literally changed my life (I have GI issues on the IBS/UC spectrum). I’ve advocated for it to friends/family, and everyone I’m close enough with to discuss this sort of thing talks about how surprised they are with how much nicer and more pleasant it makes everything related to their bowels, even if they had perfectly healthy ones prior.

10/10, can;t reccomend enough.

ETA: This is not medical advice. I am not a doctor or nutritionist. I’m just a guy who used to have real bad poops, and now I have great poops most days.

FapDonkey , Karolina Grabowska Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Hard drive in the freezer to get it to spin up one more time.

I swear to god I thought it was b******t until I was out of options and tried it… and the damn thing came back on a few more times and I got the data off of it I needed.

knightcrusader , Bruce Hong Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Lots of the tiny habits/atomic habits stuff sounds so dumb, but works for many people.

Basically the idea is that you commit to just doing one pushup a day, or learn to write one foreign language word, or one hug with your partner, or write for minutes, basically one teeny step toward whatever goal you are aiming at. Over time the ritual beds in and you can scale it.

It’s worked really well for me for writing. I write now. Less so for exercise but hey ho. I still do 5 minutes minimum per day, every day.

AutoResponseUnit , lilartsy Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Eating vegetables on a regular basis will save you from a lifetime of pooping issues and other organ related problems generated by a bad diet. It will also help regulate your BO.

Steam them, add some lemon pepper salt and theyre good to go, mix them with your meats so the meat flavors help marinate them. Its the best source of fiber and vegetables help fill you up more for less with less future medical costs than a block of cheese from the pizzeria would.

BestPaleontologist43 , Thomas Le Report

If you are thinking about a splurge purchase, wait 3 days. If you’re still thinking about it at that point, then splurge away. Otherwise, it was just a passing fancy.

No_Mongoose5419 Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work How to get rid of cold callers at your door or on the phone quickly without being rude.

I discovered this by accident. Someone knocked on my door cold calling, selling a service I already had, asking if I’d like to talk about their service.

I said “oh I’m already a customer, I’d love to talk about it”. I was being genuine too.

They could not get away quickly enough, which I thought was odd.

Then it occurred to me that by saying I was a happy customer already, they knew there was zero chance of a sale so any further time talking to me cost them potential sales.


Lol lots of people below saying to just hang up, close the door, tell them to eff off or whatever, which I also do on occasion.

I’m not saying this is the best or only way, it’s just a way I discovered by accident that makes them want to get away ASAFP.

Lloytron , LightFieldStudios Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Meditation really does quiet the mind at some point. And the positive effects of it will benefit every aspect of your life. It reduces impulsiveness, strengthens empathy and patience, and increases your sense of joy. It’s free too!

All you need to do is find a quiet space, sit down and give yourself permission to not have to do anything for 10 minutes. Thoughts don’t need to be followed up or analysed, impulses don’t need to be obeyed,  memories and plans can be left unexplored, itches dont have to be scratched, nothing has to be changed.

Just pay attention to your breathing, and when you find yourself distracted – and you will get distracted- just go back to your breathing.

Do this every day and extend the time as necessary and you’ll absolutely start noticing things changing in your life very quickly. You’ll probably notice that ideas or feelings that seemed overwhelming will disappear if you just let them be for while. You’ll be able to breathe and slow down when interacting with others or making decisions. Concentration will improve, You won’t feel the need to numb yourself as much.

All that from just sitting down and doing nothing for 10 minutes a day.

Mortlach78 , Toni Reed Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work When the sun is shining in the morning, take a 15 minute walk every day.

This will set your circadian rhythm (helps you sleep when you need to sleep, helps you be awake when you need to be awake).

More importantly, it will lower the morning blood sugar spike, decreasing the chance of diabetes II and fatty liver.

HemetValleyMall1982 , Delphine Beausoleil Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Practicing gratitude. When you’re getting ready in the morning consciously think about things you are grateful for, could be big or small (have a roof over my head, got through the night without waking up, have a job to go to even though I dislike it, whatever). It really helps you have a better mindset at the start of the day. No guarantee your mindset won’t change throughout the day, but at least you can start off on a good step.

Human-Magic-Marker , KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work When calculating how much your getting paid for your job. Include potential cost you saved from using insurance, transit passes, etc. You might for example find a job that pays a bit more in the future, but you could be actually taking a massive reduction if the benefits don’t line up.

