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Census of 140,000 Galaxies Reveals a Surprising Fact About Their Stars

How many of what kinds of stars live in other galaxies? It seems like a simple question, but it's notoriously hard to pin down because astronomers have such a difficult time estimating stellar populations in remote galaxies.  Now a team of astronomers has completed a census of over 140,000 galaxies and found that distant galaxies tend to have heavier stars.Stellar censusEven though astronomers lack a complete census of all the hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy, they've sampled enough of them to get a…

Colorado census data shows Black, Latinos made economic gains but inequity remains

Maria Bocanegra Tejeda awakens as the rising sun lights her room. Her room. In the house her family owns. That fact is still capable of surprising her, so far removed it is from her cousins’ crowded trailer in the crowded mobile home park where she spent nearly half of her 22 years. The night before, she draped her navy graduation robe over the chair near the bed. Her cap lay nearby, its mortarboard top emblazoned with the words:  “Cultura es orgullo. Orgullo es exito.” Culture is pride. Pride is success. The rallying…