Techno Blender
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“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP

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Music volume in movies being much louder than the dialog.


And commercials blaring louder than the feature show.

packerr , Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP When a food package says “peel here” or “tear here” and it never f-cking works and you need to get scissors or a knife to open the package.

Linux4ever_Leo , nickgiarraputo Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Uploading your resume then having to enter everything on the resume on the next screen.


I hope the person who invented that has a life full of inconveniences.

anon , anon Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP The extremely poor audio quality of fast food drive-thru speakers. How in 2024 can it even sound that bad? HOW?

Granuaile , Visual Karsa Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Those stickers on products that leave sticker residue when pulling them off. So now you have sticky goo with paper bits on your cup.


I hate it when they do this with book covers: ‘Now a major motion picture!’

AFRN , theinkyquills Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP “Your computer needs to restart right this second to install critical updates f**k what you’re in the middle of.”

LOERMaster , Andrew Neel Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Not sure if it has been mentioned but the size of pockets on women’s jeans. They are significantly smaller than men’s requiring women to carry a purse.

twiggie40 , Suspicious_Salad_864 Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP All wireless controller devices should have an easy way to locate them. If I can’t find my TV remote, video game controller, etc, I should be able to go over to the device, hit a button, and the device starts beeping.

neogreenlantern , Matilda Wormwood Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Those huge plastic packages, that are basically impossible to open, yet hold only one small item. C’mon team, think!


The inventors of blister packaging should go straight to the seventh circle. They brought pure evil on this earth.

CotonDog , dekkers21 Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Invisible lane markings when roads are wet.


Here in PA we have no street lights and the lines become invisible when it rains. It can be legitimately terrifying to drive it when it’s like that. It makes absolutely no sense. It’s so insanely dangerous.

truthcopy , Matt Hoffman Report

Why can’t they design a pasta bag that doesnt rip all the way down spraying dried pasta all over the counter-top?

teacher1000 Report

Junk mail, and the idea of unaddressed mail in general. Seriously, it’s a huge waste of time and resources, nobody likes it. If people want the coupons or info or whatever, it should be opt-in at whatever store.

K_Ver Report

American here – every year I get so mad about taxes. Not the fact that I have to pay them (though I do wish our government had different priorities, but I digress), but the whole process of it is f$&@ing imbecilic. The government knows how much I owe, why don’t they just take out the correct amount automatically. Noooo instead it’s either I give the government an interest free loan, owe more money (which always feels bad), pay an agency to file my own taxes, and then if I get it wrong they tell me SO THEY KNEW THE AMOUNT THE WHOLE TIME.
I feel a tirade coming on, I need to walk away.

shortysasquatch Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Insurance that doesn’t stop at the neck. My eyes, ears, and teeth are all part of my body, vital to health, and shouldn’t require separate policies. Jeeze.

rockstoneshellbone , Miguel Ausejo Report

It’s a newer thing, but I wish they’d do something about LED headlights. They’re just too bright. MY incandescent ones light up the road for me perfectly, and they don’t blind everyone who drives past me as well.

williamblair Report

That we need to go back to having humans answer phones at businesses. The automated systems are inefficient, and most times just maddening. Those systems need to GO!

Alarming_Serve2303 Report

Period products, man! And possibly even healthy period-elimination products!

Like, stop the period cramps and discharge until you’re ready to have a baby. Isolate the egg, let that pass through if need be. Or allow all the uterine lining to come out in one swift motion. There has to be *something* that doesn’t completely screw up your psyche, and helps with PMS.

Or something better than tampons, which can give you TSS within at least 8 hours. Pads rub against your thighs all day (I’ve used cloth & disposable), diva cups are difficult and messy for me to put in/take out. Seriously this is 1/4 of our lives people. It should be a better experience by now!!

X-Aceris-X Report

I hate the plastic tabs they put on loaves of bread now. Bring back the paper-coated twisties. The paper would disintegrate, and the metal would rust away, or could be recycled, not leaving a piece of plastic to pollute the earth for the next thousand years.

kimwim43 Report

Why in 2024 am I still suffering from PMS? I’ve heard of some female gynecologists who continuously take the pill, skipping the week of placebos in order to stop their periods entirely but most doctors won’t allow their patients to do the same because it “isn’t natural.” Eff that!