Sabre_One , Mikhail Nilov Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Baby powder is a must have at the beach. It helps get sand off your hands and feet instantly at the end of the day so you can wear normal shoes on the drive home.

americansherlock201 , Nick Page Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Get a big metal water bottle and take it everywhere, you’ll either drink more water through the day or like me you’ll slowly get ripped because you’re carrying this annoyingly heavy bottle everywhere and not drinking so win either way.

AgentCup , quokkabottles Report

Learned this one off Reddit. But if you’re sick and have a congested nostril lay on the side of the one that’s free and wait a little bit and it’ll unclog the other nostril. It was such a relief knowing this when I got sick a couple weeks ago.

neonblue01 Report

A bit of cayenne pepper rubbed onto a cut can help it to clot quickly. Seems so counterintuitive, but it doesn’t sting and works well.

kfloppygang Report

Knowing when to just leave the argument. If it lasts more than 5 minutes, it’s gonna be impossible to prove you are right, so just give up, turn around, and buy an ice cream. It’s much nicer than trying to prove a point to someone who will not listen.

MKBurfield Report

Before I go on vacation I take a picture of the oven etc. in my kitchen. No more “did I turn the oven off???” panic after leaving the house since I’m doing this.

Salty-History3316 Report

Side mirror, center mirror, passenger mirror are SUPPOSED to be set so that it’s 1 continuous image. No blind spots at all. My owners manual even explained this.
0.0001% of people use this so I consider it a life hack.

Open-Year2903 Report

This has always worked for me. When I get a leg cramp I get into a standing position, feet flat on the floor legs straight, and the cramp goes away. I use to get leg cramps in the early morning and would lay there with my legs curled up. Sometimes after the cramp went away I’d be limping all day. Now first sign of a leg cramp, I get out of bed fast as I can and stand straight. They immediately stop and I have no problems the rest of the day.

Saturnswirl666 Report

Get into something itchy like poison ivy or have severe reactions to bug bites? Those anti itch creams are useless. Instead, use gels for toothaches. The lidocaine concentration is much higher.

Found out a cabin had bed bugs and that I’m allergic. Bought every itch, burn, numbing cream out there and nothing would touch that itch. So I searched for what had the highest lidocaine or benzocaine and found toothache gels have 20%. Sweet, sweet relief.

ffswhatnameisnttaken Report

Make your bed in the morning, you will feel better.

Whether it’s right after making it, or getting ready for bed, seeing your bed made will make you feel better.

ksozay Report

If you do d***s, drink as much water as possible. It would massively reduce the risks of heart attack or other health issues. Better yet, don’t do d***s.

Source: 5 years of coke. 5 years clean now.

Abigfanofporn Report

Might be a unique thing, but antacids make my hiccups go away.

tatestu Report

If a man is in an accident (car, ladder fall, etc) and he gets an erection, don’t move him. He has a spinal injury.

Danok2028 Report

Anytime you enter a building, identify the exits and be prepared to get there at a moment’s notice.

PxRedditor5 Report

If you live alone you should buy a anti choking device.

Some brands are DeChoker, LifeVac, etc… Do some shopping research and pick whatever you see fit.

Thousands of people die every year due to choking, because of food, liquids, small swallowed objects, etc.

People that live by themselves are at a higher risk since usually there is nobody around to assist them. With this apparatus at Home You got a chance.

Separate_Mango_666 Report

Every male should know this. If you want to get rid of an awkward boner flex any muscle in your body maybe an arm. For a minute. The blood will rush to that muscle and away from your d**k. Crisis averted.

Commercial_Worry_344 Report

Compound interest.

Start saving today, and over time, it will grow into a sizeable amount.

MYSTERees77 Report

The best self defense is avoiding a fight altogether.

I know too many dudes who live their whole life hoping to prove their mettle in a fight. ..It ain’t worth it my dudes. Life ain’t Hollywood and what you dream about doesn’t happen. You might get stabbed, you might get beat up by his friends, you might win and go to jail or get sued. Few people get in a fight and are grateful they chose to.

Love_Cannon Report

If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing poorly. Five minutes of exercise is better than zero, five minutes of practicing. The guitar is better than zero.

Puzzleheaded-Fix3359 Report

Keeping shoes on all day makes me way more productive. I never thought something like that would work, but it does, and makes me actually get stuff done while working from home. .

saturatedregulated Report

Need to solve a complex problem? Imagine you’ve already solved it and ask yourself how you did it.

alienanimal Report

I used to carry around a large empty box at my old warehouse job when I wanted to f**k off for an hour or 2.

