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A Person Who Lived 800 Years Ago Is the Origin of a Modern Seizure Disorder, Scientists Say

Image: Shutterstock (Shutterstock)Scientists in Australia believe that they’ve discovered the centuries-old origins of a rare form of childhood epilepsy caused by a genetic mutation: a single common ancestor who lived in Britain roughly 800 years ago. The find is especially notable because hereditary conditions of this kind typically don’t survive for solong in the population.Epilepsy is a broad term for recurring bursts of abnormal brain activity that trigger neurological symptoms, most prominently seizures. It can have

New AI Algorithm Could Lead to an Epilepsy Cure

Epilepsy is a neurological condition in which brain nerve cell activity is disturbed, resulting in seizures.The AI algorithm detects brain abnormalities that cause epileptic seizures.International researchers working under the direction of University College London have created an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that can identify subtle brain abnormalities that cause epileptic seizures.In order to create the algorithm that reveals where abnormalities occur in instances with drug-resistant focal cortical dysplasia…

AI Algorithm That Recognises Anomalies in Brain May Help Treat Epilepsy

A multinational research team led by UCL has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) programme that can identify minute brain anomalies that lead to epileptic seizures. The algorithm used in the Multicentre Epilepsy Lesion Detection project (MELD), reports the locations of abnormalities in cases of drug-resistant focal cortical dysplasia (FCD), a major cause of epilepsy, was developed using more than 1,000 patient MRI scans from 22 international epilepsy centres.Brain regions known as FCDs have evolved improperly and…

A Common Epilepsy Drug Causes Birth Defects, And We May Finally Know Why

Valproic acid – a drug commonly used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder – can cause birth defects and developmental disorders if taken during pregnancy, but the reason why has long been a mystery.  Now, in a study using mice and human tissue, scientists discovered that the medication locks some embryonic cells into a suspended state where they can't properly grow or divide.By forcing key stem cells cells into this state, called senescence, valproic acid may disrupt brain development in the womb and therefore cause…