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Political apathy spreads from parents to adolescent children, study finds

In many countries in Europe and North America, the youngest voters have the lowest participation rates. Credit: Alex Dolce, Florida Atlantic University Political apathy is growing in democracies around the world. Political apathy, also known as political alienation, describes feelings of separation and disaffection, a sense of powerlessness and an indifference to politics and political institutions. A hallmark of political…

A misreading of the Bible fuels apathy about climate change

Christian theology and global politics can make strange bedfellows. Consider the intimate relationship between fundamentalist expectations of Jesus’ return and market-driven disregard for the environment.The affair became public back in 1981, when Ronald Reagan’s newly minted Interior secretary, James Watt — once known for suing the department he went on to lead — was testifying before a House committee. Watt was asked whether he was committed to “save some of our resources … for our children?” “That is the delicate…

Hell Freezes Over as Fans Blame Marvel for the Apathy Towards Captain Marvel

via Marvel Studios If you’re a Marvel Cinematic Universe fan with an internet connection, then you’ll no doubt be aware that Brie Larson has never exactly managed to endear herself to a certain section of the franchise’s supporters. The long-running war of attrition has been going on for almost half a decade as insane as it sounds, with review bombers and trolls constantly out in force to decry anything Marvel-related involving the Academy Award winner, who hasn’t been above taking shots in the direction of her…

Record voter turnout likely for midterm elections. Voter apathy is a thing of the past

WASHINGTON —  A paradox sits at the heart of American politics: By several measures — widespread mistrust of the electoral system, a large share of people willing to countenance political violence and a major political party that has embraced lies and conspiracy theories as a route to power — the country’s democratic system stands closer to the brink than it has in generations.But measured in the most direct way — by participation — democracy has seldom been healthier.While seemingly at odds, the two facts go together,…

Pierce Brosnan Shares His Hilarious Apathy for the Future of James Bond

via Eon Productions When he first signed on for the gig over a quarter of a century ago, Pierce Brosnan would have known full well that he’d spend the remainder of his days being asked about James Bond every time he opened his mouth in a public setting. Even though it’s been 20 years since he last played the role in Die Another Day, which brought a solid four-film stint to an underwhelming conclusion after GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, and The World is Not Enough ranged from unspectacular to all-time classic,…

Sources detail Meta's challenges in building encrypted messaging products, including users' apathy toward encryption, which could…

Casey Newton / Platformer: Sources detail Meta's challenges in building encrypted messaging products, including users' apathy toward encryption, which could change with Roe overturned — The company is moving quickly to make Messenger more secure — but selling it to average users could prove to be a challenge Casey Newton / Platformer: Sources detail Meta's challenges in building encrypted messaging products, including users' apathy toward encryption, which could change with Roe…

Interviews with 15 current and former female Apple staff reveal apathy or retaliation in seven departments across six US states in the face…

Patrick McGee / Financial Times: Interviews with 15 current and former female Apple staff reveal apathy or retaliation in seven departments across six US states in the face of misconduct claims — Megan Mohr was five years into her Apple career when, in 2013, a male colleague took advantage of her after a platonic night out drinking together. Patrick McGee / Financial Times: Interviews with 15 current and former female Apple staff reveal apathy or retaliation in seven departments across six US…

A Common ADHD Drug Shows Promise in Treating Some Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

The search for a way to treat Alzheimer's disease has puzzled scientists for decades. This may be why some researchers are shifting their focus slightly, investigating whether treating the systems affected by Alzheimer's (as opposed to the causes) may better help them find a treatment.  This is exactly what researchers of a new study have shown – finding that drugs normally used to treat ADHD may actually show promise in managing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.The researchers conducted a systematic review which looked…

New study may explain why apathy is the first symptom of Alzheimer’s

Compelling new research from the Indiana University School of Medicine has homed in on a degenerative mechanism that could explain why symptoms such as apathy are the first signs of Alzheimer’s disease. The findings suggest disrupting this process could slow the progression of Alzheimer’s-related dementia.A growing body of research has recently indicated apathy is one of the earliest signs of dementia. Before cognitive decline becomes apparent and memory problems arise, apathy has been found to signal the onset of…