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David Parker

ESA Wants to Build Its Own Mars Lander After Russia Pulls Out

Artistic conception of the ExoMars rover on Mars.Image: ESAThe ExoMars rover may get a second chance to go to Mars. The European Space Agency (ESA) wants to swap out a Russian-built entry and descent platformfor a version made in Europe, but the space agency will need to secure a hefty budget to move forward. Following a council meeting on Thursday, ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher reassured reporters that the science goals of the ExoMars mission will still be relevant in six years when the space agency plans on

Samantha Cristoforetti Is First European Woman to Command ISS

Cristoforetti has been lead of the United States Orbital Segment since April 2022.Photo: ESA/NASAAfter making the first TikTok video while aboard the International Space Station, Samantha Cristoforetti is making history once again as she’s been chosen to command the orbital outpost, making her the first European woman to do so. 02:49Guess How Much Crypto's Been Stolen Lately? Part 2Today 10:45AMThe European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut launched to the ISS on April 27, 2022, where she has served as lead of the U.S. Orbital

NASA Is Sending More Helicopters to Mars, and This Time They’ll Have Wheels

Conceptual view of the equipment that will be used for the Mars Sample Return Mission: an Ingenuity-class helicopter (check out those adorable wheels), the Perseverance rover, the Earth Return Orbiter, the Sample Retrieval Lander, and the Ascent Vehicle. Image: NASA/JPL-CaltechNASA press conferences are almost always interesting, but today’s media event truly blew my mind. Instead of using a proposed sample fetch rover to collect surface samples left by NASA’s Perseverance rover, the space agency intends to send two