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How and Why You Should Start Automating DevOps

DevOps is not new. Every business in the IT world knows it is the right software development methodology. Indeed, DevOps has enticed the world with its promise of high-quality product delivery at a faster pace. Despite the clear promise of DevOps, many businesses are failing to realize its complete potential. While cultural inertia and skillset sparsity are some of the reasons, the inability to completely automate the DevOps lifecycle remains the greatest impediment for businesses to drive full value from their DevOps…

Agile Transformation With ChatGPT or McBoston?

TL; DR: Agile Transformation With ChatGPT or McBoston? This article is another excursion into this nascent yet fascinating new technology of generative AI and LLMs and the future of knowledge work. I was interested in learning more about a typical daily challenge many Agile practitioners face: How shall we successfully pursue an Agile transformation? Shall we outsource the effort to one of the big consultancies, lovely dubbed McBoston? Or shall we embark on an Agile transformation with ChatGPT providing some guidance? If…

TDSP: When Agile Meets Data Science

A practical guide to applying agile principles to data science projectsPhoto by Daria Nepriakhina šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ on UnsplashIf youā€™ve taken a software development/project management class or training, you have probably heard of Agile. Agile is a set of software development practices that focuses on adaptive planning, early delivery, continual improvement, and flexible responses to changes in requirements.While Agile is quite popular in software development, the flexibility that comes with these practices can be just as, if not more…

5 Key Trends for 2023 and Beyond in Agile, DevOps, and Site Reliability Engineering by Alok Uniyal, Vice President ā€“ Quality & Head ā€“…

The embrace of digital technologies, along with simplification and modernization of the existing technology landscape, will continue to be a dominant theme in 2023. Talks of the impending economic downturn may dampen the aggressive plans that enterprises had drawn, making them more cautious in their tech spending. CIOs will look at creating business value securely and reliably and at optimal costs.Ā  Five key trends to watch out for: Product & platform thinkingwill gather momentum, accelerating the evolution of agile…

Building great digital customer experiences with agile infrastructure

So then if I extend that. Two years ago, we launched DevCloud, UBS DevCloud, which is effectively an open ecosystem built on public cloud, where all our software engineers can have a seamless experience going from dev, to test, to deploy solutions while they're running. That accelerates time to market, it decreased cost as well, which obviously impacts clients. With DevCloud, we can also constantly improve our apps, so they will never be 10 years old, but instead they will continue to be relevant. Now, the biggest…

WaterField Agile Brief review: Professional and spacious carry for your tech

Though I primarily work from home, there are times when I just want a change of scenery and want to work at the local coffee shop, or even at the Disneyland Resort on occasion. When that time arises, I like to tote my mobile office around in a laptop bag that is both durable and professional. One of my favorite brands for the job is WaterField Designs, based in San Francisco, California.Over the past few years, Iā€™ve tried out many different tech bags from WaterField, the last one I checked out being theĀ Tuck Backpack.…

Agile alertness: 6 principles to help your software design process succeed

, andĀ Kurt Bittner, head of enterprise solutions atĀ  Designing and sustaining a well-functioning continuous software architecture requires, above all, patience, Pureur urged. Rushing into a technology solution before asking the right questions means missing features or functions that may be vital to the business, he continued. "I've seen teams that start with the end in mind, and they know they want to bring in some technology. Someone told them, 'We need to be on the Amazon cloud.' The answer is going to be

Quality Engineering Design: AI Platform Adoption

Introduction We are in the golden age of AI (1). AI adoption makes businesses more creative, competitive, and responsive. The software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, coupled with the advancements of the cloud, has matured the software production and consumption process. Most organizations prefer to ā€œbuyā€ AI capabilities than ā€œbuildā€ their own. Hence SaaS providers, such as Salesforce, SAP, Oracle, etc., have introduced AI platform capabilities, creating AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS) model. This evolution has made AI adoption easier…

Applying Design Thinking to Artificial Intelligence. Why Should You Use It in Your AI-Based Projects?

Choosing the right project management methodology can be crucial for your project development. It will help you avoid mistakes, speed up the whole process, and support in discovering the problems of your target groups. The last issue is fundamental. Only after a deep understanding of the needs of your target group will you be able to develop a solution that will solve their problems. There are many approaches to project management focusing on discovering problems, and design thinking is one of them. AI is becoming a more…