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Chef Romy Gill takes readers on a Himalayan journey in new cookbook

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‘Knowledge comes through travel — not just researching online,’ says the India-born, England-based chef, author and broadcaster

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Our cookbook of the week is On the Himalayan Trail: Recipes and Stories from Kashmir to Ladakh by Romy Gill. To try a recipe from the book, check out: Momos (dumplings), tabakh maaz (fried ribs) and tamatar te wangun (eggplants cooked with tomatoes).

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Planning a research trip to Kashmir during a global pandemic was no easy feat. But, with her family’s encouragement, publisher’s support and tips from hospitality colleagues, chef Romy Gill took a leap of faith.

“Great things never come from staying in your comfort zone,” the India-born, England-based author and broadcaster writes in her second cookbook, On the Himalayan Trail (Hardie Grant, 2022).

As the book’s beauty and breadth show, taking the chance paid off. Gill chronicles an awe-inspiring journey from Kashmir to Ladakh, sharing 80 recipes she learned along the way.

“Knowledge comes through travel — not just researching online,” says Gill. “When you’re travelling, you have much more knowledge.”

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Floating vegetable market on Dal Lake
While in Srinagar — known for its Mughal-era gardens — Romy Gill enjoyed the floating vegetable market on Dal Lake. Photo by Sajjad Hussain /AFP via Getty Images

Gill had long wanted to write a book about Kashmiri food, the land and its people. She’s been intrigued by Kashmir since she was a child, watching Bollywood films featuring epic Himalayan scenes on her family’s black-and-white television set in Burnpur, West Bengal.

Her father, Santokh Singh Sandhu, left Punjab at age 16 to work at a steel plant in the company town, which attracted people from all over India. Some of Sandhu’s colleagues were from Kashmir, and Gill shared many family meals with them over the years.

It wasn’t just the spectacular snow-capped mountains Gill saw on screen that captivated her — or the apples, apricots, walnuts and textiles Kashmiri traders would sell each year in Burnpur. She respected Kashmiri culture and wanted to learn more.

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“It’s always been with me,” Gill said of On the Himalayan Trail in a 2020 interview with the National Post, as the book was taking shape.

On the Himalayan Trail by Romy Gill
On the Himalayan Trail is chef Romy Gill’s second cookbook. Photo by Hardie Grant

Kashmir borders the Chinese autonomous regions of Tibet and Xinjiang to the east and northeast, the Indian states of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab to the south, and Pakistan to the north and west.

Early in their relationship, Gill’s husband, Gundeep, shared fond memories of his own travels from Punjab to Ladakh by scooter. He and his friends had visited Leh, which, at an elevation of 3,520 metres, is among the highest permanent settlements in the world.

Gundeep’s recollections sparked Gill’s desire to visit the cold desert and steep terrain of Ladakh (which is now a separate union territory of India). But it wasn’t until 2017, on assignment for Suitcase magazine, that she had the opportunity.

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At a farm stay in Leh, surrounded by rugged peaks, she cooked with her host, Charol, and her family. The momos (dumplings) Charol’s mother-in-law, Palzes, taught her how to make are one of the Ladakhi specialties Gill features in the book.

As she did in Ladakh, Gill encourages people to visit remote villages, leave their phones and enjoy the local way of life.

“(Don’t) stay in five-star hotels. Stay in farm stays where you will be able to cook with them, eat the food — it’s delicious. You can do so many things. So, that’s what I really want people to do. Just go organic. Back to roots.”

Her time in Ladakh was encouraging, Gill recalls, and more research trips followed. When she travelled to Himachal Pradesh on assignment for The New York Times in 2019, the possibility of writing a Himalayan travelogue seemed closer to reality than ever.

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“I thought, ‘Actually, this can become a book. I’m meeting the people. I’m staying with them. I’m learning from them, and I’m then sharing with the wider world,” she says. “The book was always there, but that motivated me to do more.”

Pangong Tso
Pangong Tso — straddling Indian-administered Ladakh and Tibet, an autonomous region of China — is the world’s highest saltwater lake at an elevation of 4,350 metres. Photo by Daniel Berehulak /Getty Images

During 2020 and 2021, Gill took more research trips to Kashmir and Ladakh — this time, specifically for On the Himalayan Trail. In addition to the uncertainty of the pandemic, though, there was the ongoing security situation in Kashmir to contend with.

India and Pakistan have fought over Kashmir since partition divided the two countries in 1947, Gill writes.

After the start of the Kashmir insurgency in 1989, Hindus began facing targeted attacks. Nearly 250,000 Pandits fled Indian-administered Kashmir, Al Jazeera reports, and following a spike in violence this year, another exodus took place in June.

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Domestic and international tourists avoid the region due to the tense political situation, says Gill. (The Government of Canada recommends against travel to the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.) As a result, foreigners tend to be unfamiliar with Kashmiri cuisine — something Gill hopes to change with On the Himalayan Trail.

“People are cooking more. People are intrigued with different cultures. I thought, even in a pandemic, it was the right time to do it,” she says, adding that she felt comfortable despite the risks. “When I went, I had a (few) reservations. I had a little bit of worry. But when I went there, the love I got, I haven’t got in any part of India.”

