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XAI for Forecasting: Basis Expansion | by Nakul Upadhya | Mar, 2023

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Photo by Richard Horvath on Unsplash

NBEATS and other Interpretable Deep Forecasting Models

Forecasting is a critical aspect of many industries, from finance to supply chain management. Over the years, researchers have explored various techniques for forecasting, ranging from traditional time-series methods to machine learning-based models.

In recent years, forecasters have turned to deep learning and have gotten promising results with models such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks and Temporal Convolution Networks (CNNs) showing great potential. Before 2019, the primary approach to the forecasting problem was combining traditional statistical methods (like ARIMA) with deep learning [1]. However, the forecasting literature broke away from this in 2020 and diverged in two different directions.

The first direction involves developing means of using the attention mechanism and the transformer architecture for forecasting. This approach was pioneered with the introduction of the LogSparse Transformer by Li et. al [5] which adjusted the traditional self-attention mechanism used in NLP tasks to be more sensitive to locality and use less memory [5]. This work was then later extended and improved by models such as Autoformer [6], Informer [7], FEDFormer [8], and more. This is a thriving field, but recent work has put this approach into question. Zeng et. al has recently questioned the effectiveness of the self-attention mechanism for the forecasting task and did a slew of experiments to show that the attention mechanisms may not be useful for temporal representations [9] (a summary of these experiments can be found in this article). Additionally, this approach also falls a bit short from an Explainable AI (XAI) perspective. While these models all have attention mechanisms that can be visualized, many academics have argued that this may not be explainable and this is an active field of debate. Denis Vorotyntsev has made a great article summarizing the debate and I highly encourage checking his article out as well [10].

In contrast to the attention-based approach of transformers, the other primary direction of tackling the forecasting problem is the neural basis expansion analysis approach first proposed by Oreshkin et. al [1] in 2020 with the N-BEATS architecture. This methodology involves using multiple stacks of deep fully-connected networks to iteratively build the forecast. Instead of directly predicting the time series, the networks in each stack instead predict the weights of a basis. This architecture allows users to specify the components of the time series they want to extract and the reconstructive nature of the forecast adds an extra layer of interpretability.

In this article, I aim to summarize the full mechanisms behind the basis analysis architecture and also showcase the improvements to the basis expansion approach since the original N-BEATS paper. Specifically, I aim to cover how N-BEATS works [1] and the two improvements to NBEATS: N-HiTS [2] and DEPTS [4].

Figure 1: N-BEATS Architecture from Oreshkin et. al 2020 [1]

N-BEATS stands for Neural Basis Expansion Analysis for Time Series and is the origin model for the basis expansion architecture. Because of this, we will spend a bit more time explaining this architecture compared to the others.

When developing N-BEATS, the author’s goal was to showcase the power of deep learning by creating a forecasting model that did not leverage any statistical concepts such as maximum likelihood estimation or traditional autoregressive models (ex. ARIMA) but still provided some level of interpretability that the traditional time-series approaches provided [1]. In striving for these qualities, Oreshkin et. al not only met their goals but also proved that their model could do better than the state-of-the-art at the time. Some qualities of N-BEATS that make it a strong model are:

  1. Great performance: On the M4 dataset (a dataset containing 100,000 different time series), N-BEATS was able to beat the top performer at the time, ES-RNN [11], by an average of 3%.
  2. Large and Multi-Horizon forecasting: The methods N-BEATS uses to generate its forecasts can perform direct multi-step forecasting avoiding the forecast drift issues brought about by iterative forecast generation (passing predictions back into the model)
  3. Relatively Fast Training: Compared to its Transformer counterparts, N-BEATS only contains MLP stacks and does not have any recurrent networks in its architecture, making the training much simpler.
  4. Interpretability: When using the interpretable version of N-BEATS (N-BEATSi), users can see a clear breakdown of time series components such as trend and seasonality. other time-series datasets with astounding success.

To achieve all these goals, N-BEATS uses a few clever architectural components and tricks.

Blocks & Basis

The block is probably the most important piece of the N-BEATS architecture.

As showcased in blue in Figure 1 above, the block contains 1 fully-connected network stack which passes its output into 2 different linear layers. We can think of the fully connected layers as generating an encoding of the input. The two linear layers then take in this encoding and project it into 2 sets of weights: one set for the forecast basis and one for the backcast basis. Mathematically, the set of operations can be described as follows (this has a 4-layer fully connected network):

Image from Oreshkin et. al 2022

In this, x_l is the input into the l-th block and the thetas are the basis weights.


Now it’s important to note that when we say basis, we mean in the linear algebra sense. In other words, a basis is a set of linearly independent vectors that we can linearly combine to form any other vector in a vector space. In the case of N-BEATS, the weights of the linear combination are defined by the neural network.

