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Asexuality Research Has Reached New Heights. What Are We Learning?

Ela Przybyło: All the language that is coming from the asexual and aromantic community gives people precision for thinking of themselves in ways that it was impossible to think of ourselves before, because the language didn't exist. My favorite being, like, “WTFsexual,” which is like just refusing to engage with like, the whole spectrum of having to identify in terms of attraction.Kate Klein: There’s this, like, whole world underneath people’s clothing that no one talks about.On supporting science journalismIf…

Asexuality Is Finally Breaking Free from Medical Stigma

In graduate school people often asked Megan Carroll whether she was gay. Her sociology dissertation was on inequalities within communities of gay fathers, so her research participants were curious about how she identified. “I would say, ‘Oh, I'm maybe mostly straight? I don't really know. It's complicated.’” It was, at the time, the closest she could get to the truth. She'd had crushes on both boys and girls in high school and had been in a relationship with a man; being around her romantic interests sent her heart…