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Immensa, a MENA-based additive manufacturing and digital inventory platform, raises $20 million 

The global energy spare parts market is valued at over $90 billion, with the Middle East representing about 35% of this sector. This sector remains largely untapped by existing additive manufacturing and digital inventory platforms that have spread footprints across medical, aviation, automotive and jewelry industries. Unlike these industries, which have embraced additive manufacturing and 3D printing for over a decade, the energy sector only began adopting it not too long ago, and one of the startups at the…

New Additive in Concrete Mix Could Slash Carbon Emissions

By David L. Chandler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology April 11, 2023Introducing additives to concrete manufacturing processes could reduce the sizeable carbon footprint of the material without altering its bulk mechanical properties, an MIT study shows.<span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>MIT</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>MIT is an acronym for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is a prestigious…

Graphene additive finds use in higher-performing plastic film

When we think of graphene, we tend to think of its use in high-profile applications such as electronics, medical devices and construction materials. Now, however, it's been incorporated into an additive which reportedly boosts the performance of humble plastic film.Widely hailed as a "wonder material," graphene takes the form of one-atom-thick sheets of carbon atoms linked to one another in a honeycomb pattern. Along with being the world's strongest human-made substance, it's also very flexible, stretchable and chemically…

Additive Manufacturing of Edible Materials

Researchers at the University of Ottawa have identified factors that influence the quality and complexity of 3D-printed food. Published in Physics of Fluids, the study highlights the importance of considering these factors for better quality, control, and efficiency in additive manufacturing of edible materials. This could potentially help address global food supply and nutrition challenges.Researchers identify factors affecting the quality of edible materials produced by additive manufacturing.3D-printing food could…

Phil Spencer Says AI Will Be An Additive, Positive Force For Video Games

One of the most-discussed elements of technology in recent times has been artificial intelligence, thanks in part to OpenAI's ChatGPT. Some are wondering how advancements to AI may impact the future of video games, and Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer believes AI can help games grow to another level."The intersection of AI and gaming has always been there. And now the AI capability on the planet is just getting bigger and bigger," Spencer said in an interview with XboxOn.Microsoft recently partnered with…

Asphalt additive could continuously keep roads ice-free

Ice on roads isn't a good thing, but neither are the eco-unfriendly chloride-based salts used to melt it. Scientists have developed a greener and more effective alternative, however, that could be mixed right into the asphalt and remain active for years.The chloride-based ice-melting salts which are currently spread on roads can harm the environment when they run off the asphalt and into nearby waterways.They may also degrade the very roads that they're de-icing, plus they cause cars to rust and they have to be applied…

Scientists Transform Plastic Waste Into a Valuable Soil Additive

A recent study has detailed a method of converting plastic waste into a highly porous form of charcoal that has a large surface area of about 400 square meters per gram of mass. This charcoal has the potential to capture carbon and improve soil water retention and aeration of farmlands, while also fertilizing the soil as it naturally breaks down. This method could be an effective way to address plastic waste problem and enhance agriculture.University of California, Riverside, method creates useful char from plastic and…

Canon is now recycling discarded toner into an asphalt additive

Although discarded printer cartridges may be low on toner, they still do contain some toner which can't simply be reused in its present form. Instead, Canon has started recycling it into a pelletized asphalt colorant and binding agent.Run by Canon Virginia Inc, Canon Environmental Technologies (located in Gloucester County, Virginia) is Canon's largest toner cartridge recycling center.As part of the company's Recycled Toner Pellet project, cartridges received at the facility are initially sorted by material type, then…

Conflux Technology and GKN Additive to collaborate on heat exchangers

Conflux and GKN Additive announced today they would cooperate on development, design and production of 3D printed heat exchangers in Europe. These have been shown to improve cooling of critical components in the automotive industry by using the design freedom made possible by 3D printing. Conflux brings expertise in the design and development of thermal management products and GKN Additive brings extensive experience in…