The generic architecture follows this exact definition:

Image from Oreshkin et. al 2022

Where y is the piece of the time series predicted by block 1. The end output is just the weighted sum of a set of basis vectors defined by the user or set as a trainable parameter. However, this version of the basis is not interpretable and doesn’t attempt to explicitly capture specific components of a time series. However, it is really easy to modify N-BEATS into a more interpretable version by changing the basis equations used. The authors call this new configuration N-BEATSi [1].

The first interpretable basis is the trend basis. This changes the basis to be a series of low-power polynomials (ex. at+bt²+ct³) and our network is predicting the weights for each polynomial term.

Image from Oreshkin et. al 2022

The second interpretable basis is the seasonality basis. Similar to the trend basis, the network predicts the weights for a set of equations, but this time it is predicting the weights for a Fourier series.

Image from Oreshkin et. al 2022

In the end, the network is effectively providing us with a regression equation for our time series, allowing the user to understand the exact workings of the time series [1].

Backcasts & Forecasts

Each block does not only produce a forecast, but it also produces “backcasts” — a prediction of the input window. The backcast can be thought of as a filtering mechanism. When a block produces a forecast, the backcast it produces is the component of the time series that has already been analyzed and should not be captured by subsequent blocks as the current block has already captured that information [1].

In the generic architecture, the forecast and backcasts will have different sets of weights produced by different networks and we rely on the training process to make them align with each other. This is unavoidable since the dimensions of the basis vectors for the forecast and backcast are different. However, since the interpretable version uses equations that are dependent on time steps, it is highly recommended to have the backcast and forecast share basis weights when using the interpretable basis [1].

Doubly Residual Stacking

N-BEATS is not just made up of 1 block, but rather multiple blocks chained together that each interpret a signal of the time series. The key mechanism that allows for this behavior is doubly residual stacking. Simply put: the input of the current block is equivalent to the input to the previous block minus the backcast of the previous block. Additionally, the final forecast is the sum of all the forecasts from all the blocks [1].

Image from Oreshkin et. al 2022

In the generic case, this doubly residual stacking mechanism allows for smoother gradient flows and faster training. Additionally “the aggregation of meaningful partial forecasts” also provides a large degree of interpretability as it helps users identify the key signals present in the time series they are trying to forecast[1] Additionally, by examining the backcasts of all the blocks, the users can see if any signals or patterns were ignored or if any were overfit, helping the debugging process greatly.


To provide more organization to the network, the architecture also organizes the individual blocks into stacks. In each stack, the blocks all share the same type of basis (generic, trend, or seasonal). This organization not only helps the signal decomposition procedure but also allows for more interpretability as now we can simply view the stack-level output instead of examining each block.

For how these interpretations look, check out the great example found in the PyTorch Forecasting documentation.


While the original N-BEATS architecture only worked with univariate time series, Challu et. al [3] introduced methods to allow for covariates.

The first way was to simply flatten and append the covariates to the inputs of the fully connected stack in each block. Each backcast and forecast would still only be for the target time series, and the residual stacking mechanism would only apply to the target, not the covariates.

The second method was to generate an encoding of the covariates first, and then use that as a basis for a block:

Image from Challu et. al 2023
DEPTS Architecture from Fan et. al 2022[4]

DEPTS stands for Deep Expansion Learning for Periodic Time Series Forecasting and as the name suggests, this is an improvement to NBEATS that focuses on upgrading the periodic/seasonality forecasting capabilities of the original model [4]. Specifically, DEPTS changes the functionalities of NBEATS in two ways:

  1. While NBEATS/NBEATSi could handle periodicity via the Fourier basis, this method struggles to take larger periodic behaviors that stretch beyond our lookback window into account, something that DEPTS is better equipped to handle [4].
  2. NBEATS/NBEATSi only can take additive seasonality into account (since it builds the forecasts additively. DEPTS can handle multiplicative seasonalities as well [4].

Periodicity Module & Periodic Context

The first mechanism DEPTS uses to achieve the two features above is its dedicated periodicity module that takes in the timesteps for both the lookback window and the forecast horizon and generates a seasonality context vector defined by a cosine series [4]:

Image from Fan et. al 2022 [4]

In this module, A, F, and P are all trainable parameters. By allowing the network to learn these parameters and share them across predictions, the model can directly learn global periodic patterns instead of having to re-infer the patterns based on the input data as an NBEATS model has to do [4].