Kashmiri saffron
Farmers work in a saffron field in Pampore, south of the city of Srinagar in the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Photo by Tauseef Mustafa /AFP via Getty Images

On one research trip, Gill was joined by photojournalist and travel photographer Poras Chaudhary, who is based in northern India. The book’s photography — including that of Matt Russell and Matt Inwood — conveys a sense of the land — high mountain passes, verdant meadows, barren slopes, frozen lakes and holy shrines — the people and their food.

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Gill learned how to make Kashmiri classics such as tabakh maaz (fried ribs) from wazas, chefs who specialize in wazwan, an elaborate Kashmiri feast featuring as many as 36 dishes.

Tabakh maaz plays a significant role in the banquet, along with the likes of ghushtaba (mutton meatballs in yogurt gravy), methi maaz (goat or lamb intestine with dried fenugreek leaves), rista (meatballs in a saffron-scented red sauce), rogan josh and sheekh kebab — which are served on a trami (large metal platter) with rice, yogurt and other sides.

Since so few foreigners visit the region, these treasured Kashmiri recipes and experiences were important for Gill to share in On the Himalayan Trail.

Cardamom (green and black), cinnamon, cloves, cumin (brown and black), ground ginger and fennel, Kashmiri chili powder and mustard oil are key spices in the region’s cuisine, Gill explains. And, of course, “you cannot write a book on Kashmir and not write about saffron.”

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Gill’s late mother reserved making zarda — sweet yellow rice with nuts and dried fruit — for celebrations when their family visited Punjab. Cooks use saffron to achieve the dessert’s sunny hue, if it’s within their means. If not, they rely on food colouring or turmeric, says Gill.

Her grandmother held Kashmiri saffron in such high regard, she secreted it away, wrapped in muslin. Gill remembers coming across the cloth parcel when she was 10 years old and asking her grandmother what it was.

“My grandma slapped me on my hand and said, ‘You have to respect the spices. If you give respect to the spices, they will give love back to you,’” recalls Gill. “She didn’t know what other saffrons were in the world. She said, ‘This is the best saffron.’ So, that was always in my head, and I wanted to go there and meet all these producers, all these farmers.”

Gill concludes the book on the banks of Pangong Tso, a saltwater lake straddling Ladakh and Tibet 4,350 metres above sea level. With COVID-19 cases rising in India, it was time to go home. But her high-altitude adventure is far from over.

“I want to go where people haven’t been and give them the real India, the sense of India, the sense of villages,” says Gill. “Rather than saying ‘The End,’ I should have said ‘To Be Continued.’”



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‘Knowledge comes through travel — not just researching online,’ says the India-born, England-based chef, author and broadcaster

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Our cookbook of the week is On the Himalayan Trail: Recipes and Stories from Kashmir to Ladakh by Romy Gill. To try a recipe from the book, check out: Momos (dumplings), tabakh maaz (fried ribs) and tamatar te wangun (eggplants cooked with tomatoes).

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Planning a research trip to Kashmir during a global pandemic was no easy feat. But, with her family’s encouragement, publisher’s support and tips from hospitality colleagues, chef Romy Gill took a leap of faith.

“Great things never come from staying in your comfort zone,” the India-born, England-based author and broadcaster writes in her second cookbook, On the Himalayan Trail (Hardie Grant, 2022).

As the book’s beauty and breadth show, taking the chance paid off. Gill chronicles an awe-inspiring journey from Kashmir to Ladakh, sharing 80 recipes she learned along the way.

“Knowledge comes through travel — not just researching online,” says Gill. “When you’re travelling, you have much more knowledge.”

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Floating vegetable market on Dal Lake
While in Srinagar — known for its Mughal-era gardens — Romy Gill enjoyed the floating vegetable market on Dal Lake. Photo by Sajjad Hussain /AFP via Getty Images

Gill had long wanted to write a book about Kashmiri food, the land and its people. She’s been intrigued by Kashmir since she was a child, watching Bollywood films featuring epic Himalayan scenes on her family’s black-and-white television set in Burnpur, West Bengal.

Her father, Santokh Singh Sandhu, left Punjab at age 16 to work at a steel plant in the company town, which attracted people from all over India. Some of Sandhu’s colleagues were from Kashmir, and Gill shared many family meals with them over the years.

It wasn’t just the spectacular snow-capped mountains Gill saw on screen that captivated her — or the apples, apricots, walnuts and textiles Kashmiri traders would sell each year in Burnpur. She respected Kashmiri culture and wanted to learn more.

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“It’s always been with me,” Gill said of On the Himalayan Trail in a 2020 interview with the National Post, as the book was taking shape.

On the Himalayan Trail by Romy Gill
On the Himalayan Trail is chef Romy Gill’s second cookbook. Photo by Hardie Grant

Kashmir borders the Chinese autonomous regions of Tibet and Xinjiang to the east and northeast, the Indian states of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab to the south, and Pakistan to the north and west.

Early in their relationship, Gill’s husband, Gundeep, shared fond memories of his own travels from Punjab to Ladakh by scooter. He and his friends had visited Leh, which, at an elevation of 3,520 metres, is among the highest permanent settlements in the world.

