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‘Pure imagination’: Russell Crowe denies My Best Friend’s Wedding director’s claim he had disastrous audition

Russell Crowe is denying a claim that his audition to star in My Best Friend’s Wedding went terribly. In fact, he is denying that the audition ever happened at all.The 1997 romantic comedy starred Julia Roberts as a woman who realises she is in love with her best friend when he gets engaged to somebody else. While the best friend in question was ultimately played by Dermot Mulroney, Crowe was one of the actors who auditioned for the role.In an excerpt of the book From Hollywood With Love, published in February, the film’s…

Dwayne Johnson is wrong: a Marvel/DC crossover would be disastrous | Superhero movies

Could a DC/Marvel crossover ever happen on the big screen? Dwayne Johnson, currently out and about promoting the forthcoming Black Adam, seems to think so: “Well, I’m always optimistic. I’d like to think that we would see that. My philosophy is anything can get done. Let’s start with the end goal. And if the end goal is to have some sort of crossover that can be compelling, smart, cool for the fans, let’s get a temperature gauge if they’d like to see something like that,” Johnson told Variety this week.“And then if they…

Detailing a disastrous autumn day in ancient Italy

Mt. Vesuvius erupts in 1880. Researchers are detailing a cataclysmic eruption of Vesuvius from thousands of years before the famous eruption that buried Pompeii. Volcanic eruptions evoke images of lava, fire, and destruction; however, this is not always the case. The Plinian eruption of Mount Vesuvius around 4,000 years ago—2,000 years before the one that buried the Roman city of Pompeii— left a remarkably intact glimpse into…

Bosses spying on you? Here’s the most disastrous truth about surveillance software

Andrzej Wojcicki/Getty ImagesIt's easy to feel disturbed these days, even if you're still working from home.more Technically Incorrect The notifications are constant. The pings ring in your ears, leaving a nasty echo.And then there's the spying.When the pandemic struck, companies worried that they couldn't observe their employees in the way they used to. They couldn't loom over them, see how long they took for lunch -- or a bathroom break. It's frustrating being a boss and not having total control. You're supposed to

Earth Is Teetering on The Edge of Five Disastrous Climate Tipping Points, Study Finds : ScienceAlert

Failing to achieve the Paris agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C could trigger multiple dangerous "tipping points" where changes to climate systems become self-sustaining, according to a major new study published in Science.Even current levels of warming have already put the world at risk of five major tipping points – including the collapse of the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets – but it's not too late to change course, the authors stress."The way I think about it is it'll change the face of the world…

From Don’t Worry Darling to War of the Worlds: The 6 most disastrous film press tours

Don’t Worry Darling seems to be destined for infamy – and the film isn’t even out yet.The psychological sci-fi thriller, starring Florence Pugh and Harry Styles, premiered this week at the Venice film festival, amid mounting reports of behind-the-scenes turmoil.From a rumoured “falling out” between the film’s director and its star, to a dispute over a controversial cast departure, Don’t Worry Darling has truly endured the promotional campaign from hell.Click here for a timeline of the behind-the-scenes controversies that…

A Potential Resource Crisis That Could Have Disastrous Consequences

Sulfur is a key ingredient in many fertilizers, thus a shortage could create an issue with food production.As the globe decarbonizes, a possible resource crisis is on the horizon.According to a recent study led by University College London (UCL) scientists, a projected shortage of sulfuric <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>acid</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>Any substance that when dissolved in water, gives a pH…

Space Rocket Debris Could Have Disastrous Consequences – However, There Is a Solution

Dangerous space junk illustration.If governments don’t act, space rocket junk might have deadly consequences.According to a recent University of British Columbia research, there is a six to ten percent chance that re-entering rocket stages that have been abandoned during space flights will seriously hurt or kill a person within the next ten years.According to researchers, nations must act as a unit and legislate that rocket stages be securely guided down to Earth after usage. Although this could raise the cost of a…

The Fed’s Disastrous Confusion about Money

The term “money” is often used as a synonym for currency. However, the determination of the former qualification is observably a distinction left entirely to users of the latter. Which is to say that money is a contract between two or more parties. The arrangement solves a central challenge in trade referred to as the coincidence of wants problem, entailing an agreement over one or more units of account and media of exchange. To reduce frictions in commerce, communities, organizations and countries frequently standardize…

Fans Reappraise an Infamously Disastrous Blockbuster Bomb

via 20th Century Fox It often takes a while, but maligned movies can regularly find themselves undergoing an unexpected reappraisal years or even decades down the line, with film fans now putting The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen under the microscope. Released to overwhelming apathy 19 years ago, the period-set comic book adaptation earned $179 million at the box office on a $78 million budget, with critics panning it into the ground to the tune of a 17 percent Rotten Tomatoes score. Even the user rating…