One tricky piece of this learning process however is that while attempting to learn A, F, and P, the model can easily get stuck in local minima. To get around this, a pre-learning optimization is performed to initialize the parameter values. Note: in this equation, phi represents the set of learnable parameters and M is a binary vector that gets multiplied with every term in the generator function (1 if the term is chosen, 0 else) [4]:

Image from Fan et. al 2022 [4]

To put this simply, before training the network do a pre-fit of parameters on a training set, then choose the J best frequencies (the user chooses J). To avoid solving a whole optimization problem, the authors suggest performing a discrete cosine transform and choosing the J terms with the highest amplitudes [4].

Periodicity Block and Periodicity Residuals

The whole purpose of the periodicity module is to generate the initial periodic context vector z. These context vectors are passed into periodic blocks [4]:

DEPTS Periodic Block Architecture from Fan et. al 2022[4]

Simply put, the periodic block takes in the periodic context vector (which is effectively the seasonal components of the time series) and passes it through a very small sub-network producing a backcast and a forecast like in the traditional NBEATS block. This takes the additive seasonalities that the periodicity module handles and processes them to deal with non-linear seasonalities [4].

How are these periodic backcasts and forecasts used? Diving closer into a layer of DEPTS gives us more insights into what’s happening. Note in this figure x is the target series [4]:

DEPTS Layer Architecture from Fan et. al 2022[4]

Once the model generates the forecast vector backcast and forecast, the backcast is then subtracted from the input of the local block, and the forecast is added to the overall model forecast. The local block is the same as the block in NBEATS, performs the same operations, and uses the same doubly residual stacking mechanism. DEPTS also uses the doubly residual stacking mechanism for the context vector and we remove the explained seasonalities from the periodic context vector and both the local block output and periodic context vector as passed on to the next layer [4].

All of these mechanisms put together make DEPTS a periodic forecasting beast [4].


Like NBEATS, DEPTS maintains many of the interpretation benefits of NBEATS, namely the aggregation of forecasts. However, DEPTS also offers a look into global periodic patterns, something NBEATS does not have. It is easy to visualize the global periodic patterns by just running the periodicity module. Additionally, one can examine the final periodic context vector to see how a local prediction may deviate from global patterns by looking at the “leftover” patterns.

N-HiTS Architecture from Challu et. al 2022 [2]

The second major improvement from NBEATS is N-HiTS or Neural Hierarchical Interpolation for Time Series Forecasting [2]. While DEPTS introduced dedicated periodic forecasting mechanisms, N-HiTS focuses on better structuring the forecast aggregation process and offers two main benefits:

  1. Through a hierarchical method of forecast aggregation, N-HiTS is better at identifying and extracting signals than N-BEATS is in most cases [2].
  2. Through interpolation mechanisms, N-HiTS’s memory usage is magnitudes smaller than NBEATS’s, making it even easier to train [2].

All of this is possible due to the Hierarchical Interpolation mechanism which is made up of 2 parts: Multi-Rate Signal sampling and Interpolation [2].

Multi-Rate Signal Sampling

N-HiTS Block Architecture from Challu et. al 2022 [2]

The first primary mechanism is Multi-Rate signal sampling. This is extremely simple (which makes it even more beautiful): Add a MaxPool layer at the start of each block that pre-processes the block input and effectively smooths it [2]. Why is this useful? Well, we can vary the kernel size of the MaxPool layers across each of the blocks and effectively capture different magnitudes of signal sizes [2]. Additionally, the MaxPool also makes the model less susceptible to noise due to the smoothing it provides and by itself is a powerful, but simple tool [2].


The multi-rate sampling is powerful, but it works even better when combined with an interpolation mechanism.

Going back to the original generic N-BEATS block architecture, each block generates 2 sets of weights, a backcast set, and a forecast set. Normally, the number of weights generated is equal to the length of the window L (for the backcast) or the length of the horizon H (for the forecast) [1]. However, this approach has a few problems. For one, predicting all the weights can cause the generated forecasts to be more volatile and noisy [2]. Additionally, for larger horizons, this can cause extremely high memory usage [2].

N-HiTS instead chose to apply interpolation where the number of predicted parameters was instead equal to r*H (and r*L for the backcast) where r is the expressiveness ratio [2]. A higher expressiveness ratio results in more parameters predicted. Then one can fill in the missing weights through any interpolation method. The authors test linear interpolation, nearest neighbor interpolation, and cubic interpolation, but any custom methods can also be used.

By predicting only a few of the weights, the memory usage of N-HiTS is extremely small when compared to N-BEATS, making it a much more lightweight model.

NOTE: To my knowledge, the authors have not provided interpolation mechanisms for the interpretable basis functions, so N-HiTS is limited to the generic basis.