BeachBound1 Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Being able to unselect elevator buttons for a floor that somebody pressed by accident.

You can do that somewhere in the world but just not the United States.

Frankjc3rd , Gaurav Baya Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Universal medical records. It is insane that you have to fill out a medical history at every doctors office you go to and rely on your own memory or worse, a family member’s memory of all of your medications and diagnoses for your entire life.

Brucine Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP The fact that even when you shake the bottle of mustard, once the spout is open, clear liquid still comes out first.

Ddude147 Report

You know when you pull on your seatbelt so you can put it on but you tug slightly too hard so it locks up and then you have to feed it back slowly and gently retry and do that 3-5 times just to get your seatbelt on?

F*****G THAT.

Smeghead333 Report

Government office hours are 9-5 every day. DMV should be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at this point.

RogerIsRighteous Report

The thin metal handles on cans of paint. Is there no better way to carry paint than by a garrote?

Janicegirlbomb2 Report

1. Tags (especially the more plasticy ones) on the side seam of a shirt. If you try to pull the tag out completely, the seam rips. If you try to cut the tag off, you’re still left with the pokey ends. Let’s go completely tagless. The technology exists.
2. Foil yogurt lids that spray yogurt all over you when you open them.

BrandNewMeow Report

Cars that have nowhere for a woman to put her purse. I once had a Lexus, and my favorite thing about it was that there was a space in between the front seats where you could put your purse. I haven’t seen it on any other car. You can your purse in the passenger seat if it’s empty, but if you have a passenger you either have to put it in the back seat, balance it on the gearshift in the center, or put it at your passenger’s feet. None of those options are that great.

RunnyBabbit22 Report

The remaining lotion that sits at the bottom. There should be a flappable tab so that I don’t have to work so hard banging it to get the lotion out. It’s usually that or buy a new bottle of lotion.

Wookie-fish806 Report

Headlights not automatically coming on, or being on all the time. Why is it so hard for people to remember to turn their headlights on when it is dark. Why don’t people turn their lights on when it is raining.

I would love to see car manufacturers set headlight to turn on whenever windshield wipers turn on.

rtgurley Report

Valet parking for an emergency room.

“Talk about the most overlooked thing in our universe.” -Brian Regan

_space_pumpkin_ Report

Back up cameras are pretty standard now. Why aren’t dash cams? (I know, Tesla has them; asking why they aren’t standard in all makes and models)

Ruffffian Report

Cars still self locking themselves with the keys inside it but not the driver. I make SO much money off this, it baffles me. Cars are getting smarter every day, but still dumb about this.

Greedy_Swordfish_619 Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Cereal bags not having a zipper closure.


My wife and I rant about this regularly. Not just cereal bags, but basically any non-single-use food product. Why don’t any food packages reseal effectively? Ziplock technology exists!

Chancetobelieve , elindseyfan Report

Hard taco shell packaging. It should read “12 shells, 9 after you open them.”


It’s messed up, but I got in the habit a few years back of just buying two things of taco shells even though one should be enough because I never know until I get home whether most of them in one box will be smashed. I also open the plastic like I’m defusing a bomb.

Cosmicginger Report

Waiting at a red light for absolutely no cars coming from any direction.

iamjester Report

Some kind of pill that fills you up and gives you all your nutrients. Or sell us the stuff astronauts eat. I don’t want to always make dinner!

Ceecee_0416 Report

Pot holes. F*****g POT HOLES!! When a head of the department of transportation for *any city* says they don’t have enough money to fix pot holes, they should immediately be fired. It’s literally the *main reason* for their existence, to maintain roads. If they can’t budget effectively enough to ensure their primary responsibility is taken care of, they sure has hell can’t be trusted to do anything else.

Korvun Report

Bills that can’t be paid online despite having a website. I get that the processor costs money but instead you’re paying someone to sit and open 200 checks a month, write them all down, drive to a bank and physically deposit them. Maybe even bank fees for handling. Its just stubborn at this point.

ChristianUniMom Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Bacon packaging.


