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The 5 Fundamentals You Need to Efficiently Self-Teach Data Science | by Madison Hunter | Oct, 2022

I’ve tested these fundamentals to prove they can be used to lay the foundation for a successful self-learning experiencePhoto by Ahmer Kalam on UnsplashSelf-teaching yourself anything is an admirable undertaking.Whether it’s a new language, baking, weightlifting, structural geology, basket weaving, driving manual transmission vehicles, or anything else you can think of, I have insane amounts of respect for anyone who decides they’re going to teach themselves something.When someone tells me they’re going to self-teach…

Far-Ultraviolet LED Efficiently Kills Bacteria and Viruses Without Harming People

By RIKEN October 7, 2022Figure 1: Most LEDs emit visible light, but RIKEN physicists have created an LED that emits in a narrow region in the far ultraviolet that is safe for humans but deadly for viruses and bacteria. Credit: RIKENA powerful LED can efficiently disinfect surfaces while remaining safe for people.RIKEN physicists have engineered a highly efficient LED that is deadly to microbes and viruses but safe for humans. One day it could help countries emerge from the shadows of pandemics by killing pathogens in…

How To Reverse Python Lists More Efficiently

Efficient reversal of lists in PythonPhoto by 愚木混株 cdd20 on UnsplashLists are among the fundamental and most commonly used data structures in Python. A list is a mutable and ordered collection of objects that can also store duplicate values. They can even be used as queues and stacks (even though deque might be more efficient).List reversal is a fairly common task performed by developers when writing Python applications. In today’s short tutorial we will demonstrate a few different ways for reversing a list and also…

How to Perform Bulk Inserts With SQLAlchemy Efficiently in Python | by Lynn Kwong | Sep, 2022

Learn different ways to insert large numbers of records into the database efficiently in PythonImage by PublicDomainPictures in PixabayIt’s very convenient to use SQLAlchemy to interact with relational databases with plain SQL queries or object-relational mappers (ORM). However, when it comes to bulk inserts, namely, inserting a large number of records into a table, we may often have performance issues. In this post, we will introduce different ways for bulk inserts and compare their performances through a hands-on…

Graphene efficiently recovers gold from waste electronics

Discarded electronics can be a gold mine – literally. Researchers have developed an efficient new way to use graphene to recover gold from electronic waste, without needing any other chemicals or energy.Beyond its superficial uses in jewelry, gold is prized for use in electronic components thanks to its high electrical conductivity and ease to work with. But electronic devices have a high turnover, and recovering gold and other precious metals is a process that’s often fiddly, inefficient, and requires chemicals or high…

Scientists Have Found a Way to Save Energy And Boil Water More Efficiently

Water gets boiled a lot – whether it's a cup of tea brewing in a kitchen or a power plant generating electricity. Any improvements in the efficiency of this process will have a huge impact on the overall amount of energy used for it every day.  One such improvement could come with a newly developed treatment for surfaces involved in heating and evaporating water. The treatment improves two key parameters that determine the boiling process: the heat transfer coefficient (HTC) and the critical heat flux (CHF).Most of the…

How MacOS Finder Quick Actions can help you work more efficiently

The MacOS file manager, Finder, has a lot of handy tricks up its sleeve, many of which are there to help you work more efficiently. One such feature has been around since MacOS Mojave and makes it easy to act on files within Finder. That feature is called Quick Actions and presents a right-click (or two-finger tap) context menu for files and folders within Finder.This context menu changes based on the file or folder you're working with. For example, if you right-click an image, you can quickly convert it to a different…

Artificial photosynthesis lets plants grow efficiently in total darkness

Scientists have improved on the natural process of photosynthesis, not only growing plants more efficiently, but doing so in the dark. This could expand agriculture to areas that don’t get enough sunlight, and even help feed future space explorers.As you may recall from elementary school science class, photosynthesis is where plants absorb energy from sunlight and use it to create their own food from carbon dioxide and water. The process has helped plants – and by extension, life on Earth – thrive for billions of years,…

Stronger Security for Smart Devices To Efficiently Protect Against Powerful Hacker Attacks

MIT engineers demonstrated that analog-to-digital converters in smart devices are vulnerable to power and electromagnetic side-channel attacks that hackers use to “eavesdrop” on devices and steal secret information. They developed two security strategies that effectively and efficiently block both types of attacks. Credit: MIT NewsEngineers demonstrate two security methods that efficiently protect analog-to-digital converters from powerful attacks that aim to steal user data.Researchers are racing against hackers to…

IoT Connect: how to manage connected assets efficiently

In the telecom industry, proper connectivity is the most important foundation. Especially today, in times of online globalization, the amount of different devices exchanging information with each other is tremendous. And that provides a lot of problems to deal with. IoT Connect was design to manage this process. Care to learn more? The basics Right on the start, we should explain the term itself. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept by which clearly identifiable objects can directly or indirectly collect,…