Hierarchical Interpolation

The authors then combine this weight interpolation as well as the multi-rate signal sampling mentioned above to create the hierarchical interpolation mechanism. In hierarchical interpolation, both the expressiveness ratio and the MaxPool kernel size of the blocks are inversely varied across the blocks [2]. Any block with a high expressiveness ratio also uses a small kernel size. Any block with a low expressiveness ratio uses a large kernel size. The synchronization of these two parameters is really what allows N-HiTS to capture different magnitude signals as shown in the figure below [2]:

Linear Interpolation (Left) vs. No Interpolation (Right). Figure from Challu et. al 2022 [2]

Intuitively this also makes sense: if aggressive smoothing is applied to a function (AKA a large kernel size MaxPool), fewer parameters are needed to capture the behavior of the input and vice versa.

Hierarchical interpolation also provides more interpretability to the generic form of NBEATS. Users can look at a stack output and understand which one is modeling larger patterns, and which ones are trying to capture small noise. While N-HiTS cannot use the interpretable basis equations, one can make the argument that N-HiTS does not need those to still be interpretable.

When N-BEATS came out, it changed the deep forecasting space and spawned a new branch of forecasting. Suddenly we could get highly accurate forecasts from a relatively simple model that could be trained end-to-end. N-HiTS and DEPTS were then able to build on NBEATS and add even more functionalities that enhance specific aspects of basis expansion methods. It’s important to note that the hierarchical interpolation of N-HiTS and the periodicity modules/blocks/context vectors of DEPTS can be used together as well, creating an even more powerful model.

There is also some work in applying attention to these basis expansion methods, mainly the DeepFS model by Jiang et. al [12] which uses an attention layer (adapted from [7]) to generate an encoding, and then pass that encoding into a module that resembles a periodic N-BEATS block as well as into a feed-forward stack. While this can be considered an improvement, I did not include a full detailed description of this model in this article as the benefit of attention in time-series forecasting is still up for debate as shown by [9].

There is also some debate on whether or not basis expansion is interpretable. If in the end, our models produce 40 different equations, is it interpretable? Additionally, while we can identify what signals all of these models are identifying, the mechanisms for determining these are still relatively black box and we may not know why a model chooses to pick up or ignore a given signal. The interpretability also reduces when adapting these to use covariate time series.

Despite these flaws, however, all the models discussed here have consistently shown strong performance and have paved the way for more innovation in the forecasting space.

  1. N-BEATS and N-HiTS can be used through Darts and Pytorch Forecasting, two high-quality forecasting packages for Python.
  2. Source code for DEPTS
  3. Source code for N-HiTS
  4. Source code for NBEATSx
  5. Source code for NBEATS


[1] B.N. Oreshkin, D.Carpov, N. Chapados, Y. Bengio. N-BEATS: Neural basis expansion analysis for interpretable time series forecasting (2020). Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations.

[2] C. Challu, K.G. Olivares, B.N. Oreshkin, F. Garza, M. Mergenthaler-Canseco, A. Dubrawski. N-HiTS: Neural Hierarchical Interpolation for Time Series Forecasting (2022). Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

[3] K.G. Olivares, C. Challu, G. Marcjasz, R. Weron, A. Dubrawski. Neural basis expansion analysis with exogenous variables: Forecasting electricity prices with NBEATSx (2023). International Journal of Forecasting.

[4] W. Fan, S. Zheng, X. Yi, W. Cao, Y. Fu, J. Bian, T-Y. Liu. DEPTS: Deep Expansion Learning for Periodic Time Series Forecasting (2022). Tenth International Conference on Learning Representations.

[5] S. Li, X. Jin, Y. Xuan, X. Zhou, W. Chen, Y. Wang, X. Yan. Enhancing the Locality and Breaking the Memory Bottleneck of Transformer on Time Series Forecasting (2019). Advances in Neural Information Processing systems 32.

[6] H. Wu, J. Xu, J. Wang, M. Long. Autoformer: Decomposition Transformers with Auto-Correlation for Long-Term Series Forecasting (2021). Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34.

[7] H. Zhou, S. Zhang, J. Peng, S. Zhang, J. Li, H. Xiong, W. Zhang. Informer: Beyond Efficient Transformer for Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting (2021). The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Conference.

[8] T. Zhou, Z. Ma, Q. Wen, X. Wang, L. Sun, R. Jin. FEDformer: Frequency Enhanced Decomposed Transformer for Long-term Series Forecasting (2022). 39th International Conference on Machine Learning.

[9] A. Zeng, M. Chen, L. Zhang, Q. Xu. Are Transformers Effective for Time Series Forecasting? (2022). Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

[10] D. Vorotyntsev. Is Attention Explanation? (2022). Towards Data Science.