Not everyone eats a whole package of bacon every time, so closing it requires another bag/container.

mermaidsteve8 , Speedy7755 Report

Car windscreens that fog up inside when it’s raining. There has to be a way to stop this instead of turning the fans on full and everyone baking or opening a window and getting wet.

West_Guarantee284 Report

If you hike several times a week-like me. A vaccine and cure for Lyme Disease.

Noninvasive_ Report

Why haven’t we figured out how to kill cold viruses. I get that they mutate and change but at their core they are all a virus so find the element or whatever that they all have in common and destroy it!

BeachBound1 Report

The windows start menu search. I used to work well, now we have gone backwards. Why can’t I type VNC and it open the VNC application instead of searching for realvnc on Bing. Come on Microsoft, just let Bing die and move on, stop trying to make it a thing.

darkspark_pcn Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Brushing my teeth. I mean I don’t mind doing it, but I just feel as though there should be some pill or something we can chew for perfect dental hygiene.

faith6274 , Diana Polekhina Report

SO glad you asked.

That nobody’s computer talks to anybody else’s computer, or for that matter, that their own computers don’t talk to each other.

When I go to my dentist, their computer automatically connects to the insurance computer and submits the claim and tells me how much I will be refunded, and it is the *only* place where that gets done.

This is only 20 years late at this point.

When I get pulled over and given a ticket, I cannot pay it for 2 days or more.

It’s ridiculous that all this ancient legacy systems are still rattling along and no common means of communication has been enforced yet. One bank site I went to is still using cgi-bin for @#!#! sake.

loopywolf Report

When my socks fall down in my boots and get all floppy around my toes.

Cheftard Report

If you take something out of its original box, decide you don’t want it after all then can’t get it back into the box the same way. Such BS.

loveydove05 Report

Shaving cream that keeps coming out after you stop pushing the button.

Bigstar976 Report

The struggle of putting a fitted sheet on a mattress. There should be a tool.

circe5823 Report

Driving when the sun is at that one terrible spot where it hits your windshield just right and you cannot see a f-cking thing and you are just driving blindly praying to God almighty you don’t crash before you turn or the sun moves and you can see again. Literally almost have a heart attack every time.

8agel8ite Report

I should be able to put a dollar bill in a vending machine in any orientation, dammit.

fridayj1 Report

Why do we keep getting logged of apps and sites and need to enter our password again?

MellowMover Report

Deli meat being folded together so you have to rip it apart to get a slice.

I know you can spend more to get easier slices from those yellow Oscar Meyer containers but I still get annoyed.

JeanRalfio Report

I didn’t go shopping to play whack a mole with my card. I’m already fighting self checkout. which is effectively a bathroom scale with delusions of grandeur 

Alwayswithyoumypet Report

We can see billions of light years away, we put these satellites into orbit. Let’s make this clear: We sent out a rocket that had to just pass by a meteor and scrape by, and then come back to earth. Thousands of man hours went into the calculations and planning for that.

But the best way to check a prostate is still by sticking a finger up there?

FormalChicken Report

Being told by an auto attendant to “listen carefully the menu may have changed” and to being told my “call may be recorded for training purposes.” 😱

walshc001 Report

Finish Jet Dry bottles need a more controlled nozzle to squirt into the dispenser. I end up squirting more all over the door than the dispenser. I haven gone so far as to squeeze the bottle while upright and then tilt into the dispenser but the damn thing still burps and spits jet dry everywhere.

Subpar_Fleshbag Report

I have a list of “I can’t believe we live in 202X and we still haven’t solved:” – Mosquito bites – parking machines reading bills / not taking any other payment – personal ID that’s global rather than local and expiring – medicine for hung over-ness.

Arcite9940 Report

Former bartender… the fact that every liquor bottle does not have a standard size opening yet pour spouts are all the same size.

Ambitious-Permit-643 Report

Washing machines that automatically move your clothes from the washer to dryer and dry them.

I know they’re are combo machines out there, but they’re still not dependable. Just wish there was a functionality for my wet clothes to move to the dryer and dry automatically, while still remaining separate machines!

-avjemini- Report

The sticker labels on deli meat bags that rip the bag open when you try to open it for the first time.