Nectarine_Agreeable Report

My dad told me this, it’s something he learned when he was in the kitchen in his youth but black pepper works as a coagulant if you ever cut yourself bad and need to stop the bleeding.

ShroomsandCrows Report

When walking into oncoming crowds, stare directly straight ahead, past the people who are walking towards you. They will instinctively get out of the way.

WhatHave-I-Done Report

I always pick up unknown callers as “Hello Lieutenant John” i have never been to armed forces, i am a nobody, but even my friends call me lieutenant. It started as a joke, but worked so great that i started to use it. 99% of scamners disconnect. I do not hurt anyone and this is not illegal.

DorkoJanos Report

“Put it away, not down”

Has been a huge help as someone with ADHD. I tell myself that saying at least a few times a day.

xBreenutX Report

I don’t know if this counts but make friends with the cleaning crew and service people. Saved my a*s at one job because the company was doing some sneaky layoff s**t and one of the building guards tipped me off. They were told beforehand what was going down. I wasn’t on the list but before they could get to the office, I let all my co-workers know what was going on.

ejrhonda79 Report

Certain essential oils have a purpose.

Clove essential oil is great for tooth pain in a pinch, especially if you have gum inflammation. Keep some clove oil in your medicine cabinet for a disgusting remedy for pesky tooth pain.

CalvinSays Report

Thank “past you” for the things they did that made “present you”‘s life easier. You’ll feel good about it, and it makes it more likely that you’ll “pay it forward” to yourself more.

aslum Report

If you just can’t seem to start a task try this: sit down, close your eyes, and count to five slowly, then start. Calming your mind really helps with overcoming procrastination.

qpgmr Report

Is it a life saver? Idk. But a reddit comment taught me that vodka is the ultimate odor remover. You can use it for BO on clothes or animal urine scent. Put in a spray bottle the cheapest vodka you can find and spray the affected area. Allow to dry. It’s like freaking magic. I have gotten odors out that nothing else worked on.

diedbyicee Report


65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast." My therapist told me this and it has changed my life. In the beginning of a work session or project, I think through everything patiently, no rush. Start working, and before I know it I am in a groove and time flies by.

BreakfastSimulator , Annie Spratt Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work This isn't something that can used in too many situations, but with a lot of people sharing their "act busy" story I thought maybe a few of you would appreciate this.

Back when I was in Basic Training for the Army, near the end of basic, our Drill Sergeants liked to give us an hour or two each day out in the yard and just told us to "be busy." I think they enjoyed a break, but if anyone was caught not busy doing something, they would still get smoked.

Three of us decided to sit in a triangle formation, facing the inside and we each dug a hole in front of us but would put the dirt in the hole to the right of us. So we would dig, but someone else would fill up what we just dug. We did that for almost an entire hour. A drill sergeant walked by, looked at us, stared in disbelief, said "if this isn't the most private thing I have ever seen any privates do.... fan f*****g tastik, carry on privates.".

tj_burgess , Mufid Majnun Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Compound interest isn't just something to do with money. It works with exercise too. Invest as little as 10 minutes a day getting your heart rate up or doing some weights is all you need to do. You don't need to bust.your a*s off 5 hours a week.

PPLifter , Bruno Nascimento Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work I like the '2 minute' rule. If it takes less than 2 minutes, just do it right now.

It greatly helps for people like myself prone to procrastinating. Whether it's folding a few shirts, making a phone call, putting away groceries, putting something in the kitchen away, cleaning something, etc. You put off trivial small things and over time, they stack up and all become too overwhelming to do. If you follow the 2 minute rule you will find that you're more organized and there are less annoyances that get in the way of the real things to do.

musecorn , Marius Mann Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work If you're still in an office and are just walking around always carry a piece of paper and walk briskly. Look at it when a superior is approaching. They'll assume you're on your way to discuss something, the copier, etc.

I had a file folder that I wrote Penske on. None of my superiors understood the reference. A high risk, zero reward, inside joke that only I found funny.

CTnaturist , Sora Shimazaki Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Baking soda is a miracle cleaner and unpleasant odor remover.

You can clean ovens, clear up slightly clogged bathroom and kitchen drains, remove grease, remove stinks from furniture and clothing like shoes, and many more.

TheBassMeister , Kaboompics Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Yell at your vacuum cleaner to get your dogs to stop barking at it. Apparently it helps your dogs realize that you are dominant over the vacuum so they stop trying to protect you from it. Sounds like BS, but I literally did it once and it was never a problem again.

