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The First Amphibian Known to Beg Its Mother for Milk Is More Bizarre than You Might Imagine

The First Amphibian Known to Beg Its Mother for Milk Is More Bizarre than You Might ImagineSurprisingly, the young of limbless amphibians called ringed caecilians stimulate their mother by touch and sound to release a milklike substanceBy Tim VernimmenA ringed caecilian (Siphonops annulatus) mother with newborn babies. Caecilians are amphibians—like frogs, toads, salamanders and newts—but they look more like worms. They have no limbs and possess very rudimentary eyes, and many spend their entire life underground. This…

In case you weren’t aware, outdoor cats are stone-cold killers

There are differing opinions on cats' personalities and behaviour: They're affectionate, they're aloof, they love you, they hate you.Then there's the undeniable fact of what they become when left to roam free outside: indiscriminate, stone-cold killers.A new study has found cats roaming free prey upon almost any animal, reptile, insect, and amphibian around the world – their hunting so prolific and so successful, the authors found, that it poses a legitimate threat to global biodiversity."What's shocking is just the…

How an Unlikely Amphibian Survived Its “Judgment Day”

Caecilians are a group of limbless, vermiform or serpentine amphibians. Credit: Marco MancusoResearchers have discovered exceptional venom resistance in caecilians, a <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>species</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>A species is a group of living organisms that share a set of common characteristics and are able to breed and produce fertile offspring. The concept of a species is important in…

This Frog May Be the First Amphibian Known to Pollinate Flowers

On rainy nights on the verdant coastal plains outside Rio de Janeiro, groups of tree frogs sometimes gather around the pearly white flowers of the milk fruit tree. But while most tree frogs are on the prowl for night-flying insects, one species is after the sugary nectar in the flowers. The tiny, orange Xenohyla truncata’s sweet tooth might make it the world’s first known pollinating amphibian. And the discovery adds to growing evidence that we need to broaden our understanding of which animals act as pollinators beyond…