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Biological Pathway Identified That Leads Stem Cells To Die or Regenerate

A new study has determined that altering a cellular process can lead stem cells to die or regenerate. The findings, published in the journal Cell Stem Cell, may assist in the development of new drugs that can manipulate this process to slow or stop cancer from growing and spreading, and enable regeneration in the context of other diseases.Altering a cellular process can lead stem cells—cells from which other cells in the body develop—to die or regenerate, according to a new study led by Cedars-Sinai and the University of…

Artificial Organic Neurons Created – Almost Like Biological Nerve Cells

Padinhare Cholakkal Harikesh, lead author of the new study, makes the chemical transistors used in the artificial neurons. Credit: Thor BalkhedBiorealistic organic electrochemical neurons enabled by ion-tunable antiambipolarity in mixed ion-electron conducting polymers.An artificial organic neuron that closely mimics the characteristics of biological nerve cells has been created by researchers at Linköping University (LiU), Sweden. This artificial neuron can stimulate natural nerves, making it a promising technology for…

Why Colds, Flu, and COVID-19 Are More Common in Cooler Months: Biological Explanation Uncovered

A previously unidentified immune response inside the nose that fights off viruses responsible for upper respiratory infections has been discovered by researchers. It can help explain why upper respiratory infections are more common in cooler months of the year.A newly discovered immune response inside the nose is suppressed by colder temperatures, offering evidence for why upper respiratory infections such as colds, flu, and <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt"…

Gender or biological sex not as decisive in economic decision-making as previously thought, study finds

Investments into the risky lottery in Part 5 by treatment and subject groups in alphabetical order (n = 780n = 780). The bars show the average investment rate, and the error bars represent the standard errors of the means. Credit: Scientific Reports (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-25141-1 Gender and sex assigned at birth are not as decisive in economic decision-making as previously thought, a new study finds.…

Does biological sex affect heart rate sensor accuracy?

We already know that skin tone can affect the accuracy of a heart rate sensor on a smartwatch or fitness band, but what other factors can influence the results you get? For example, does biological sex make a difference? To find out if heart rate sensor accuracy changed, we asked the experts. Here’s what they told us. Why ask the question? Andy Boxall/Digital Trends Why ask the question in the first place? Most heart rate sensors on wearables are photoplethysmography (PPG) sensors, which use light to detect the rate…

I found out my biological age—and was annoyed by the result

It’s also harder to eat well and get enough exercise when you’re balancing a full-time job with parenting. As I was adoringly brushing my four-year-old’s hair the other day, she commented: “Mummy, you’ve got loads of lines on your face.” Thanks, sweetie. My test result arrived a few weeks ago. Apparently, my biological age is 35—the same as my chronological age when I took the test. In theory, this means that I’m aging at a typical rate—no better or worse than the other 35-year-olds we have data for, on average. I…

Tardigrades Can Survive Frozen Oblivion by Pausing Their Biological Clocks : ScienceAlert

Reminiscent of the title character in the classic fairy tale Sleeping Beauty, famously tough tardigrades can pause their biological clocks when in a deep, cold sleep, new research suggests.These ridiculously hardy beasties already have a variety of superpowers they use to withstand the harshest of conditions, including armor to protect their all important DNA from radiation and a special protein padding that keeps their cells from collapsing during long periods of dehydration.With this bag of tricks and more they can…

A Biological Difference – Exercise Affects Boys and Girls Differently

The findings also indicate that boys with an increase in body fat percentage had an increase in sedentary behavior two years later.A recent study finds that body fat percentage and amount of physical activity in girls are unrelated.Physical activity provides numerous health benefits. However, physical activity affects boys and girls differently. A recent study analyzed the connection between children’s physical activity and body fat.“We looked at the connection between objectively measured physical activity and the…

Mistletoe’s Ridiculously Clingy Seeds Could Make a Biological Glue

Many people today associate mistletoe with holiday kisses. But for centuries the plant was known more for its remarkable stickiness; ancient Greeks and Romans used gooey mistletoe berries for applications ranging from bird traps to skin ulcer ointment. Now biochemists are investigating whether mistletoe's clinginess can provide a natural alternative to synthetic glues. For the parasitic mistletoe plant, stickiness is essential. Inside each berry are seeds coated in a mucuslike substance called viscin. After a bird…