[12] S. Jiang, T. Syed, X. Zhy, J. Levy, B. Aronchik, Y. Sun. Bridging self-attention and time series decomposition for periodic forecasting (2022). 31st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management

[11]S. Smyl, J. Ranganathan, A Pasqua. M4 Forecasting Competition: Introducing a New Hybrid ES-RNN Model (2018). Uber Research

Photo by Richard Horvath on Unsplash

NBEATS and other Interpretable Deep Forecasting Models

Forecasting is a critical aspect of many industries, from finance to supply chain management. Over the years, researchers have explored various techniques for forecasting, ranging from traditional time-series methods to machine learning-based models.

In recent years, forecasters have turned to deep learning and have gotten promising results with models such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks and Temporal Convolution Networks (CNNs) showing great potential. Before 2019, the primary approach to the forecasting problem was combining traditional statistical methods (like ARIMA) with deep learning [1]. However, the forecasting literature broke away from this in 2020 and diverged in two different directions.

The first direction involves developing means of using the attention mechanism and the transformer architecture for forecasting. This approach was pioneered with the introduction of the LogSparse Transformer by Li et. al [5] which adjusted the traditional self-attention mechanism used in NLP tasks to be more sensitive to locality and use less memory [5]. This work was then later extended and improved by models such as Autoformer [6], Informer [7], FEDFormer [8], and more. This is a thriving field, but recent work has put this approach into question. Zeng et. al has recently questioned the effectiveness of the self-attention mechanism for the forecasting task and did a slew of experiments to show that the attention mechanisms may not be useful for temporal representations [9] (a summary of these experiments can be found in this article). Additionally, this approach also falls a bit short from an Explainable AI (XAI) perspective. While these models all have attention mechanisms that can be visualized, many academics have argued that this may not be explainable and this is an active field of debate. Denis Vorotyntsev has made a great article summarizing the debate and I highly encourage checking his article out as well [10].

In contrast to the attention-based approach of transformers, the other primary direction of tackling the forecasting problem is the neural basis expansion analysis approach first proposed by Oreshkin et. al [1] in 2020 with the N-BEATS architecture. This methodology involves using multiple stacks of deep fully-connected networks to iteratively build the forecast. Instead of directly predicting the time series, the networks in each stack instead predict the weights of a basis. This architecture allows users to specify the components of the time series they want to extract and the reconstructive nature of the forecast adds an extra layer of interpretability.

In this article, I aim to summarize the full mechanisms behind the basis analysis architecture and also showcase the improvements to the basis expansion approach since the original N-BEATS paper. Specifically, I aim to cover how N-BEATS works [1] and the two improvements to NBEATS: N-HiTS [2] and DEPTS [4].

Figure 1: N-BEATS Architecture from Oreshkin et. al 2020 [1]

N-BEATS stands for Neural Basis Expansion Analysis for Time Series and is the origin model for the basis expansion architecture. Because of this, we will spend a bit more time explaining this architecture compared to the others.

When developing N-BEATS, the author’s goal was to showcase the power of deep learning by creating a forecasting model that did not leverage any statistical concepts such as maximum likelihood estimation or traditional autoregressive models (ex. ARIMA) but still provided some level of interpretability that the traditional time-series approaches provided [1]. In striving for these qualities, Oreshkin et. al not only met their goals but also proved that their model could do better than the state-of-the-art at the time. Some qualities of N-BEATS that make it a strong model are:

  1. Great performance: On the M4 dataset (a dataset containing 100,000 different time series), N-BEATS was able to beat the top performer at the time, ES-RNN [11], by an average of 3%.
  2. Large and Multi-Horizon forecasting: The methods N-BEATS uses to generate its forecasts can perform direct multi-step forecasting avoiding the forecast drift issues brought about by iterative forecast generation (passing predictions back into the model)
  3. Relatively Fast Training: Compared to its Transformer counterparts, N-BEATS only contains MLP stacks and does not have any recurrent networks in its architecture, making the training much simpler.
  4. Interpretability: When using the interpretable version of N-BEATS (N-BEATSi), users can see a clear breakdown of time series components such as trend and seasonality. other time-series datasets with astounding success.

To achieve all these goals, N-BEATS uses a few clever architectural components and tricks.

Blocks & Basis

The block is probably the most important piece of the N-BEATS architecture.

As showcased in blue in Figure 1 above, the block contains 1 fully-connected network stack which passes its output into 2 different linear layers. We can think of the fully connected layers as generating an encoding of the input. The two linear layers then take in this encoding and project it into 2 sets of weights: one set for the forecast basis and one for the backcast basis. Mathematically, the set of operations can be described as follows (this has a 4-layer fully connected network):

Image from Oreshkin et. al 2022

In this, x_l is the input into the l-th block and the thetas are the basis weights.