AdEntire8787 Report

Logging in to websites. Streaming sites in particular. It’s like I login, watch something for ten minutes, log in to something else, switch back, have to log in again, etc. It’s just a nightmare I don’t understand why it can’t just remember my login. 

Traditional_Pair3292 Report

Speaking as a vertically defeated adult … why do we have every option imaginable on cars but they can’t design it to be driven safely and comfortably by short people?

treecatks Report

Traffic congestion. On the whole, we are all driving the same routes every day. Like, it’s not a whole bunch of first-time drivers out there every day. We know where we need to stop, when we need to merge, where the blind curve is, where the school zone is, you name it. And yet, somehow, we end up waiting at the red light for three cycles before we can clear the intersection.

stonythefish42069 Report

Maybe not daily, but why the heck do I, as a short person, have to stuff my duvet into a cotton bag and struggle my a*s off to straighten it when zippers excist and they could just make a three sided duvet cover? Like a suitcase, but for duvets.

DarthEcho Report

Inkjet printers.


They are solved. The solution is called laserjet.

ca1ibos Report

Microwaves should time rotation to return the cup handle to where it started every 30 seconds.

ocrohnahan Report

If my phone is connected to my car stereo using Bluetooth, I cannot dictate anything coherant to my phone. Why can’t I talk to my phone if I’m listening to music through a Bluetooth connection????

Permtacular Report

That little bit of chocolate and peanut butter that gets stuck to the center of most Reese’s peanut butter cup wrappers.

Big-Cat-3079 Report

Gluten free food is smaller than regular food and super crumbly. I’m convinced there’s a better way to make it but companies just don’t care because I have to keep buying the tiny, holey, crumbly bread.

dry_cocoa_pebbles Report

Jury Duty. We don’t all need to gather in a big room. The court can record the trial. It can add and strike things from the record before I ever see it. It can edit out mistakes to avoid mistrials. Attorneys can produce defenses and prosecutions at any time and submit them for inclusion. I can watch the trial at a time that doesn’t conflict with the rest of my life. I can send the court back my verdict in a reasonable time frame.

decian_falx Report


“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Music volume in movies being much louder than the dialog.


And commercials blaring louder than the feature show.

packerr , Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP When a food package says "peel here" or "tear here" and it never f-cking works and you need to get scissors or a knife to open the package.

Linux4ever_Leo , nickgiarraputo Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Uploading your resume then having to enter everything on the resume on the next screen.


I hope the person who invented that has a life full of inconveniences.

anon , anon Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP The extremely poor audio quality of fast food drive-thru speakers. How in 2024 can it even sound that bad? HOW?

Granuaile , Visual Karsa Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Those stickers on products that leave sticker residue when pulling them off. So now you have sticky goo with paper bits on your cup.


I hate it when they do this with book covers: 'Now a major motion picture!'

AFRN , theinkyquills Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP “Your computer needs to restart right this second to install critical updates f**k what you’re in the middle of.”

LOERMaster , Andrew Neel Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Not sure if it has been mentioned but the size of pockets on women's jeans. They are significantly smaller than men's requiring women to carry a purse.

twiggie40 , Suspicious_Salad_864 Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP All wireless controller devices should have an easy way to locate them. If I can't find my TV remote, video game controller, etc, I should be able to go over to the device, hit a button, and the device starts beeping.

neogreenlantern , Matilda Wormwood Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Those huge plastic packages, that are basically impossible to open, yet hold only one small item. C'mon team, think!


The inventors of blister packaging should go straight to the seventh circle. They brought pure evil on this earth.

CotonDog , dekkers21 Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Invisible lane markings when roads are wet.


Here in PA we have no street lights and the lines become invisible when it rains. It can be legitimately terrifying to drive it when it's like that. It makes absolutely no sense. It's so insanely dangerous.

truthcopy , Matt Hoffman Report

Why can't they design a pasta bag that doesnt rip all the way down spraying dried pasta all over the counter-top?

teacher1000 Report

Junk mail, and the idea of unaddressed mail in general. Seriously, it's a huge waste of time and resources, nobody likes it. If people want the coupons or info or whatever, it should be opt-in at whatever store.