IAmNotScottBakula , Anete Lusina Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Many years ago, I had the fans go out on my Macbook which rendered it nearly unusable.

I was pretty strapped at the time and wasn't looking forward to a pricey Apple store repair job, so I went to YouTube to see if there were any fixes.

Found a video where some guy said to just punch it a few times above the number key row where the fans were packed in beneath.

This felt like a complete troll but I figured that even if it does further damage, I'm going to have shell out for the repair anyway, so might as well give it shot.

Gave it a few love taps and sure enough the fans whirred back to life and I was back in business.

Apparently what happens is that over time you get dust and crumbs and other tiny pieces of debris into the gears of the fans and they stop spinning. Apparently bashing them a few times moved the shrapnel out of the way and allowed them to work again.

Never had another issue with it the entire rest of the time I owned that computer.

Plantayne , cottonbro studio Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work If you are one of the types that gets anxious about leaving iron on or similar stuff, do this. Remove the plug from the socket, point at it, and say out loud, “iron is off”.

You WILL remember that you did in fact turn it off.

Buroda , Kelly Sikkema Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Unfortunately getting vigorous, regular exercise really does help with depression. Doesn’t solve it, but actually does make a difference. I used to get so mad when therapists would suggest it lol.

Personal_Custard_95 , Victor Freitas Report

Don’t confuse mental fatigue with physical fatigue. After a long day at my brain-intensive job I think “I’m tired, I should lie down.” But really, I’ve been sitting on my butt for eight hours and what I need to recover is physical motion.

from_around_here Report

If a cop asks you nicely to come into your home or search your vehicle. ALWAYS say "No.".

akennelley Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Eat supplementary fiber. It makes everything in your guts better. EVERYTHING.

Have chronic loose bowels/diarrhea? Fiber will calm that down. Have constipation or 'tight' bowels? Fiber will loosen that up. Have pretty normal/healthy poops? Fiber will make them all into quick, easy, no-strain movements that leave almost no residue behind for cleanup (I mean, obvs you still need to wipe/bidet.... but without geting too gross you'll find that job a LOT easier). It also helps make you feel more full/satisfied after eating (so can help with weight management) and can help slow or spread out blood sugar spikes when eating high glycemic index foods, so can be helpful with diabetes management too. It's like a wonder-d**g. And available everywhere, no prescription, for super cheap. And its super safe.

I used to always be confused with fiber ads. They'd always say it makes you "regular". But I would get confused... WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?? Does that mean it stops you up? Or loosens you up? Turns out, BOTH somehow! It's like the miracle wonder-d**g for anything gut related. Taking a portion of metamucil before every meal has literally changed my life (I have GI issues on the IBS/UC spectrum). I've advocated for it to friends/family, and everyone I'm close enough with to discuss this sort of thing talks about how surprised they are with how much nicer and more pleasant it makes everything related to their bowels, even if they had perfectly healthy ones prior.

10/10, can;t reccomend enough.

ETA: This is not medical advice. I am not a doctor or nutritionist. I'm just a guy who used to have real bad poops, and now I have great poops most days.

FapDonkey , Karolina Grabowska Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Hard drive in the freezer to get it to spin up one more time.

I swear to god I thought it was b******t until I was out of options and tried it... and the damn thing came back on a few more times and I got the data off of it I needed.

knightcrusader , Bruce Hong Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Lots of the tiny habits/atomic habits stuff sounds so dumb, but works for many people.

Basically the idea is that you commit to just doing one pushup a day, or learn to write one foreign language word, or one hug with your partner, or write for minutes, basically one teeny step toward whatever goal you are aiming at. Over time the ritual beds in and you can scale it.

It's worked really well for me for writing. I write now. Less so for exercise but hey ho. I still do 5 minutes minimum per day, every day.

AutoResponseUnit , lilartsy Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Eating vegetables on a regular basis will save you from a lifetime of pooping issues and other organ related problems generated by a bad diet. It will also help regulate your BO.

Steam them, add some lemon pepper salt and theyre good to go, mix them with your meats so the meat flavors help marinate them. Its the best source of fiber and vegetables help fill you up more for less with less future medical costs than a block of cheese from the pizzeria would.

BestPaleontologist43 , Thomas Le Report

If you are thinking about a splurge purchase, wait 3 days. If you're still thinking about it at that point, then splurge away. Otherwise, it was just a passing fancy.

No_Mongoose5419 Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work How to get rid of cold callers at your door or on the phone quickly without being rude.

I discovered this by accident. Someone knocked on my door cold calling, selling a service I already had, asking if I'd like to talk about their service.