Now it’s important to note that when we say basis, we mean in the linear algebra sense. In other words, a basis is a set of linearly independent vectors that we can linearly combine to form any other vector in a vector space. In the case of N-BEATS, the weights of the linear combination are defined by the neural network.

The generic architecture follows this exact definition:

Image from Oreshkin et. al 2022

Where y is the piece of the time series predicted by block 1. The end output is just the weighted sum of a set of basis vectors defined by the user or set as a trainable parameter. However, this version of the basis is not interpretable and doesn’t attempt to explicitly capture specific components of a time series. However, it is really easy to modify N-BEATS into a more interpretable version by changing the basis equations used. The authors call this new configuration N-BEATSi [1].

The first interpretable basis is the trend basis. This changes the basis to be a series of low-power polynomials (ex. at+bt²+ct³) and our network is predicting the weights for each polynomial term.

Image from Oreshkin et. al 2022

The second interpretable basis is the seasonality basis. Similar to the trend basis, the network predicts the weights for a set of equations, but this time it is predicting the weights for a Fourier series.

Image from Oreshkin et. al 2022

In the end, the network is effectively providing us with a regression equation for our time series, allowing the user to understand the exact workings of the time series [1].

Backcasts & Forecasts

Each block does not only produce a forecast, but it also produces “backcasts” — a prediction of the input window. The backcast can be thought of as a filtering mechanism. When a block produces a forecast, the backcast it produces is the component of the time series that has already been analyzed and should not be captured by subsequent blocks as the current block has already captured that information [1].

In the generic architecture, the forecast and backcasts will have different sets of weights produced by different networks and we rely on the training process to make them align with each other. This is unavoidable since the dimensions of the basis vectors for the forecast and backcast are different. However, since the interpretable version uses equations that are dependent on time steps, it is highly recommended to have the backcast and forecast share basis weights when using the interpretable basis [1].

Doubly Residual Stacking

N-BEATS is not just made up of 1 block, but rather multiple blocks chained together that each interpret a signal of the time series. The key mechanism that allows for this behavior is doubly residual stacking. Simply put: the input of the current block is equivalent to the input to the previous block minus the backcast of the previous block. Additionally, the final forecast is the sum of all the forecasts from all the blocks [1].

Image from Oreshkin et. al 2022

In the generic case, this doubly residual stacking mechanism allows for smoother gradient flows and faster training. Additionally “the aggregation of meaningful partial forecasts” also provides a large degree of interpretability as it helps users identify the key signals present in the time series they are trying to forecast[1] Additionally, by examining the backcasts of all the blocks, the users can see if any signals or patterns were ignored or if any were overfit, helping the debugging process greatly.


To provide more organization to the network, the architecture also organizes the individual blocks into stacks. In each stack, the blocks all share the same type of basis (generic, trend, or seasonal). This organization not only helps the signal decomposition procedure but also allows for more interpretability as now we can simply view the stack-level output instead of examining each block.

For how these interpretations look, check out the great example found in the PyTorch Forecasting documentation.


While the original N-BEATS architecture only worked with univariate time series, Challu et. al [3] introduced methods to allow for covariates.

The first way was to simply flatten and append the covariates to the inputs of the fully connected stack in each block. Each backcast and forecast would still only be for the target time series, and the residual stacking mechanism would only apply to the target, not the covariates.

The second method was to generate an encoding of the covariates first, and then use that as a basis for a block:

Image from Challu et. al 2023
DEPTS Architecture from Fan et. al 2022[4]

DEPTS stands for Deep Expansion Learning for Periodic Time Series Forecasting and as the name suggests, this is an improvement to NBEATS that focuses on upgrading the periodic/seasonality forecasting capabilities of the original model [4]. Specifically, DEPTS changes the functionalities of NBEATS in two ways:

  1. While NBEATS/NBEATSi could handle periodicity via the Fourier basis, this method struggles to take larger periodic behaviors that stretch beyond our lookback window into account, something that DEPTS is better equipped to handle [4].
  2. NBEATS/NBEATSi only can take additive seasonality into account (since it builds the forecasts additively. DEPTS can handle multiplicative seasonalities as well [4].

Periodicity Module & Periodic Context

The first mechanism DEPTS uses to achieve the two features above is its dedicated periodicity module that takes in the timesteps for both the lookback window and the forecast horizon and generates a seasonality context vector defined by a cosine series [4]:

Image from Fan et. al 2022 [4]

In this module, A, F, and P are all trainable parameters. By allowing the network to learn these parameters and share them across predictions, the model can directly learn global periodic patterns instead of having to re-infer the patterns based on the input data as an NBEATS model has to do [4].