K_Ver Report

American here - every year I get so mad about taxes. Not the fact that I have to pay them (though I do wish our government had different priorities, but I digress), but the whole process of it is f$&@ing imbecilic. The government knows how much I owe, why don’t they just take out the correct amount automatically. Noooo instead it’s either I give the government an interest free loan, owe more money (which always feels bad), pay an agency to file my own taxes, and then if I get it wrong they tell me SO THEY KNEW THE AMOUNT THE WHOLE TIME.
I feel a tirade coming on, I need to walk away.

shortysasquatch Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Insurance that doesn’t stop at the neck. My eyes, ears, and teeth are all part of my body, vital to health, and shouldn’t require separate policies. Jeeze.

rockstoneshellbone , Miguel Ausejo Report

It's a newer thing, but I wish they'd do something about LED headlights. They're just too bright. MY incandescent ones light up the road for me perfectly, and they don't blind everyone who drives past me as well.

williamblair Report

That we need to go back to having humans answer phones at businesses. The automated systems are inefficient, and most times just maddening. Those systems need to GO!

Alarming_Serve2303 Report

Period products, man! And possibly even healthy period-elimination products!

Like, stop the period cramps and discharge until you're ready to have a baby. Isolate the egg, let that pass through if need be. Or allow all the uterine lining to come out in one swift motion. There has to be *something* that doesn't completely screw up your psyche, and helps with PMS.

Or something better than tampons, which can give you TSS within at least 8 hours. Pads rub against your thighs all day (I've used cloth & disposable), diva cups are difficult and messy for me to put in/take out. Seriously this is 1/4 of our lives people. It should be a better experience by now!!

X-Aceris-X Report

I hate the plastic tabs they put on loaves of bread now. Bring back the paper-coated twisties. The paper would disintegrate, and the metal would rust away, or could be recycled, not leaving a piece of plastic to pollute the earth for the next thousand years.

kimwim43 Report

Why in 2024 am I still suffering from PMS? I’ve heard of some female gynecologists who continuously take the pill, skipping the week of placebos in order to stop their periods entirely but most doctors won’t allow their patients to do the same because it “isn’t natural.” Eff that!

BeachBound1 Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Being able to unselect elevator buttons for a floor that somebody pressed by accident.

You can do that somewhere in the world but just not the United States.

Frankjc3rd , Gaurav Baya Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Universal medical records. It is insane that you have to fill out a medical history at every doctors office you go to and rely on your own memory or worse, a family member's memory of all of your medications and diagnoses for your entire life.

Brucine Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP The fact that even when you shake the bottle of mustard, once the spout is open, clear liquid still comes out first.

Ddude147 Report

You know when you pull on your seatbelt so you can put it on but you tug slightly too hard so it locks up and then you have to feed it back slowly and gently retry and do that 3-5 times just to get your seatbelt on?

F*****G THAT.

Smeghead333 Report

Government office hours are 9-5 every day. DMV should be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at this point.

RogerIsRighteous Report

The thin metal handles on cans of paint. Is there no better way to carry paint than by a garrote?

Janicegirlbomb2 Report

1. Tags (especially the more plasticy ones) on the side seam of a shirt. If you try to pull the tag out completely, the seam rips. If you try to cut the tag off, you're still left with the pokey ends. Let's go completely tagless. The technology exists.
2. Foil yogurt lids that spray yogurt all over you when you open them.

BrandNewMeow Report

Cars that have nowhere for a woman to put her purse. I once had a Lexus, and my favorite thing about it was that there was a space in between the front seats where you could put your purse. I haven’t seen it on any other car. You can your purse in the passenger seat if it’s empty, but if you have a passenger you either have to put it in the back seat, balance it on the gearshift in the center, or put it at your passenger’s feet. None of those options are that great.

RunnyBabbit22 Report

The remaining lotion that sits at the bottom. There should be a flappable tab so that I don’t have to work so hard banging it to get the lotion out. It’s usually that or buy a new bottle of lotion.

Wookie-fish806 Report

Headlights not automatically coming on, or being on all the time. Why is it so hard for people to remember to turn their headlights on when it is dark. Why don't people turn their lights on when it is raining.

