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Engineered dental coating exceeds hardness of natural tooth enamel

As the hardest tissue in the human body, enamel is not an easy material for engineers to mimic, but doing so could mean big things in materials science and regenerative medicine. Researchers are now reporting a breakthrough in this area, by tweaking the composition of a naturally occurring mineral to emulate the microstructure of natural enamel in a new type of dental coating, and do so in a way that offers even greater strength.Carried out by scientists in Russia and Egypt, the newly developed dental coating uses…

Poor Dental Health Linked to Greater Dementia Risk: Meta-Analysis

Image: Shutterstock (Shutterstock)A healthy mouth may just help keep the brain healthy as well, new research out this week suggests. The study, a broad review of the existing evidence, found that poor dental health was linked to a later higher risk of cognitive decline and dementia. This increased risk was especially apparent for those missing some or all of their teeth.Many studies have indicated that the health of our teeth and gums can influence the body elsewhere, including the brain. But other studies have been less

YNW Melly Requests Medical Furlough for Dental Care of Diamond Teeth

YNW Melly has requested a medical furlough due to an abscess in his lower jaw.Court documents obtained by Complex reveal how the rapper got the infection. According to his attorney Raven Liberty, Melly’s diamond dental crowns are the culprit. Apparently, the crowns “require constant upkeep and at the bare minimum regular flossing and brushing.”However, Melly isn’t permitted to have dental floss, a standard toothbrush, or regular visits to a dentist. While he has gone to the prison’s facility, the medical professionals…

Artificial Intelligence Takes the Guesswork Out of Dental Care

The MIT alumni-founded Overjet uses artificial intelligence to annotate dental X-rays for dentists. Credit: Courtesy of Overjet<span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>MIT</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>MIT is an acronym for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is a prestigious private research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts that was founded in 1861. It is organized into five Schools: architecture and…

7 Worst Habits for Your Dental Health

It’s important to take care of your teeth, otherwise, you may be spending a lot of time and money at the dentist.It’s easy to forget about your teeth when you’re busy with other things, but taking care of your mouth can help you save money. That’s because the cost of dental treatments and procedures is often higher than those of medical care.Consider these four ways that good dental habits can save you money:You’ll need fewer dental visits.You’ll avoid expensive procedures like root canals and crowns. You’ll lower your…

Ancient Maya Practice of Gluing Gemstones Onto Teeth May Have Been For More Than Bling

The ancient Maya once took enormous pride in their teeth. Long before Europeans were filling their cavities with gold, people in Mesoamerica were flashing grins bedazzled with jade, turquoise, gold, jet, or hematite gems.  Male or female, rich or poor, it appears many individuals visited the dentist as young adults to have their teeth drilled and filled with jewels, precious stones, or minerals.The inlays would have lasted a lifetime and likely had spiritual meaning. But dental bling at this time may not have been purely…

Tiny dental nanobots generate heat to deep clean the teeth

The buildup of bacteria deep in our teeth can cause infections in difficult-to-reach areas, and scientists at the Indian Institute of Science have developed a set of tiny cleaning robots they believe are up to the task. The nano-sized machines can be steered with a magnetic field into microscopic channels in the teeth and kill bacteria with heat, offering a safe and potent way to improve the success of standard root canal treatments.The robots came about through the team's pursuit of new and improved ways to tackle the…