One tricky piece of this learning process however is that while attempting to learn A, F, and P, the model can easily get stuck in local minima. To get around this, a pre-learning optimization is performed to initialize the parameter values. Note: in this equation, phi represents the set of learnable parameters and M is a binary vector that gets multiplied with every term in the generator function (1 if the term is chosen, 0 else) [4]:

Image from Fan et. al 2022 [4]

To put this simply, before training the network do a pre-fit of parameters on a training set, then choose the J best frequencies (the user chooses J). To avoid solving a whole optimization problem, the authors suggest performing a discrete cosine transform and choosing the J terms with the highest amplitudes [4].

Periodicity Block and Periodicity Residuals

The whole purpose of the periodicity module is to generate the initial periodic context vector z. These context vectors are passed into periodic blocks [4]:

DEPTS Periodic Block Architecture from Fan et. al 2022[4]

Simply put, the periodic block takes in the periodic context vector (which is effectively the seasonal components of the time series) and passes it through a very small sub-network producing a backcast and a forecast like in the traditional NBEATS block. This takes the additive seasonalities that the periodicity module handles and processes them to deal with non-linear seasonalities [4].

How are these periodic backcasts and forecasts used? Diving closer into a layer of DEPTS gives us more insights into what’s happening. Note in this figure x is the target series [4]:

DEPTS Layer Architecture from Fan et. al 2022[4]

Once the model generates the forecast vector backcast and forecast, the backcast is then subtracted from the input of the local block, and the forecast is added to the overall model forecast. The local block is the same as the block in NBEATS, performs the same operations, and uses the same doubly residual stacking mechanism. DEPTS also uses the doubly residual stacking mechanism for the context vector and we remove the explained seasonalities from the periodic context vector and both the local block output and periodic context vector as passed on to the next layer [4].

All of these mechanisms put together make DEPTS a periodic forecasting beast [4].


Like NBEATS, DEPTS maintains many of the interpretation benefits of NBEATS, namely the aggregation of forecasts. However, DEPTS also offers a look into global periodic patterns, something NBEATS does not have. It is easy to visualize the global periodic patterns by just running the periodicity module. Additionally, one can examine the final periodic context vector to see how a local prediction may deviate from global patterns by looking at the “leftover” patterns.

N-HiTS Architecture from Challu et. al 2022 [2]

The second major improvement from NBEATS is N-HiTS or Neural Hierarchical Interpolation for Time Series Forecasting [2]. While DEPTS introduced dedicated periodic forecasting mechanisms, N-HiTS focuses on better structuring the forecast aggregation process and offers two main benefits:

  1. Through a hierarchical method of forecast aggregation, N-HiTS is better at identifying and extracting signals than N-BEATS is in most cases [2].
  2. Through interpolation mechanisms, N-HiTS’s memory usage is magnitudes smaller than NBEATS’s, making it even easier to train [2].

All of this is possible due to the Hierarchical Interpolation mechanism which is made up of 2 parts: Multi-Rate Signal sampling and Interpolation [2].

Multi-Rate Signal Sampling

N-HiTS Block Architecture from Challu et. al 2022 [2]

The first primary mechanism is Multi-Rate signal sampling. This is extremely simple (which makes it even more beautiful): Add a MaxPool layer at the start of each block that pre-processes the block input and effectively smooths it [2]. Why is this useful? Well, we can vary the kernel size of the MaxPool layers across each of the blocks and effectively capture different magnitudes of signal sizes [2]. Additionally, the MaxPool also makes the model less susceptible to noise due to the smoothing it provides and by itself is a powerful, but simple tool [2].


The multi-rate sampling is powerful, but it works even better when combined with an interpolation mechanism.

Going back to the original generic N-BEATS block architecture, each block generates 2 sets of weights, a backcast set, and a forecast set. Normally, the number of weights generated is equal to the length of the window L (for the backcast) or the length of the horizon H (for the forecast) [1]. However, this approach has a few problems. For one, predicting all the weights can cause the generated forecasts to be more volatile and noisy [2]. Additionally, for larger horizons, this can cause extremely high memory usage [2].

N-HiTS instead chose to apply interpolation where the number of predicted parameters was instead equal to r*H (and r*L for the backcast) where r is the expressiveness ratio [2]. A higher expressiveness ratio results in more parameters predicted. Then one can fill in the missing weights through any interpolation method. The authors test linear interpolation, nearest neighbor interpolation, and cubic interpolation, but any custom methods can also be used.

By predicting only a few of the weights, the memory usage of N-HiTS is extremely small when compared to N-BEATS, making it a much more lightweight model.

NOTE: To my knowledge, the authors have not provided interpolation mechanisms for the interpretable basis functions, so N-HiTS is limited to the generic basis.