I would love to see car manufacturers set headlight to turn on whenever windshield wipers turn on.

rtgurley Report

Valet parking for an emergency room.

"Talk about the most overlooked thing in our universe." -Brian Regan

_space_pumpkin_ Report

Back up cameras are pretty standard now. Why aren’t dash cams? (I know, Tesla has them; asking why they aren’t standard in all makes and models)

Ruffffian Report

Cars still self locking themselves with the keys inside it but not the driver. I make SO much money off this, it baffles me. Cars are getting smarter every day, but still dumb about this.

Greedy_Swordfish_619 Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Cereal bags not having a zipper closure.


My wife and I rant about this regularly. Not just cereal bags, but basically any non-single-use food product. Why don't any food packages reseal effectively? Ziplock technology exists!

Chancetobelieve , elindseyfan Report

Hard taco shell packaging. It should read “12 shells, 9 after you open them.”


It’s messed up, but I got in the habit a few years back of just buying two things of taco shells even though one should be enough because I never know until I get home whether most of them in one box will be smashed. I also open the plastic like I’m defusing a bomb.

Cosmicginger Report

Waiting at a red light for absolutely no cars coming from any direction.

iamjester Report

Some kind of pill that fills you up and gives you all your nutrients. Or sell us the stuff astronauts eat. I don’t want to always make dinner!

Ceecee_0416 Report

Pot holes. F*****g POT HOLES!! When a head of the department of transportation for *any city* says they don't have enough money to fix pot holes, they should immediately be fired. It's literally the *main reason* for their existence, to maintain roads. If they can't budget effectively enough to ensure their primary responsibility is taken care of, they sure has hell can't be trusted to do anything else.

Korvun Report

Bills that can't be paid online despite having a website. I get that the processor costs money but instead you're paying someone to sit and open 200 checks a month, write them all down, drive to a bank and physically deposit them. Maybe even bank fees for handling. Its just stubborn at this point.

ChristianUniMom Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Bacon packaging.


Not everyone eats a whole package of bacon every time, so closing it requires another bag/container.

mermaidsteve8 , Speedy7755 Report

Car windscreens that fog up inside when it's raining. There has to be a way to stop this instead of turning the fans on full and everyone baking or opening a window and getting wet.

West_Guarantee284 Report

If you hike several times a week-like me. A vaccine and cure for Lyme Disease.

Noninvasive_ Report

Why haven’t we figured out how to kill cold viruses. I get that they mutate and change but at their core they are all a virus so find the element or whatever that they all have in common and destroy it!

BeachBound1 Report

The windows start menu search. I used to work well, now we have gone backwards. Why can't I type VNC and it open the VNC application instead of searching for realvnc on Bing. Come on Microsoft, just let Bing die and move on, stop trying to make it a thing.

darkspark_pcn Report

“Is There No Better Way?”: 96 People Share Annoying Small Inconveniences That Need Solutions ASAP Brushing my teeth. I mean I don’t mind doing it, but I just feel as though there should be some pill or something we can chew for perfect dental hygiene.

faith6274 , Diana Polekhina Report

SO glad you asked.

That nobody's computer talks to anybody else's computer, or for that matter, that their own computers don't talk to each other.

When I go to my dentist, their computer automatically connects to the insurance computer and submits the claim and tells me how much I will be refunded, and it is the *only* place where that gets done.

This is only 20 years late at this point.

When I get pulled over and given a ticket, I cannot pay it for 2 days or more.

It's ridiculous that all this ancient legacy systems are still rattling along and no common means of communication has been enforced yet. One bank site I went to is still using cgi-bin for @#!#! sake.

loopywolf Report

When my socks fall down in my boots and get all floppy around my toes.

Cheftard Report

If you take something out of its original box, decide you don't want it after all then can't get it back into the box the same way. Such BS.

loveydove05 Report

Shaving cream that keeps coming out after you stop pushing the button.

Bigstar976 Report

The struggle of putting a fitted sheet on a mattress. There should be a tool.

circe5823 Report

Driving when the sun is at that one terrible spot where it hits your windshield just right and you cannot see a f-cking thing and you are just driving blindly praying to God almighty you don’t crash before you turn or the sun moves and you can see again. Literally almost have a heart attack every time.

