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Stop being bombarded by unwanted group chats and emails on your Android

Do you have an Android phone and wish you could mute certain notifications in your text messages and emails? If you are tired of being bombarded by unwanted alerts, you are not alone.Many people find notifications to be distracting, annoying or even stressful.Fortunately, there is a simple way to silence these messages without leaving the conversation or missing important updates. Here is how you can mute text messages and email notifications on your Android phone.CLICK TO GET KURT’S FREE CYBERGUY NEWSLETTER WITH…

95% WhatsApp users in India bombarded with pesky messages daily

A massive 95 per cent of WhatsApp users surveyed in India indicate that they get one or more pesky messages each day and 41 per cent of those even get four or more such messages on a daily basis, a report showed on Thursday.About 76 per cent said they see such unsolicited messages on WhatsApp based on their conversations with WhatsApp business accounts and Facebook and Instagram activities.WhatsApp users in India indicate most pesky messages come from someone selling financial services, real estate, offering jobs and…

JWST peers into the atmosphere of an exoplanet bombarded by stellar radiation

This week, astronomers announced that they’d found evidence of chemical reactions in the atmosphere of an exoplanet 700 light years away from Earth. Researchers using the James Webb Space Telescope created a detailed chemical portrait of the scorching gases swirling around exoplanet WASP-39b. This “hot Saturn” planet orbits extremely close to its host star, meaning it has high temperatures of up to 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit or 900 degrees Celsius. It is also puffy, with around one quarter the mass of Jupiter but 1.3 times…

Nicki Minaj Bombarded By Fans In England

After entertaining a huge crowd at the Wireless Festival in Finsbury Park over the weekend, Minaj made the spontaneous decision to play at Cafe KOKO in Camden. However, Minaj was forced to seal herself inside the vehicle after arriving at the venue much later than she’d anticipated on Sunday. She had previously stuck her head out the sunroof to wave to the crowds of enthusiastic fans. Minaj actually went on Twitter to warn fans who gathered around the car that the Metropolitan Police wouldn’t allow the event to go as…

Google Messages users in one country are being bombarded with ads

Avoiding ads is a fool’s errand, but some of us have it far worse than others. During its I/O keynote last week, Google discussed the advantages of Rich Communication Services (RCS) messaging. One Googler even poked fun at Apple for refusing to adopt the technology. But what Google failed to mention during the keynote was how some businesses are abusing a feature of RCS to spam Google Messages users with ads. Google Messages in India is crawling with ads As reported by 9to5Google, Google Messages users in…