Gundeep’s recollections sparked Gill’s desire to visit the cold desert and steep terrain of Ladakh (which is now a separate union territory of India). But it wasn’t until 2017, on assignment for Suitcase magazine, that she had the opportunity.

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At a farm stay in Leh, surrounded by rugged peaks, she cooked with her host, Charol, and her family. The momos (dumplings) Charol’s mother-in-law, Palzes, taught her how to make are one of the Ladakhi specialties Gill features in the book.

As she did in Ladakh, Gill encourages people to visit remote villages, leave their phones and enjoy the local way of life.

“(Don’t) stay in five-star hotels. Stay in farm stays where you will be able to cook with them, eat the food — it’s delicious. You can do so many things. So, that’s what I really want people to do. Just go organic. Back to roots.”

Her time in Ladakh was encouraging, Gill recalls, and more research trips followed. When she travelled to Himachal Pradesh on assignment for The New York Times in 2019, the possibility of writing a Himalayan travelogue seemed closer to reality than ever.

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“I thought, ‘Actually, this can become a book. I’m meeting the people. I’m staying with them. I’m learning from them, and I’m then sharing with the wider world,” she says. “The book was always there, but that motivated me to do more.”

Pangong Tso
Pangong Tso — straddling Indian-administered Ladakh and Tibet, an autonomous region of China — is the world’s highest saltwater lake at an elevation of 4,350 metres. Photo by Daniel Berehulak /Getty Images

During 2020 and 2021, Gill took more research trips to Kashmir and Ladakh — this time, specifically for On the Himalayan Trail. In addition to the uncertainty of the pandemic, though, there was the ongoing security situation in Kashmir to contend with.

India and Pakistan have fought over Kashmir since partition divided the two countries in 1947, Gill writes.

After the start of the Kashmir insurgency in 1989, Hindus began facing targeted attacks. Nearly 250,000 Pandits fled Indian-administered Kashmir, Al Jazeera reports, and following a spike in violence this year, another exodus took place in June.

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Domestic and international tourists avoid the region due to the tense political situation, says Gill. (The Government of Canada recommends against travel to the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.) As a result, foreigners tend to be unfamiliar with Kashmiri cuisine — something Gill hopes to change with On the Himalayan Trail.

“People are cooking more. People are intrigued with different cultures. I thought, even in a pandemic, it was the right time to do it,” she says, adding that she felt comfortable despite the risks. “When I went, I had a (few) reservations. I had a little bit of worry. But when I went there, the love I got, I haven’t got in any part of India.”

Kashmiri saffron
Farmers work in a saffron field in Pampore, south of the city of Srinagar in the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Photo by Tauseef Mustafa /AFP via Getty Images

On one research trip, Gill was joined by photojournalist and travel photographer Poras Chaudhary, who is based in northern India. The book’s photography — including that of Matt Russell and Matt Inwood — conveys a sense of the land — high mountain passes, verdant meadows, barren slopes, frozen lakes and holy shrines — the people and their food.

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Gill learned how to make Kashmiri classics such as tabakh maaz (fried ribs) from wazas, chefs who specialize in wazwan, an elaborate Kashmiri feast featuring as many as 36 dishes.

Tabakh maaz plays a significant role in the banquet, along with the likes of ghushtaba (mutton meatballs in yogurt gravy), methi maaz (goat or lamb intestine with dried fenugreek leaves), rista (meatballs in a saffron-scented red sauce), rogan josh and sheekh kebab — which are served on a trami (large metal platter) with rice, yogurt and other sides.

Since so few foreigners visit the region, these treasured Kashmiri recipes and experiences were important for Gill to share in On the Himalayan Trail.

Cardamom (green and black), cinnamon, cloves, cumin (brown and black), ground ginger and fennel, Kashmiri chili powder and mustard oil are key spices in the region’s cuisine, Gill explains. And, of course, “you cannot write a book on Kashmir and not write about saffron.”

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Gill’s late mother reserved making zarda — sweet yellow rice with nuts and dried fruit — for celebrations when their family visited Punjab. Cooks use saffron to achieve the dessert’s sunny hue, if it’s within their means. If not, they rely on food colouring or turmeric, says Gill.

Her grandmother held Kashmiri saffron in such high regard, she secreted it away, wrapped in muslin. Gill remembers coming across the cloth parcel when she was 10 years old and asking her grandmother what it was.

“My grandma slapped me on my hand and said, ‘You have to respect the spices. If you give respect to the spices, they will give love back to you,’” recalls Gill. “She didn’t know what other saffrons were in the world. She said, ‘This is the best saffron.’ So, that was always in my head, and I wanted to go there and meet all these producers, all these farmers.”

Gill concludes the book on the banks of Pangong Tso, a saltwater lake straddling Ladakh and Tibet 4,350 metres above sea level. With COVID-19 cases rising in India, it was time to go home. But her high-altitude adventure is far from over.

“I want to go where people haven’t been and give them the real India, the sense of India, the sense of villages,” says Gill. “Rather than saying ‘The End,’ I should have said ‘To Be Continued.’”



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