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Europe’s Last Panda? New Discovery of Species Closely Related to Giant Panda

Reconstruction of A. nikolovi sp. nov. from Bulgaria. Artwork by Velizar Simeonovski, Chicago. Credit: © Velizar Simeonovski, ChicagoFossilized teeth originally found in the 1970s actually belong to a new, sizeable close relative of the modern giant panda.A new species of panda has been uncovered by scientists who state it is currently the last known and “most evolved” European giant panda. It lumbered through the forested wetlands of Bulgaria around six million years ago.Unearthed from the bowels of the Bulgarian…

Study claims Samsung Galaxy Watch4 sensors closely comparable to medical tools

Research posted in the Sleep Health journal claimed that Samsung Galaxy Watch4 sensors for SpO2 are comparable to actual medical tools when measuring OSA or Obstructive Sleep Apnea. According to the study, readings captured simultaneously with the wearable and the traditional medical device were aligned. The study was conducted by seven medical professionals, six of them affiliated with Samsung Electronics. It took place at Samsung Medical Center which also paid for the research, so perhaps we should take its findings…

2021 NY1: ‘Potentially Hazardous Asteroid’ Will Be Closely Flying by Earth Later This Month

An asteroid named 2021 NY1 could come close to hitting the Earth this month. The asteroid has been classified as a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA) by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). It has also been classified as a near-Earth object owing to its predicted close pass by our planet. It is estimated to pass within 1,498,113km of the Earth sometime around September 22, 2021. The asteroid is estimated to fly by at a speed of 9.35kmps when it inches in towards Earth. It is a small- to average-size asteroid, estimated…

DGCA Closely Monitoring Sick-Leave Protest at IndiGo, Go First

As maintenance technicians at IndiGo and Go First continue to remain on sick leave protesting low salaries, aviation regulator DGCA on Wednesday said it hopes the situation will improve soon. IndiGo said it is in the process of addressing some of the issues related to employee remuneration and asserted that its flight operations continue to be normal. Go First said a “few people” who had absented themselves from duties in the last two to three days were “misguided” and after counselling, they have assured the carrier that…

New DNA Technology Is Shaking Up The Branches of The Evolutionary Tree

If you look different to your close relatives, you may have felt separate from your family. As a child, during particularly stormy fall outs you might have even hoped it was a sign that you were adopted.  As our new research shows, appearances can be deceptive when it comes to family. New DNA technology is shaking up the family trees of many plants and animals.The primates, to which humans belong, were once thought to be close relatives of bats because of some similarities in our skeletons and brains. However, DNA data…

NASA Marks 32nd Anniversary of Hubble Telescope With Stunning View of Closely Knit Group of Galaxies

NASA is celebrating the 32nd anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope (aka HST or Hubble) by sharing a stunning view of five galaxies in deep space depicted in a single image. To recall, the Hubble Space Telescope was launched on April 24, 1990, and deployed the next day. Thus, this week serves as the telescope's 32nd anniversary or birthday. It entered service on May 20, 1990.As for the image shared by NASA, it is of a group of galaxies called the Hickson Compact Group 40. This closely knit group includes a giant…