I said "oh I'm already a customer, I'd love to talk about it". I was being genuine too.

They could not get away quickly enough, which I thought was odd.

Then it occurred to me that by saying I was a happy customer already, they knew there was zero chance of a sale so any further time talking to me cost them potential sales.


Lol lots of people below saying to just hang up, close the door, tell them to eff off or whatever, which I also do on occasion.

I'm not saying this is the best or only way, it's just a way I discovered by accident that makes them want to get away ASAFP.

Lloytron , LightFieldStudios Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Meditation really does quiet the mind at some point. And the positive effects of it will benefit every aspect of your life. It reduces impulsiveness, strengthens empathy and patience, and increases your sense of joy. It's free too!

All you need to do is find a quiet space, sit down and give yourself permission to not have to do anything for 10 minutes. Thoughts don't need to be followed up or analysed, impulses don't need to be obeyed,  memories and plans can be left unexplored, itches dont have to be scratched, nothing has to be changed.

Just pay attention to your breathing, and when you find yourself distracted - and you will get distracted- just go back to your breathing.

Do this every day and extend the time as necessary and you'll absolutely start noticing things changing in your life very quickly. You'll probably notice that ideas or feelings that seemed overwhelming will disappear if you just let them be for while. You'll be able to breathe and slow down when interacting with others or making decisions. Concentration will improve, You won't feel the need to numb yourself as much.

All that from just sitting down and doing nothing for 10 minutes a day.

Mortlach78 , Toni Reed Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work When the sun is shining in the morning, take a 15 minute walk every day.

This will set your circadian rhythm (helps you sleep when you need to sleep, helps you be awake when you need to be awake).

More importantly, it will lower the morning blood sugar spike, decreasing the chance of diabetes II and fatty liver.

HemetValleyMall1982 , Delphine Beausoleil Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Practicing gratitude. When you’re getting ready in the morning consciously think about things you are grateful for, could be big or small (have a roof over my head, got through the night without waking up, have a job to go to even though I dislike it, whatever). It really helps you have a better mindset at the start of the day. No guarantee your mindset won’t change throughout the day, but at least you can start off on a good step.

Human-Magic-Marker , KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work When calculating how much your getting paid for your job. Include potential cost you saved from using insurance, transit passes, etc. You might for example find a job that pays a bit more in the future, but you could be actually taking a massive reduction if the benefits don't line up.

Sabre_One , Mikhail Nilov Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Baby powder is a must have at the beach. It helps get sand off your hands and feet instantly at the end of the day so you can wear normal shoes on the drive home.

americansherlock201 , Nick Page Report

65 Of The Best Life Hacks That Sound Fake But Actually Work Get a big metal water bottle and take it everywhere, you’ll either drink more water through the day or like me you’ll slowly get ripped because you’re carrying this annoyingly heavy bottle everywhere and not drinking so win either way.

AgentCup , quokkabottles Report

Learned this one off Reddit. But if you’re sick and have a congested nostril lay on the side of the one that’s free and wait a little bit and it’ll unclog the other nostril. It was such a relief knowing this when I got sick a couple weeks ago.

neonblue01 Report

A bit of cayenne pepper rubbed onto a cut can help it to clot quickly. Seems so counterintuitive, but it doesn't sting and works well.

kfloppygang Report

Knowing when to just leave the argument. If it lasts more than 5 minutes, it's gonna be impossible to prove you are right, so just give up, turn around, and buy an ice cream. It's much nicer than trying to prove a point to someone who will not listen.

MKBurfield Report

Before I go on vacation I take a picture of the oven etc. in my kitchen. No more "did I turn the oven off???" panic after leaving the house since I'm doing this.

Salty-History3316 Report

Side mirror, center mirror, passenger mirror are SUPPOSED to be set so that it's 1 continuous image. No blind spots at all. My owners manual even explained this.
0.0001% of people use this so I consider it a life hack.

Open-Year2903 Report

This has always worked for me. When I get a leg cramp I get into a standing position, feet flat on the floor legs straight, and the cramp goes away. I use to get leg cramps in the early morning and would lay there with my legs curled up. Sometimes after the cramp went away I’d be limping all day. Now first sign of a leg cramp, I get out of bed fast as I can and stand straight. They immediately stop and I have no problems the rest of the day.

Saturnswirl666 Report

Get into something itchy like poison ivy or have severe reactions to bug bites? Those anti itch creams are useless. Instead, use gels for toothaches. The lidocaine concentration is much higher.

