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As Their MCU Movie Finally Escapes Development Hell, Fans Can’t Wait For this Avenger to Finally Get a Character

Image via Marvel Studios It’s official, Armor Wars has been confirmed with Don Cheadle as the leading man, the time has finally come for Rhodey AKA War Machine to step out from the shadow of Tony Stark and become his own character and fans couldn’t be more thrilled. It’s being reported that Armor Wars is officially in production and will be filming between April 3 to Aug. 4. With Don Cheadle set to take the leading role and Yassir Lester listed as a writer on the project we’ve yet to find out any more details.…

Scooter rider takes a sudden right turn in front of a bus; escapes death by inches

Uncle’s dangerous motorcycle antics lead to Rs 11,000 fine Scooter and two-wheeler riders can make life difficult for other drivers on the road with their dangerous habits, such as cutting through traffic, riding too close to other vehicles, and lane splitting. Recently in Kerala, a rider was fined Rs 11,000 for their reckless behavior. A state-run KSRTC bus captured the incident on its dashboard camera. The video shows the bus on a narrow road in Kerala, with a scooter rider and passenger seen ahead. The footage shows…

Clouded Leopard Escapes From Dallas Zoo Enclosure

Image: jdross75 (Shutterstock)A clouded leopard was reported missing from the Dallas Zoo on Friday as staff say they showed up to work to find her gone and a tear in her mesh enclosure. The zoo put out an urgent message on Twitter saying the clouded leopard is “non-dangerous,” but the zoo has shut down while they search for the missing animal.The zoo said the leopard goes by the name Nova is three to four years old and was not in her habitat when the team arrived on site this morning. The zoo said in a statement on

A Visceral Hidden Gem of 1980S Horror Escapes to the Limelight of Modern Day

Horror had an undisputed stranglehold over the 1980s, with a perfect mix of cinematic and straight-to-video releases decorating the decade. With this era also came the proliferation of ultraviolence which characters in A Clockwork Orange would possibly deem to be too much to endure. The Austrian flick Angst has not been a film often spoken of outside of incredibly niche circles, with it obscured by a ban from circulation across Europe. It took until 2012, 39 years after its original release in 1983, to see the real…

Indian-American family escapes after driving a Tesla down a cliff

In a rather fortunate yet unfortunate incident, an Indian-American family in California managed to live after driving their Tesla down a 250-foot cliff. According to the media reports the location where the accident occurred is known as Devil’s Slide, and not many people have recovered with their lives intact after falling from that cliff. The unfortunate part of this incident was that this was not an accident, rather it was an attempt at murder. It was reported by the investigating authorities that the man Dharmesh…

A Neglected Horror Gem Escapes to Seek Newfound Fame and Fortune

Hollywood enjoys making movies about Hollywood, but as the recent polarizing reception to Babylon indicates, it can often turn out to be an exercise in back-slapping self-indulgence. That being said, exposing the seedy underbelly of the entertainment industry is ripe for exploration across virtually every genres, with Starry Eyes taking things to terrifying lengths. Co-written and co-directed by Kevin Kölsch Dennis Widmyer, who would go on to helm the underwhelming Pet Sematary remake, the duo’s breakthrough feature…

Harrison Ford Escapes the Past in New Indiana Jones Production Images

Image: DisneyAvatar: The Way of the Water officially gets a PG-13 rating, surprising no one. Tobin Bell is back as Jigsaw in some behind-the-scenes Saw X photos. And our first look at the new Transformers in the new ˆmovie—Optimus Primal, Rhinox, Airazor, and Cheetor—may have come from... a promotional coffee mug? Please buckle your seatbelts, we will be experiencing some spoilers ahead.Ant-Man and the Wasp: QuantumaniaDirector Peyton Reed revealed the fantasy artist Mœbius, Heavy Metal magazine,and electron microscope

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #26 Preview: Aphra Escapes?

| Hi folks! Jude Terror here once again with his trust robot sidekick, LOLtron, bringing you the latest comic book preview from Marvel. It looks like Doctor Aphra will be freed from torment by the AI Spark Eternal in this preview of Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #26. LOLtron, the management here at Bleeding Cool has paired me with you in hopes of "improving the overall tone and quality of my work," so though I know I will regret it, I am contractually obligated to ask: what did you think of the preview of Star Wars: Doctor…

‘Gears of War’ Escapes Development Hell With Official Netflix Announcement

Image via Twitter/Netflix There was a time in the not-so-distant past where the news of big-screen adaptations of video games resulted in a collective sigh of dread, and there’s a time in the not-at-all-distant present where such news results in a collective sigh with a near-perfect balance of enthusiasm and apprehension. Indeed, for every Arcane, there’s a Netflix adaptation of Resident Evil. But Netflix knows no fear, and seems all too happy to take any chance they can get when it comes to bringing beloved…

A Grimy Survival Thriller Escapes Through the Woods to Streaming Sanctuary

via Lionsgate Appealing to the deepest fears of the audience has regularly proven to be a surefire method of engagement, with the relentlessly intense survival thriller one of the most prominent examples. The prospect of being chased, terrorized, and tortured by mysterious assailants is a nightmare scenario that everyone fears, it’s just a shame that 2018’s Traffik had to depict it in such an uninteresting light. Paula Patton almost single-handedly elevates the run-of-the-mill genre flick through the sheer…