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Marcia Williams: The Life and Times of Baroness Falkender by Linda McDougall review – notes on a scandal | Biography books

Imagine a story of sex, drugs and secrets inside Downing Street. A story about a political wife accused of meddling, and a resignation honours list mired in scandal. And no, it’s not the one you’re thinking of. This is the irresistible tale of Marcia Williams, political secretary and “office wife” to the Labour prime minister Harold Wilson, and if it were the plot of a thriller it would seem too wild to be true.In an era when a woman’s role in Downing Street was limited largely to typing and filing, Williams had to fight…

Lisi Linder: The Talented Actress Portraying the Baroness of Grazalema in ‘The Promise’

La promesa, RTVE’s daily afternoon series on La 1, has become one of the most successful on Spanish television. The show’s interesting plot and cast of actors, including Ana Garcés, Eva Martín, and Manuel Regueiro, have earned it high audience ratings. However, there are other characters who have managed to stand out, and every week “The Promise” continues to surprise viewers with great revelations. The latest addition to the show is a new character called La Baronesa de Grazalema, who is also known as Elisa de la…

Hasbro Crowdfunding $300 Version of G.I. Joe’s Cobra HISS Tank

The great thing about leveraging nostalgia to sell toys is that your customer base is all grown up with jobs and disposable money for making exorbitant purchases. This isn’t the first time Hasbro has resurrected the Cobra HISS tank from its classic G.I. Joe ‘80s toy line, but it is the first time the company has scaled it up, added loads of detailing, and is charging $300 for it.It was just earlier this year that Hasbro revealed a fun G.I. Joe x Transformers mashup toy with a new version of the Cobra HISSthat transformed