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The two parts of E-E-A-T Google hasn’t told you about

In this article, I will expand upon Google’s concept of E-E-A-T by adding “notability” and “transparency.” These additional elements are often overlooked but are crucial for demonstrating credibility to Google.  Notability reflects the impact or recognition in a specific field, while transparency emphasizes openness about who is behind the content or business. Putting Google to one side, trust is the cornerstone of business success. Customers gravitate toward brands they believe they can trust to effectively solve…

Let’s talk about E-E-A-T- Debunking misconceptions

For the longest time, I’ve avoided writing or talking about E-E-A-T. Having been a Google quality rater myself (almost a decade ago now), I quickly realized what E-E-A-T was: human language to describe the ultimate goal of the algorithm so raters without access to Google data can evaluate algorithms.With the recent clarification that E-E-A-T is not a ranking signal, factor, or system, I want to jump in and hit on several key points. First of all, what is E-E-A-T?  As you probably know, E-E-A-T stands for

Why ecommerce brands must showcase authentic E-E-A-T

Online shoppers want to buy from real experts. When searching for products or services, they look for sites with genuine experience, expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness (known as E-E-A-T).  To earn user trust, ecommerce brands must move out of the shadows and focus on building strong E-E-A-T signals, both on-site and off-site. Here’s why and how.The value of E-E-A-T beyond SEO As an online shopper, there is nothing more frustrating than seeking expert insight or experience-based advice on products

Google ranks AI-generated ‘Star Wars’ article lacking E-E-A-T

Despite constant reminders to create helpful content and the importance of E-E-A-T (expertise, experience, authoritativeness and trustworthiness) – Google Search still finds ways to rank content in top positions that shouldn’t be there. Look no further than A Chronological List of Star Wars Movies & TV Shows, published yesterday on Gizmodo (note: it was updated today with multiple corrections). The author: Gizmodo Bot. Ranking high for . Despite multiple errors, the article ranked just fine: Now it…

A new discipline in the era of SGE and E-E-A-T

With the rise of large language models (LLMs), mass-produced AI content is becoming more prevalent and the risk of incorrect information spreading also grows. Thus, it is increasingly important for search engines and answer machines to identify trustworthy and authoritative sources and weed out all others. This recent evolution in SEO requires new tasks, skills and roles. This article explores a new potential marketing discipline called “digital authority management” and the role of E-E-A-T in a new search…

Create high-quality content that meets Google E-E-A-T standards

Are you struggling with your content marketing strategy? Do you lack time, resources, and a clear purpose? The Content Marketing Quick Start Guide from MoreVisibility is here to help! This guide provides tips and guidance to jumpstart your content planning and creation, helping you overcome common challenges such as lack of time, strategy, or production resources. One of the most critical aspects of content marketing is Google E-E-A-T, which stands for experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.…

How to build an E-E-A-T strategy for local SEO

While many SEO practitioners will smirk at the term “E-E-A-T” and immediately think about what’s for lunch, they aren’t necessarily wrong. To achieve E-E-A-T, various crucial “ingredients” must seamlessly come together and result in quality.  This article explores how to incorporate local SEO tactics into an E-E-A-T strategy. So what is E-E-A-T? SEO practitioners laud E-E-A-T as the cornerstone of long-term organic growth. Developed as part of Google’s search quality rater guidelines, E-E-A-T stands for…

An SEO guide to understanding E-E-A-T

Google recently added an extra “E” to the search quality standards of E-A-T to ensure content is helpful and relevant. The extra “E” stands for “experience” and precedes the original E-A-T concept – expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness.  We know that E-A-T was already of high importance. Hyung-Jin Kim, VP of Search at Google, confirmed this at SMX Next:  “E-A-T is a template for how we rate an individual site. We do it to every single query and every single result. It’s pervasive throughout every…

E-E-A-T, AI, Search Essentials and more

As 2022 proved once again, SEO is never boring.  Was 2022 the year of AI – or perhaps the official dawning of the age of AI? For the last month, it’s been hard not to read about or avoid the temptation to spend hours playing with ChatGPT.  We also had our usual share of algorithm updates, new tools and features, acquisitions, and plenty more changes.  One constant through it all? For 16 years, Search Engine Land has covered all the biggest stories, just as we did again in…

Google doubles up on E with updated search quality raters guidelines (E-E-A-T)

Google has updated its search quality raters guidelines for the second time in 2022, only four and a half months since its last update in July 2022. This revised document has some substantial changes to E-A-T, by adding an extra E to E-A-T for “experience.” The document is now about nine-pages longer, adding up to 176 pages up from 167 pages in the previous version. Double-E-A-T. Yes, Google has added a letter to E-A-T, adding an extra E and going with E-E-A-T. This now stands…