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Biomarker identified that helps diagnose cause of cognitive decline

It can be difficult to determine whether cognitive decline in older adults is caused by vascular problems or dementia. New research has now identified a biomarker associated with the vascular causes of cognitive impairment that may assist with differentiating the two.Cerebral small vessel disease causes progressive damage to the cells lining the small blood vessels of the brain and is known to be a significant contributor to cognitive impairment and dementia. The damage observed in the cerebral blood vessels in vascular…

Apple Watch helps user diagnose severe internal bleeding, here’s how

Apple Watch has proven to be a life saving gadget and every other day we hear a new story about how the smartwatch is saving lives of the users. In a recent event, an Apple Watch has saved a user's life by alerting him about an issue that was diagnosed as severe internal bleeding. The smartwatch notified the user about his racing pulse after a nap after which he approached a doctor. The user shares his experience in a Reddit post with the title "Well, my Apple Watch 7 just saved my life." The…

VR eye-tracking game proposed to objectively diagnose ADHD

Using a newly developed virtual reality game, researchers believe they have created a novel tool that can objectively diagnose attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The system tracks a user's eye movements and has also been proposed as a way of monitoring whether certain therapeutic interventions can improve the condition.Despite decades of controversy, ADHD is now a widely agreed-upon neurodevelopmental disorder. But although most clinicians agree the condition is real, exactly how to diagnose it is still the…

Remarkable new tech can diagnose illnesses from the sound of your voice

The voice is a mighty tool. Not only can it help lead countries to revolutions, but it can also be used to determine whether or not your body is fighting off an illness and doctors may soon be able to diagnose illnesses based on the sound of your voice. The final goal is to create an AI disease diagnosis app, which would use artificial intelligence to determine illnesses based on the sound of your voice. Diagnosis of illnesses using artificial intelligence might seem like something out of a science fiction…

These handy tools can diagnose and fix your broken iPhone

So, the new iPhone 14 is the most repairable smartphone since the iPhone 7, according to the experts over at iFixit. This makes sense, since not only has Apple been working to make it easier for owners to repair their devices, but it also helps Apple technicians when they are repairing iPhones.What's strange is that the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max linesMy toolkit of choice for a number of years now is the iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit. Pretty much everything I need, all stored in one place and in a convenient carry case. I've

The sound of your voice might diagnose diseases

Researchers are building a database of human voices that they’ll use to develop AI-based tools that could eventually diagnose serious diseases; they’re targeting everything from Alzheimer’s to cancer. The National Institutes of Health-funded project, announced Tuesday, is an effort to turn the human voice into something that could be used as a biomarker for disease, like blood or temperature.“What’s beautiful about voice data is that it’s probably one of the cheapest types of data that you can collect from people,” says…

Why We Still Use a 140-Year-Old Method to Diagnose UTIs : ScienceAlert

If you've ever had a urinary tract infection (UTI) before, you know what a pain it can be. Not just because of the physical pains it causes, but because it can also be such a pain to go to the doctor, provide a urine sample, and wait for your results.UTIs are extremely common, with nearly half of women getting one at some point in their lifetime. In order to test for a UTI, a urine sample needs to be sent to a hospital microbiology lab.There, they will look for bacteria that cause infections and check if these bacteria…

Using AI To Quickly Diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia From Voice Recordings

A new AI program can accurately and efficiently detect cognitive impairment from voice recordings.Scientists develop an artificial intelligence program that detects cognitive impairment accurately and efficiently from voice recordings.A lot of time—and money—is required to diagnose <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>Alzheimer’s</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>Alzheimer's disease is a disease that attacks the…

Thought To Be Impossible – New Method Could Diagnose Early-Stage Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that causes unintentional or uncontrolled movements such as trembling, stiffness, and issues with balance and coordination.Parkinson’s disease may be detected in its early stages through the use of special brain scans.Parkinson’s disease is a debilitating brain condition that worsens with time and affects sufferers’ ability to walk and even talk. It’s complex to diagnose, and in the early stages – impossible.Most of us are acquainted with a method known as MRI, which is often…

Eye Tests May Help Diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease

During an embryo's development, a piece of the still-growing brain branches off to form the retina, a sliver of tissue in the back of the eye. This makes the retina, which is composed of several layers of neurons, a piece of the central nervous system. As evidence builds that changes in the brain can manifest in this region, scientists are turning to retinas as a potential screening target for early signs of Alzheimer's, an incurable neurodegenerative disease that affects an estimated six million people in the U.S. alone.…