Found out a cabin had bed bugs and that I'm allergic. Bought every itch, burn, numbing cream out there and nothing would touch that itch. So I searched for what had the highest lidocaine or benzocaine and found toothache gels have 20%. Sweet, sweet relief.

ffswhatnameisnttaken Report

Make your bed in the morning, you will feel better.

Whether it's right after making it, or getting ready for bed, seeing your bed made will make you feel better.

ksozay Report

If you do d***s, drink as much water as possible. It would massively reduce the risks of heart attack or other health issues. Better yet, don’t do d***s.

Source: 5 years of coke. 5 years clean now.

Abigfanofporn Report

Might be a unique thing, but antacids make my hiccups go away.

tatestu Report

If a man is in an accident (car, ladder fall, etc) and he gets an erection, don't move him. He has a spinal injury.

Danok2028 Report

Anytime you enter a building, identify the exits and be prepared to get there at a moment's notice.

PxRedditor5 Report

If you live alone you should buy a anti choking device.

Some brands are DeChoker, LifeVac, etc... Do some shopping research and pick whatever you see fit.

Thousands of people die every year due to choking, because of food, liquids, small swallowed objects, etc.

People that live by themselves are at a higher risk since usually there is nobody around to assist them. With this apparatus at Home You got a chance.

Separate_Mango_666 Report

Every male should know this. If you want to get rid of an awkward boner flex any muscle in your body maybe an arm. For a minute. The blood will rush to that muscle and away from your d**k. Crisis averted.

Commercial_Worry_344 Report

Compound interest.

Start saving today, and over time, it will grow into a sizeable amount.

MYSTERees77 Report

The best self defense is avoiding a fight altogether.

I know too many dudes who live their whole life hoping to prove their mettle in a fight. ..It ain't worth it my dudes. Life ain't Hollywood and what you dream about doesn't happen. You might get stabbed, you might get beat up by his friends, you might win and go to jail or get sued. Few people get in a fight and are grateful they chose to.

Love_Cannon Report

If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing poorly. Five minutes of exercise is better than zero, five minutes of practicing. The guitar is better than zero.

Puzzleheaded-Fix3359 Report

Keeping shoes on all day makes me way more productive. I never thought something like that would work, but it does, and makes me actually get stuff done while working from home. .

saturatedregulated Report

Need to solve a complex problem? Imagine you've already solved it and ask yourself how you did it.

alienanimal Report

I used to carry around a large empty box at my old warehouse job when I wanted to f**k off for an hour or 2.

Nectarine_Agreeable Report

My dad told me this, it’s something he learned when he was in the kitchen in his youth but black pepper works as a coagulant if you ever cut yourself bad and need to stop the bleeding.

ShroomsandCrows Report

When walking into oncoming crowds, stare directly straight ahead, past the people who are walking towards you. They will instinctively get out of the way.

WhatHave-I-Done Report

I always pick up unknown callers as "Hello Lieutenant John" i have never been to armed forces, i am a nobody, but even my friends call me lieutenant. It started as a joke, but worked so great that i started to use it. 99% of scamners disconnect. I do not hurt anyone and this is not illegal.

DorkoJanos Report

"Put it away, not down"

Has been a huge help as someone with ADHD. I tell myself that saying at least a few times a day.

xBreenutX Report

I don't know if this counts but make friends with the cleaning crew and service people. Saved my a*s at one job because the company was doing some sneaky layoff s**t and one of the building guards tipped me off. They were told beforehand what was going down. I wasn't on the list but before they could get to the office, I let all my co-workers know what was going on.

ejrhonda79 Report

Certain essential oils have a purpose.

Clove essential oil is great for tooth pain in a pinch, especially if you have gum inflammation. Keep some clove oil in your medicine cabinet for a disgusting remedy for pesky tooth pain.

CalvinSays Report

Thank "past you" for the things they did that made "present you"'s life easier. You'll feel good about it, and it makes it more likely that you'll "pay it forward" to yourself more.

aslum Report

If you just can't seem to start a task try this: sit down, close your eyes, and count to five slowly, then start. Calming your mind really helps with overcoming procrastination.

qpgmr Report

Is it a life saver? Idk. But a reddit comment taught me that vodka is the ultimate odor remover. You can use it for BO on clothes or animal urine scent. Put in a spray bottle the cheapest vodka you can find and spray the affected area. Allow to dry. It's like freaking magic. I have gotten odors out that nothing else worked on.

diedbyicee Report


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