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10 Linux Distros for Developers and Coders in 2024

check out the 10 linux distros for developers and coders in 2024 In this article, we will introduce 10 Linux distros for developers and coders in 2024, based on their features, functionality, and popularity. I will also provide some information on how to install and use them, as well as their pros and cons. The list is not in any order and can choose the one that best fits your preferences and goals. Ubuntu: Ubuntu is one of the most popular and user-friendly Linux distros, with a large and active community…

blendOS is the Swiss army knife of Linux distros but it’s not for everyone

The Deepin desktop environment makes blendOS a thing of beauty. Jack Wallen/ZDNETZDNET's key takeawaysblendOS is available now to download and install for free.This is a great immutable desktop operating system for those who know what they're doing and want the best of all possible worlds in one platform.Users new to Linux need not apply.I've seen just about every attempt at making something unique with Linux and, every once in a while, something really leaves a mark. This time around, that something is…

Best Linux Distros That Programmers Can Choose

Nowadays, devices support various operating systems, including Windows, Android, macOS, and Linux. However, Linux is different from all of them because it is a combination of GUI and CLI approaches. That’s why many programmers always prefer Linux distros over any other OS. Although Linux distros are programming-centric operating systems, some programmers still need clarification about which Linux OS they should use. In this long- guide, we will list down the best Linux distros programmers can choose. But before that,…

The 5 best Linux distros for beginners in 2022

Some people still insist that using Linux is hard. Sure, it was difficult -- when I started with the Linux desktop back in the 1990s. But that was a long time ago. Today, the easiest desktop of all, Chrome OS, is simply Linux with the Chrome web browser on top of it. The more full-featured Linux desktop distributions are as easy to use in 2021 as Windows or macOS.  Yes, you can get a lot more from Linux if you know how to do shell programming and the like. But that's also true of Windows and PowerShell. With both…

Here come the new Red Hat Enterprise Linux distros

Image: RedHatRed Hat is the Linux distro security leader. And with its latest Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) beta releases, RHEL 8.7 and 9.1, the Linux powerhouse company is continuing to stake out its security claims.Red Hat is releasing both of these betas at once because while RHEL 9 includes the newest features, there are not a lot of practical differences between the two RHEL distros. Eric Hendricks, RHEL's operations advocate, added that some companies prefer sticking to the tried and true. In any case, RHEL 8

The best Linux distros for gaming

You’ve heard all the accusations. Gaming on Linux is crazy, right? Gamers should use a Windows PC and be done with it. Linux is all terminal commands and Firefox stuff. Valve would like a word with you. After all, the Valve Steam Deck runs on Linux. Steam is available on Linux, with more than 6,000 titles available. Many game developers have begun building for Linux systems as well. You can’t get all the same games you would on a PC, though. Popular shooters such as Halo and Rainbow Six Siege don’t work on Linux.…

The best Linux distros for 2022

Linux is a powerful and fully customizable operating system with an endless number of distributions that differ significantly from one another, offering complete personalization for all applications. Trust us — it gives MacOS and Windows a run for their money. When choosing a Linux system, it’s common to pick a distribution, or “distro,” that compiles all the open-source features you want into one installation package. With the sheer number of Linux distros, it would take a long time for you to sift through them all…