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Cellular Waste Transformed Into Essential Chemicals

In a recent Nature Chemical Biology article, researchers revealed a previously unknown biochemical recycling process in animals that uses cellular waste to produce new, vital chemicals. These chemicals play important roles in regulating behavior, development, and aging. Contrary to previous belief, genes thought to code for carboxylesterases, enzymes that hydrolyze esters, actually assemble a variety of new metabolites from cellular waste. This discovery could revolutionize our understanding of animal and human…

Experiment Reveals How The Mediterranean Diet Works at The Cellular Level : ScienceAlert

The Mediterranean diet has become famous far beyond its namesake sea, as research increasingly supports its longstanding reputation for boosting health and longevity.Studies have shown that people on the Mediterranean diet – which emphasizes plant-based foods and fish, and not so much red meat or dairy – tend to be healthier in multiple ways, with lower rates of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, and overall mortality.But why? Despite strong evidence for health benefits, it remains unclear how exactly this mix of…

How a Massive Supercomplex in Mitochondria Shapes Cellular Respiration

A research article in Nature has shed light on the structure and function of respiratory supercomplexes in cellular respiration, particularly in a single-cell eukaryote, Tetrahymena thermophila. The study combined various techniques to demonstrate that all four respiratory complexes in this organism associate together to form a massive supercomplex consisting of 150 proteins and 311 lipids, which significantly influences the shape of the mitochondrial membrane. Credit: luminous-lab.comA new study has revealed how…

Talking to Your Baby Could Change Their Brain on a Cellular Level : ScienceAlert

Talking to babies could help shape the structure of their growing brains, according to new research.A study led by researchers at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom has found toddlers who hear more speech on the regular have more efficient-looking neurons.Specifically, brain scans showed that their language-processing regions hosted a greater concentration of myelin – the insulating sheath that surrounds neurons and allows them to send messages faster and more efficiently.Whether that extra myelin…

The Math Behind Nature’s Cellular Puzzles

Photo of mouse renal tubules in vivo, immunostained for plasma membrane protein occludin (green). Many epithelial cells like the ones shown here have rugged boundaries described as interdigitated. It is proposed that interdigitation facilitates the transport of molecules and fluid between cell boundaries. Credit: Kyushu University/Miura LabThe Mathematics of Cell Boundary “Ruggedness”Researchers have uncovered both the mathematical and biological mechanism behind the rugged structures at cell boundaries found in tissues…

Researchers Identify Potential Cellular Origin of Gestational Iron Deficiency Impairments

Gestational iron deficiency is a condition that occurs when a pregnant woman does not have enough iron in her body to meet the demands of both herself and her growing fetus. This can lead to various impairments, including an increased risk of preterm delivery, low birth weight, and developmental delays in the baby.Researchers have identified a potential cellular source for the impairments related to gestational iron deficiency.The development of the human brain starts well before its physical structure takes shape. During…

1 in 4 cars sold in India now has embedded cellular connectivity, Baleno leads

India's connected car sales almost doubled in 2022 with around one in four cars having in-built cellular connectivity and services to enhance in-vehicle digital experience, a report showed on Tuesday.Maruti Suzuki's Baleno was the best-selling connected car model in 2022, while MG, Hyundai, Kia and Tata Motors led in terms of connected car models' share in their portfolios.Launched in 2019 with a price of less than Rs 20 lakh with over 50 features, MG's Hector was the first non-premium model in India to have embedded…

CDOT finds a low-cost answer to its cellular dead zones

Flooding and massive rockslides in Glenwood Canyon in 2021 cut fiber optic lines and created a communications nightmare for the Colorado Department of Transportation, making it hard to stay in touch and share data with crews as they worked on the emergency response and later on repairs. And every day, along long stretches of Colorado highways, cellular service can be spotty or nonexistent, causing employees and vehicles to disappear off the radar screen. For a snowplow driver navigating an isolated road in a blizzard, it…

How to enable cellular Voice Isolation on iPhone with iOS 16.4

With the release of iOS 16.4, Apple has brought the fantastic Voice Isolation feature from FaceTime to cellular calls on iPhone. With iOS 15, released in 2021,  Apple brought Voice Isolation to VoIP calls like FaceTime and Skype. The feature uses machine learning to drown out background noise and block out any microphone interference to make your call sound better than ever.Now, with iOS 16.4, regular cellular phone calls on iPhone also get the almost-magical microphone feature, so you never have to apologize for…

My Apple Watch still loses its mind when I switch from Wi-Fi to cellular

The news is slow today, so here’s a quick rant about an issue that Apple has still not figured out with the Apple Watch — how to make a smooth transition from Wi-Fi to cellular. I love running, but I hate running in the winter. I could probably solve this if I invested in the proper clothing to handle a winter run, but I’d honestly rather hit the gym in the winter months than deal with the cold wind blasting my face. That weak stance is the reason that I didn’t get a chance to use my Apple Watch Ultra on a run…