Hierarchical Interpolation

The authors then combine this weight interpolation as well as the multi-rate signal sampling mentioned above to create the hierarchical interpolation mechanism. In hierarchical interpolation, both the expressiveness ratio and the MaxPool kernel size of the blocks are inversely varied across the blocks [2]. Any block with a high expressiveness ratio also uses a small kernel size. Any block with a low expressiveness ratio uses a large kernel size. The synchronization of these two parameters is really what allows N-HiTS to capture different magnitude signals as shown in the figure below [2]:

Linear Interpolation (Left) vs. No Interpolation (Right). Figure from Challu et. al 2022 [2]

Intuitively this also makes sense: if aggressive smoothing is applied to a function (AKA a large kernel size MaxPool), fewer parameters are needed to capture the behavior of the input and vice versa.

Hierarchical interpolation also provides more interpretability to the generic form of NBEATS. Users can look at a stack output and understand which one is modeling larger patterns, and which ones are trying to capture small noise. While N-HiTS cannot use the interpretable basis equations, one can make the argument that N-HiTS does not need those to still be interpretable.

When N-BEATS came out, it changed the deep forecasting space and spawned a new branch of forecasting. Suddenly we could get highly accurate forecasts from a relatively simple model that could be trained end-to-end. N-HiTS and DEPTS were then able to build on NBEATS and add even more functionalities that enhance specific aspects of basis expansion methods. It’s important to note that the hierarchical interpolation of N-HiTS and the periodicity modules/blocks/context vectors of DEPTS can be used together as well, creating an even more powerful model.

There is also some work in applying attention to these basis expansion methods, mainly the DeepFS model by Jiang et. al [12] which uses an attention layer (adapted from [7]) to generate an encoding, and then pass that encoding into a module that resembles a periodic N-BEATS block as well as into a feed-forward stack. While this can be considered an improvement, I did not include a full detailed description of this model in this article as the benefit of attention in time-series forecasting is still up for debate as shown by [9].

There is also some debate on whether or not basis expansion is interpretable. If in the end, our models produce 40 different equations, is it interpretable? Additionally, while we can identify what signals all of these models are identifying, the mechanisms for determining these are still relatively black box and we may not know why a model chooses to pick up or ignore a given signal. The interpretability also reduces when adapting these to use covariate time series.

Despite these flaws, however, all the models discussed here have consistently shown strong performance and have paved the way for more innovation in the forecasting space.

  1. N-BEATS and N-HiTS can be used through Darts and Pytorch Forecasting, two high-quality forecasting packages for Python.
  2. Source code for DEPTS
  3. Source code for N-HiTS
  4. Source code for NBEATSx
  5. Source code for NBEATS


[1] B.N. Oreshkin, D.Carpov, N. Chapados, Y. Bengio. N-BEATS: Neural basis expansion analysis for interpretable time series forecasting (2020). Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations.

[2] C. Challu, K.G. Olivares, B.N. Oreshkin, F. Garza, M. Mergenthaler-Canseco, A. Dubrawski. N-HiTS: Neural Hierarchical Interpolation for Time Series Forecasting (2022). Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

[3] K.G. Olivares, C. Challu, G. Marcjasz, R. Weron, A. Dubrawski. Neural basis expansion analysis with exogenous variables: Forecasting electricity prices with NBEATSx (2023). International Journal of Forecasting.

[4] W. Fan, S. Zheng, X. Yi, W. Cao, Y. Fu, J. Bian, T-Y. Liu. DEPTS: Deep Expansion Learning for Periodic Time Series Forecasting (2022). Tenth International Conference on Learning Representations.

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[6] H. Wu, J. Xu, J. Wang, M. Long. Autoformer: Decomposition Transformers with Auto-Correlation for Long-Term Series Forecasting (2021). Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34.

[7] H. Zhou, S. Zhang, J. Peng, S. Zhang, J. Li, H. Xiong, W. Zhang. Informer: Beyond Efficient Transformer for Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting (2021). The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Conference.

[8] T. Zhou, Z. Ma, Q. Wen, X. Wang, L. Sun, R. Jin. FEDformer: Frequency Enhanced Decomposed Transformer for Long-term Series Forecasting (2022). 39th International Conference on Machine Learning.

[9] A. Zeng, M. Chen, L. Zhang, Q. Xu. Are Transformers Effective for Time Series Forecasting? (2022). Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

[10] D. Vorotyntsev. Is Attention Explanation? (2022). Towards Data Science.

[12] S. Jiang, T. Syed, X. Zhy, J. Levy, B. Aronchik, Y. Sun. Bridging self-attention and time series decomposition for periodic forecasting (2022). 31st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management

[11]S. Smyl, J. Ranganathan, A Pasqua. M4 Forecasting Competition: Introducing a New Hybrid ES-RNN Model (2018). Uber Research


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