8agel8ite Report

I should be able to put a dollar bill in a vending machine in any orientation, dammit.

fridayj1 Report

Why do we keep getting logged of apps and sites and need to enter our password again?

MellowMover Report

Deli meat being folded together so you have to rip it apart to get a slice.

I know you can spend more to get easier slices from those yellow Oscar Meyer containers but I still get annoyed.

JeanRalfio Report

I didn't go shopping to play whack a mole with my card. I'm already fighting self checkout. which is effectively a bathroom scale with delusions of grandeur 

Alwayswithyoumypet Report

We can see billions of light years away, we put these satellites into orbit. Let’s make this clear: We sent out a rocket that had to just pass by a meteor and scrape by, and then come back to earth. Thousands of man hours went into the calculations and planning for that.

But the best way to check a prostate is still by sticking a finger up there?

FormalChicken Report

Being told by an auto attendant to “listen carefully the menu may have changed” and to being told my “call may be recorded for training purposes.” 😱

walshc001 Report

Finish Jet Dry bottles need a more controlled nozzle to squirt into the dispenser. I end up squirting more all over the door than the dispenser. I haven gone so far as to squeeze the bottle while upright and then tilt into the dispenser but the damn thing still burps and spits jet dry everywhere.

Subpar_Fleshbag Report

I have a list of “I can’t believe we live in 202X and we still haven’t solved:” - Mosquito bites - parking machines reading bills / not taking any other payment - personal ID that’s global rather than local and expiring - medicine for hung over-ness.

Arcite9940 Report

Former bartender... the fact that every liquor bottle does not have a standard size opening yet pour spouts are all the same size.

Ambitious-Permit-643 Report

Washing machines that automatically move your clothes from the washer to dryer and dry them.

I know they’re are combo machines out there, but they’re still not dependable. Just wish there was a functionality for my wet clothes to move to the dryer and dry automatically, while still remaining separate machines!

-avjemini- Report

The sticker labels on deli meat bags that rip the bag open when you try to open it for the first time.

AdEntire8787 Report

Logging in to websites. Streaming sites in particular. It’s like I login, watch something for ten minutes, log in to something else, switch back, have to log in again, etc. It’s just a nightmare I don’t understand why it can’t just remember my login. 

Traditional_Pair3292 Report

Speaking as a vertically defeated adult … why do we have every option imaginable on cars but they can’t design it to be driven safely and comfortably by short people?

treecatks Report

Traffic congestion. On the whole, we are all driving the same routes every day. Like, it’s not a whole bunch of first-time drivers out there every day. We know where we need to stop, when we need to merge, where the blind curve is, where the school zone is, you name it. And yet, somehow, we end up waiting at the red light for three cycles before we can clear the intersection.

stonythefish42069 Report

Maybe not daily, but why the heck do I, as a short person, have to stuff my duvet into a cotton bag and struggle my a*s off to straighten it when zippers excist and they could just make a three sided duvet cover? Like a suitcase, but for duvets.

DarthEcho Report

Inkjet printers.


They are solved. The solution is called laserjet.

ca1ibos Report

Microwaves should time rotation to return the cup handle to where it started every 30 seconds.

ocrohnahan Report

If my phone is connected to my car stereo using Bluetooth, I cannot dictate anything coherant to my phone. Why can't I talk to my phone if I'm listening to music through a Bluetooth connection????

Permtacular Report

That little bit of chocolate and peanut butter that gets stuck to the center of most Reese’s peanut butter cup wrappers.

Big-Cat-3079 Report

Gluten free food is smaller than regular food and super crumbly. I’m convinced there’s a better way to make it but companies just don’t care because I have to keep buying the tiny, holey, crumbly bread.

dry_cocoa_pebbles Report

Jury Duty. We don't all need to gather in a big room. The court can record the trial. It can add and strike things from the record before I ever see it. It can edit out mistakes to avoid mistrials. Attorneys can produce defenses and prosecutions at any time and submit them for inclusion. I can watch the trial at a time that doesn't conflict with the rest of my life. I can send the court back my verdict in a reasonable time frame.

decian_falx Report


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